Chapter 3

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Liam was standing in the hallway with Scott, berzerkers were behind then. They started to run but all of a sudden the scene changed. Kate was holding him back as a bezeker had a hold of Scott in front of them. The berzerker had a knife dripping with with wolfsbaine held to Scott's neck. Then, like it was nothing, which it probably was to a berzerker, it slit Scott's throat. Liam screamed as he watched Scott die, bleeding out before his very eye's.

Then he woke up with a scream. He could feel hot streams of tears rolling down his face. Then it registered to him that there was a set of warm arms wrapped around him. "Scott?" He gasped out.

"Shh, I'm here Liam, everythings alright, I'll protect you." Scott soothed.

"T-they had y-y-you, they k-killed you!" Liam hiccuped out as Scott pulled him down, pulling the blankets up and pulling Liam to his chest. He pushed Liam's head under his chin. Once Liam was calm enough, he realized that he didn't call Scott. "How did you know that I needed you?" He asked nuzzling Scott's neck with his nose unconsciously checking for the injury from his nightmare.

"I could sense your distress." Scott replied.

"Will you stay the night?" Liam asked in a small voice. Scott nodded in reply. He must have drifted off because when he woke back up it was daylight. Scott was sitting in his desk chair staring at him.

"Good morning." Scott grinned. Liam yawned and ran a hand through his hair.

"Wh't time is 't?" He asked, his words were slurred because he was still half asleep.

"9:30, before you freak out, remember its Saturday. Also we have a game later, 7:30 be ready." Scott said walking over to kiss him on the lips, then jumped out the window, leaving Liam with a warm sensation all over. With that in mind he went down stairs to have breakfast with his family, Scott definitely not on his mind the whole time, or the blush and goofy grin. Definitely not.

He stopped in the school library before heading to the locker room. As he walked in to the locker room he was pulled into the showers and pinned to the wall. Then there was a warm mouth all over his. "Pre-game warm up?" Liam asked after Scott finally stopped kissing him.

"I would have phrased it as me missing you a whole hell of a lot, but pre-game warm up works too." Scott laughed.

"Well, get a move on boys, we have a game we need to win." Stiles said walkw past the showers, a smirk on his faceas he caught both of their blushes. "Hussel hussel!" He called walking back to his locker, Scott growled.

"You're just jealous that Derek has to miss the game when my boyfriend get to play along side with me." Scott hissed out. Stiles only glared at him.

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