Chapter 5

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Monday was horrible. He barely got enough sleep. Liam was guilty about stabbing Kate, even though it was Kate and she would heal, he still stabbed a human. He walked into third period and saw Scott, he had saved him a seat right in front of him. Stiles was on his right and Lydia on his left. "Are you okay Liam?" Lydia asked. He nodded and sat down. A content sigh left his lips when Scott grabbed his hand.

"Hey Lee." Scott whispered as he leaned foward a bit.

"Hey Scottie." Liam laughed.

"You want to hang out after school today?" Scott asked.

"Yeah sure, why not. We can study for that Econ. test coming up." Liam replied.

"Oh yeah we'll do plenty of studying." Scott replied cheekily. Liam turned around and flicked his nose.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Liam laughed at that.

"Don't be cheeky." He said as he leaned in to kiss the tip of Scott's nose where he had flicked it. Scott smiled.

"No P.D.A." Stiles joked.

"Hush, they're cute." Lydia scolded. Stiles laughed at Lydia's bluntness. Then the teacher came in, they had a substitute.

"Read chapters 8, 9, and 10, then do 10's review questions." He ordered. The slackers turned to their neighbors and started talking. Liam, Stiles, and Lydia got straight to work, but Scott just sat there looking lost at the fact that all three of his friends went straight to work.

"Liam! Hey Liam!" He whispered poking Liam in the back.

"What do you want Scott?" Liam asked.

"Do you want to talk." Scott whispered back.

"No Scott, start reading." Liam replied.

"But that's boring." Scott whined. Liam turned around.

"Don't whine its unattractive. And read, I don't care how boring it is, I bet it won't be boring when you ace this class, I'll even hold your hand while you read." Liam offered turning back around and reaching his hand out behind him. Scott read chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11.

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