Chapter 12

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When Liam got home his dad was gearing up. He was equipped with a gun, a cross bow, arrows, and some daggers. Liam's eye's widened.

"Dad?" Liam asked.

"Oh hi Liam, I didn't see you, when did you get in?" His dad asked.

"Just a little bit ago, what are you doing?" Liam asked.

"There are some rogue wolves in town, me and Mr. Argent are going to take care of it." His dad explained.

"Oh... hypothetically speaking... if you were a hunter and your child was bitten by a werewolf, what would you do?" Liam asked nervously.

"Anything to keep the family name in the light." His dad said darkly. Then he started to laugh. "I'm kidding, I would deal with it because it was my kid. Why Liam, got anything you want to tell me?" His dad asked.

"Scott's a werewolf." Liam rushed out.

"I know, Mr. Argent informed me. But we were talking about you Liam, were you bitten?" He asked. Liam bit his lip before nodding hesitantly. His dad walked over and pulled him into a hug.

"Its okay Liam. You don't have to worry, you're safe. I'm not going to kill you." His dad soothed. A few tears rolled down Liam's cheeks.

"Thanks dad." Liam whispered.

"Anytime kiddo, now I have a problem to take care of, we'll talk when I get back." He said softly.

"Alright. Stay safe." Liam relied. He walked him to the door and locked it when he got in the car. His mom was probably asleep by now, it was pretty late. He headed upstairs and to his room. He switched on the light and almost screamed. There was a girl sitting on his bed. She had black-ish brown hair and brown eye's. She was only wearing a dress, a dark jacket, and an archery glove. Her nails were painted a dark red and she had a dark red stain in the middle of her dress. She looked confused and scared. "Who are you?" Liam asked.

"Allison Argent, who are you?"

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