Chapter 15

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"She came back from the dead?"


"And she was mysteriously in Liam's room?"


"And she's back with her dad now?"

"Yeah." Scott sighed. The Sheriff's face was red with frustration.

"How?" John sighed.

"I....I honestly don't know, she's freaked out and confused and doesn't remember anything but when she died and everything before." Scott explained.

"Awe crap." John sighed. Scott nodded. "So what do we do now?" John asked.

"Right now she's fine being with her dad, but we still need to figure out how she came back and whats going on." Scott said.

"You guys are going to be the death of me." John sighed.

"Hey, I thought you only said that to me." Stiles whined.

"That's not something to be proud of Stiles." John said. "Alright, do you guys need anything, a cop, firepower....?" John trailed off.

"No not really." Scott smiled.

"Alright, get to school you two." John dismissed.

When Scott got to the school he spotted Liam by his locker getting his books. He ran up to him and hugged him.

"Scott I told you not to do that." Liam scolded. "Did you tell the sheriff?"

"Yeah... he's willing to help but I don't think we need anything as of yet." Scott said.

"You never know, we don't even know what we're dealing with yet." Liam laughed.

"You're right, we'll ask if it comes to that." Scott said.

"Alright, come on lets go to class." Liam said. They were about to go to class when someone crashed through the doors. He had black blood all over his chin and shirt. He fell to his knees and passed out.

"Aiden?" Lydia gasped.

"Oh shit." Scott sighed.

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