Marinette And Kagami

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Author's Note: This chapter is sort of a flashback so that you can see what happened with Marinette after she ran away from Adrien, and why Ladybug couldn't make it to meet Chat Noir. If you don't want to know, then I guess that you can just ignore this chapter. (But it includes Kagaminette)

3rd POV:

After being rejected by Adrien, Marinette ran away from him, completely heartbroken. She'd been hoping that her longtime crush would at least like her a little bit, but it turns out that wasn't the case. He was in love with another.

She took out her phone, feeling it vibrate as she got a notification. She tried to clearly see the screen through her tear-filled eyes, holding her head down so that the people walking on the streets wouldn't see her crying. She'd gotten a voice message from Alya. She sat down on the street curb to listen as she pressed play and held the phone speaker to her ear.

"Hey Mari! I know that I told you to call me right after confessing to Adrien, but I'm on a date with Nino right now. So call me later tonight and we'll talk, ok? Love you girl! Bye!"

She sounded so happy. Marinette was happy for her best friend, but also envious of her. Alya had a wonderfull boyfriend to spend Valentine's Day with, but here she was, crying her eyes out because she'd gotten rejected. How was she going to be able to tell Alya?

"This isn't fair." Marinette said to herself, covering her face with her hands as tears continued to fall.

"What isn't fair?"

Marinette gasped in surprise as she looked up and saw Kagami of all people, standing above her.

"Why are you sitting on the curb crying?" Kagami asked. "It's very undignified."

Marinette wiped a few tears from her face. "Kagami, I'm in a bad mood right now. So can you please leave me alone?"

Kagami was expected to leave but to Marinette's surprise, she didn't. In fact, she held her hand out for her to take.

"Get up. If you're going to cry, don't let it be here. You'll feel embarrassed."

Marinette looked up at her, and then down at her hand. She hesitantly took it and Kagami helped her up.

"Why are you helping me?" Marinette asked her.

"We're friends aren't we? Don't friends help each other?"

Marinette was quiet after that. She seemed to be thinking about something, but Kagami wanted to get her off of the busy sidewalk. "Come this way." She said, putting a hand on Marinette's back as she led her through the crowds of people.

They walked into a nearby Juice Bar that had only a few people in it. They found a booth at the back and sat down across from each other.  The waiter came over, and Kagami ordered lemonade for the both of them. Kagami then watched as Marinette wiped away the remaining tears on her face.

"I've never seen you cry before." Said Kagami. "You're usually such a bubbly person. And it's Valentine's Day, you should be happy."

Marinette looked up at Kagami and covered her mouth as she started to laugh.

"What are you doing?" Marinette asked her. Kagami was making a weird face.

"I'm smiling. Studies have proven that smiling can lighten up others moods, and it makes people happier."

"You need to keep working on it."

"But it's working, you're smiling right now. So you're happy."

Marinette's smile became a bit bigger. She thought that Kagami's way of trying to cheer her up was adorable. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Kagami."

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