Chapter 22

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After cleaning Boyd and Erica up Scott took Liam home. For Liam the weekend passed quickly. Allison, who he connected with over dating Scott and she having dated Scott, had come over on Saturday and they watched Step Up 3. As soon as he saw Moose he fell on love, but probably only beacus he reminded him of Scott. On Sunday his mother and father demanded a family day, at lease until his father had to leave on hunting business. His father and Scott were surprisingly close now, with being partner's in solving supernatural crimes. His father had come home one night after he had been out trying to help Chris Argent and Scott find another loose Wendigo and told him that he approved of him dating Scott McCall. Well not exactly, it was more like "I like that Scott kid, keep him around." Either way, he saw it as a win-win situation.

One month after the incidents with Allison, Aiden, Erica, Boyd, and Claudia Stilinsk being brought back from the dead, the resurrections seemed to have stopped. Liam and Scott were closer then ever. Liam had gotten better at controlling himself on the full moon. Scott finally stopped tying him up. Even let him spend one full moon at home alone. Liam decided that he didn't like being home alone on the nights of the full moon so he asked Scott to stay with him for now on. Scott had agreed. Now he and Scott were spending their full moon in the woods shifted. They were chasing each other and play fighting when they came across a body. It was a girl and she seemed to be unconscious.

"She looks really familiar...." Scott trailed off. Liam gave him a shocked look before he changed back, wolf features melting back to human in a matter of seconds.

"Do you always just find random body's in the woods then?" Liam asked as he watched Scott get closer, he even sniffed her a little.

"Oh god, oh man, this isn't good." Scott mumbled, completely ignoring what Liam had asked him.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked softly. Scott looked up at him with wide eyes.

"This is Laura Hale, Derek's sister that his uncle killed, and Stiles and I found her body in the woods, well half of her body in the woods." Scott answered.

"Should we call Derek?" Liam asked. Scott looked like he was having an internal argument, testing the pros and cons of telling Derek that his previously dead older sister was sitting (lying) in the woods with them, very much alive. Finally he looked up at Liam and nodded his head.

"Yeah we-" Scott started but was cut off when Laura shot upright with a gasp. "Whoa!" Scott said as he jumped backwards.

"They're coming, be ready." Laura gasped out before her eye's rolled back into her head and she passed out again.

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