Chapter 16

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There was a pack meeting a day after Aiden was found in the school. It was mandatory that everyone of them showed up. Ethan was called the day that Aiden was found and said that he would be able to make it in time for the meeting. Now they were all sitting around the rebuilt Hale house. Derek was waiting for everyone to settle before talking.

"Okay... somethings obviously going on here. I mean first Allison and then Aiden... who knows whats next, Jennifer Blake?" Derek asked rhetorically. Stiles looked like he was about to say something but Derek stopped him. "I swear to god if you correct her name you're sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week." Derek growled. Stiles only grinned.

"So what do we do? We don't even know what's doing this." Lydia inquired.

"We look thing's up. Like why people come back from the dead or what type of supernatural creature can bring someone back from the dead." Derek answered.

"Peter you came back from the dead, any trade secrets?" Stiles asked cheekily.

"Derek shut your pet up, and no, I only knew of the one ritual and that involved basically possessing someone, and I really don't think anyone but Lydia and Stiles has been possessed as if recently." Peter replied.

"So, like Derek said, we have to search the shit out of this." Scott said.

"Well we should probably start now." Stiles sighed as he heaved himself up out of his chair to get his laptop. "None of this sounds familiar to anything I've ever read in all of my supernatural late night searches." Stiles said as he sat back down and started searching. Derek called Deaton and asked for some of his books and everybody else searched the Hale library or the internet. "I found something!" Stiles called excitedly.

"What?" Derek asked as he came and looked over his shoulder.

"Its an ancient ritual used by witches, they only do it when someone innocent has been killed." Stiles read. "I didn't know Beacon Hills had a witch."

"Witches by the looks of it. It says right there that it takes about 3 witches to perform the ritual and they're super weak after. There must be about six or these witches bounce back really fast." Derek said.

"I think we're going to go with the six of them thing. We don't want to deal with super stong witches, that's kind of scary." Lydia sighed.

"Now we just have to wait for them to show their selves." Derek said with a sigh.

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