Chapter 9

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Later that night after Scott had left Liam went downstairs to talk with his dad but found him talking with Mr. Argent.

"Dad? What's going on?" Liam asked and Mr. Argent gave him a knowing look.

"Oh uhm, I think its about time I told you. We're werewolf hunters." His father answered. Liam's eye's widened as he looked at Mr. Argent then his dad. He covered up his surprise quickly.

"Werewolves are real?" He gasped, looking slightly freaked out, on the inside it wasn't about what his father thought it was though, it was more about the fact that he and his boyfriend were werewolves.

"Yes son, I'm sorry to tell you but they are, and we hunt and kill them." His father replied.

"But we abide by a code, we protect those who cannot protect themselves." Mr. Argent said with a knowing smirk in Liam's direction. He only laughed nervously and nodded his head.

"Uhm, can I go upstairs now please?" Liam asked and his father nodded. Once he was upstairs he grabbed his phone and hurriedly dialed Scott's number.

Hey Liam, what's up?

"S-Scott my-my family are werewolf hunters, Mr. Argent w-was just downstairs with my father and they- they told m-me." Liam gasped out.

Liam listen to me, you need to calm down! I'll be over in a minute okay?

Liam took a deep breath.

Okay Liam, open your window.

Liam hung up and ran over to his window and opened it. He stuck his head out. "Scott!" He called out as Scott scaled the side of the house.

"I'm here, everything's going to be okay." Scott said slightly out of breath. Liam moved so he could climb in. Scott hugged him close.

"S-Scott what if they find out and kill me?" Liam asked shaking.

"They won't kill you, I promise. You know that Mr. Argent wouldn't let them. Neither would I." Scott assured.

"I love you Scott." Liam whispered.

"I love you too Liam." Scott said kissing his forehead.

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