Chapter 18

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"W-wait, your mom?"

Yeah, she was in the kitchen, still is, looking for baking ingredients, she recognized me too.

"Okay, do you need me to come over?"

Yeah, please.

"Alright, I'm on my way Stiles." Scott hung up and looked at Liam. "We need to get to Stiles' house, c'mon." He said running to the door and grabbing his bike key's and tossing Liam one of the helmets.

"When did his mom die?" Liam asked.

"When he was eight. She had cancer." Scott answered as they rushed out the door and to his bike. They got there quickly. Stiles must have heard tyem pull up because he was standing in the doorway when they got off the bike.

"We need to get this figured out, she still thinks she's 28 and my dad's shift ends in about 30 minutes." Stiles said looking on the verge of a panic attack.

"Calm down, all we need to do is look up if the spells these witches do are permanent. If so, then you've got your mom back buddy." Scott said patting his back and following him into the house.

"Stiles who's here?" Claudia called out.

"Uhh Scott and Liam." Stiles said.

"Liam?" She asked coming out of the kitchen. Stiles nodded and pointed over to Liam who was right next to Scott. "Oh hello Liam, I'm Stiles' mom, you can call me Claudia." She smiled. Then she turned to Scott. "Look at you all grown up." She practically squealed as she grabbed his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"Claudia, do you know what's going on?" Scott asked.

"Oh yes, its an ancient ritual to bring back the innocent." Claudia said.

"Mom, how?" Stiles asked.

"Haven't you ever wondered how you got that Spark in you, it definitely didn't come from your dad. I'm a full Spark Stiles, or as other's would call it, a witch." Claudia answered in a tone as if to say duh.

"Well is it permanent?" Stiles asked. Claudia smiled.

"At least until I die again, it cleanses you, nothing's going to come back Stiles, I'll die at a ripe age this time. And as for the witches, I don't know their plan but they are set on bringing back a lot of innocent people." Claudia explained.

"Is there anyway that you can track them?" Scott asked.

"Maybe, I'm still weak." Claudia said.

"Take your time, just please don't rush yourself." Scott said. They heard the door creak open.

"Stiles, why was the door half open, are you alright?" John called out as he walked in only to stop in his track as he saw his late wife standing in the middle if the main hallway. "Claudia?" He asked, voice shaky.

"I'm here John." Claudia said rushing into his arms. "For good."

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