Chapter 14

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"I already told you, I don't know how I got here. Scott I'm scared, tired, confused, and I miss my dad, just, call him please." Allison pleaded. Liam felt bad for her but also understood why Scott was hounding her. They needed answers.

"Allison please, just think." Scott gritted out.

"I CAN'T!" Allison screamed, she had tears rolling down her cheeks and she looked like she wanted to punch Scott in the face. She choked out a sob. "I-I can't S-Scott. I-I-I'm s-sorry." She sobbed.

"Scott just... just call Mr. Argent." Liam sighed.

"Liam I can't, we need answers, there's something going on here and we need to figure out what." Scott said running a shaky hand through his hair.

"Scott she doesn't know, just call her dad. We'll get this all figured out, but right now, she's scared, tired, confused, and probably too disoriented to even know where the fuck she is, call Mr. Argent or I will." Liam said from his spot next to Allison, rubbing her back softly as her sobs started to soften.

"Fine." Scott sighed as he walked out of the room to make the call.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked Allison softly.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered out. She looked pale, almost like she was going to throw up.

"Do you need anything? Like water, food, me to kick Scott's ass?" Liam asked making her laugh.

"Some water would be nice." She replied. Liam nodded and got up to get her a bottle of water from downstairs. When he came back up she was talking with Scott.

"Is my dad alright?" She asked.

"He's fine, I think he's just glad you're back, we're going to have to think up something really good now that you're back. Like you went to Africa or something. Living with a distant relative for a while, needed time alone." Scott sighed. Liam walked in and handed her the water.

"Thank you Liam. So I hear you two are dating." She smiled.

"Scott told you?" He asked. She nodded. "Yeah we are." Liam said with a smile in Scott's direction. Allison looked like she was going to say something but stopped when someone pounded on the door.

"I think that'll be my dad, thanks for the clothes and water Liam, I'll see you guys around." Allison smiled before heading downstairs. Liam new there must have been something between Allison and Scott before she died but he didn't think he was quite ready to figure out what just yet, besides, she just came back from the dead. They needed to deal with that first.

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