Ice Cream

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3rd POV:

Adrien instantly sat up in his bed after reading it. The sudden message from Luka had taken him completely by surprise.


Luka: Sorry, were you sleeping? Did I wake you?

Adrien: No, not at all!
Adrien: I was wide awake!

This obviously wasn't true. Adrien found himself wondering why he lied... maybe it was because he didn't want to make Luka feel bad about actually waking him up, but he did find talking to him very enjoyable. And there must be a good reason for why he texted him so late.

Luka: I'm glad
Luka: And I hope you don't mind that I asked Marinette for your number
Luka: I always forget to ask for it when I'm with you

Adrien: It's fine, I don't mind
Adrien: I've been meaning to ask you for yours as well

Luka: Great (●''●)

Adrien found himself smiling at the cute emoticon that Luka had sent him.

"What are you smiling at?" Plagg asked as he flew over to him. "Who texted you? Can I see-"

"-N-no!" Adrien shouted as he hugged the phone to his chest so that his kwaami couldn't see the screen. He already knew that Plagg would just do that annoying smirk that he always did and tease him relentlessly about it, and Adrien wanted to keep his sanity. After all, everything that Plagg had said about him possibly liking Luka definitely wasn't true.

"Geez, what's wrong with you? Maybe you really do need to go to sleep. You're acting weird..." Plagg said as he turned around and flew back over to Adrien's desk to finish his cheese.

Adrien heard his notification sound go off again and looked back down at his phone.

Luka: But I do have something to ask you.

Adrien knew it, Luka really did have a reason for texting him. It must be important.

Adrien: Sure, what is it?

Luka: Are you free tomorrow after school?

Time Skip:

The next day after school, Adrien walked out of class with Marinette, Alya, and Nino. They were just talking about the movie that they'd been planing to see together that was showing that day as they made their way to the front of the school.

"Sorry guys, I can't go to the movies with you today." Nino said while walking hand-in-hand with Alya. "It's my little cousins birthday today and I can't miss it."

"It's fine babe, you can come with us next time." Alya told him.

"Yeah." Added Marinette, "So I guess it'll just be me, Alya, and Adrien-"

"-Oh, sorry I can't come either." Said Adrien.

"Oh? Why?"

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