Chapter 23

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"Wait, who..." Scott trailed off as Laura fell back on the forest floor with a dull thump. "Okay definitely time to call Derek." Scott said in a panicked voice. He took out his phone and dialled Derek.


"Okay you're probably going to freak out but Liam and I were running around in the woods and we found another person who was brought back from the witches."


"Well uhm, Laura."

Laura, as in my sister Laura? You found her in the woods? Is she okay? Where are you?

"Calm down, and we're going to bring her to the pack house but she sat up a second ago and gasped out that they're coming, whatever the hell that means."

Hurry up and get her here, it sounds like a warning as well.

"Alright, we'll be there in a few." Scott said and then hung up the phone. "Alright Liam, can you help me carry her back to the car?" Scott asked softly. Liam nodded and carefully grabbed her legs as Scott grabbed her under the armpits. They carried her to the car and drove to the pack house.

Derek was waiting for them on the porch when they got there. He jogged over and helped them carry her into the house. Stiles was sitting in an armchair half asleep and wearing one of Derek's hoodie's and a pair of his sweat pants. They looked like they were swallowing him but he looked warm and cozy. When they set Laura on the couch he seemed to wake up a bit.

"She alright?" He mumbled as he wiped his face with the sleeve of the hoodie. Derek smiled as how adorable he looked, Scott did as well.

"Yeah, she's just passes out." Scott answered.

"What did she say when she woke up?" Derek asked.

"Like I said, she shot up and gasped out that they're coming and then her eyes rolled back and she passed out again." Scott explained.

"Definitely sounds like a warning." Derek said more to himself then to anybody else.

"It was a warning dumb-ass." Laura coughed as she sat up on the couch. "Who are you people?" She asked as she looked around the living room.

"Laura, this is my pack, Scott, true alpha, Liam, his beta and boyfriend, Stiles, witch and my boyfriend." Derek explained as he pointed to each individual person.

"Well you probably already know me, but I'm Laura." Laura smiled. Stiles laughed softly. Derek looked back over at him with a warm smile.

"Well, anyway, back to the warning." Liam said bringing everyone back to the present.

"Right, who's coming Laura?" Derek asked.

"The witches, they weren't bringing everyone back just for fun because that would be taxing, they're bringing us back because they're preparing to fight for this land, and they figured they'd give you all something to fight for, if you win, we stay alive, they win, we die again." Laura explained.

"Do you know when they are coming?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, after they bring back one more person." Laura replied.

"Who?" Derek asked.

"Mom." Laura said.

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