Chapter 19

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this is for my bestie Katie M.

Scott and Liam caught up with Stiles about a week later. They were all walking to english.

"Has your mom been able to track anything?" Scott asked grabbing Liam's hand.

"No, she says she tried but they're covering up their magic." Stiles said looking frustrated.

"Maybe Lydia can try?" Liam asked.

"She's too preoccupied up with Allison and Aiden being back, so that's less then likely." Stiles answered.

"Well I guess we have to wait until someone else is brought back to life I guess." Scott said. Stiles nodded as he walked into the english classroom. Scott pulled Liam back by their joined hands.

"Yeah?" Liam asked. Scott looked a little nervous.

"Do you want to go on a date with me this Friday?" Scott asked softly, looking him in the eye's.

"Of course." Liam said with a large smile as he leaned in to kiss Scott. "I love you Scotty." Liam said and then pulled away and walked into english just as the final bell rang.

"Damn it!" Scott sighed as he walked into the classroom.

"Late again Mr. McCall."

Friday couldn't come fast enough for Liam. He was ecstatic when Scott asked him out. They hadn't really gone on a date yet. Sure they hung out at each other's house's and watched movies but they hadn't gone out to the movies or gone out and had dinner. He was a ball of nerves once Friday came around, so bad that he couldn't find anything to wear. He resorted to calling Lydia.

"Darling there's no need to fret, aunt Lydia will have you looking amazing before you step foot out of this room." Lydia smiled once she had come into his room.

"Really?" He asked. She nodded and walked over to his closet. She pulled out a pair of light brown skinny jeans and a black V-neck and threw them at his head.

"Go get changed." She commanded. He went and changed and when he came back out she nodded approvingly. "Now come here so I can do your hair."

By the time they were done Liam thought he looked pretty darn good.

"Perfect. Now don't doing anything to mess this-" Lydia waved her hand around in the direction of his body. "-up. I worked hard on you. You have about 5 minutes before Scott comes so go brush your teeth and freshen up." Lydia said walking out of the room. She was downstairs when he got done. As soon as he got his shoes and coat on there was a knock on the door. Lydia answered it. "Hey Scott." She smiled and opened the door wider to show Liam off. Scott's mouth dropped open. "My work here is done." Lydia said walking out of the house.

"Liam you look amazing." Scott said closing his mouth and walking over and kissing him.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself Casanova." Liam laughed.

"You ready?" Scott asked taking his arm.

"Always." Liam smiled.

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