Unraveling Secrets

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3rd POV:

Ladybug had appeared at the party and instantly jumped into action as she began dodging Queen Dieheart's attacks, all while helping as many people to safety as she could. She was successful in getting some of the guests into hiding, but a lot of them had already been hit with Queen Dieheart's orange beams, and they were now under her control. Ladybug managed to dodge all of the enemy's attacks, but his just made Queen Dieheart furious because she couldn't manage to land a single hit on Ladybug.

"Uh! Enough of this!" Queen Dieheart yelled to Ladybug in frustration. "I have better things to do than to play around with you, Ladybug! There's someone that I'm after and you're honestly just wasting my time."

Ladybug knew that she was after Adrien and Luka, and she didn't want for her friends to be put in danger. There was no telling what Lila would make them do if she had complete control over their minds.

"No! You're not going anywhere, Queen Dieheart!" Ladybug said as she began to run towards her, but at this point Lila had already created a small army of people that was now turned into mindless, zombie-like servants to obey her demands.

"Get her!" Lila yelled. The heart-shaped necklace that she was wearing glowed bright orange, and so did the eyes of all of the people that had been put under her spell-like trance.

Chloe, as well as the others, ran over to Ladybug and worked together to hold her back. Ladybug struggled to get away, but she also tried her best not to hurt all of the innocent people that was now dragged into the fight unwillingly.

Queen Dieheart began to laugh evilly as she said, "Don't let Ladybug leave this room. I don't want the pesky little insect to ruin my plans! Got that?!"

"Yes, my queen..." Said all of her 'servants' in unison.

The akumatized Lila then jumped off of the tall DJ booth and ran away, quickly getting into the elevator. She pushed the button and the doors shut as it began to take her upward.

"No! What are you doing?!" Hawkmoth asked Lila through their telepathic connection. He talked in an urgent tone of voice as Lila waited for the elevator to reach its destination. "Ladybug was all alone! Without the help of Chat Noir and Viperion you would've been able to overpower her and take her miraculous!"

"Trust me Hawkmoth, we'll have plenty of time for me to take Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. I'll even get you the snake miraculous as a bonus, but my revenge comes first...." Lila said, balling up her fists as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. She began running through the long hallways, in search of either Adrien or Luka.

Hawkmoth facepalmed himself mentally as he let out a sigh. "Fine, then hurry! If the cat and the snake show up then it'll be harder for you to get Ladybug's miraculous!"

"Of course Hawkmoth, I wont let you down." Lila responded with an evil smirk.

Meanwhile, Adrien had made his way back to the door of the stairwell. He began to quickly run down the stairs in order to get to the first floor as quickly as possible so that he could look for his Kwami.

"Plagg, you have a lot of explaining to do once I find you..." Adrien said to himself as he reached the first floor and exited the stairwell. He began to enter the main area where the party was held, but as he did he saw Ladybug being held down by a large group of people, all of which had orange, glowing eyes.

"Ladybug!?" Adrien exclaimed, surprised by the sight before him.

Ladybug looked over in his direction. She tried to talk, but it was difficult as she struggled against the strength of the many people. "A-Adrien?.... Ugh!... What are you doing? It's dangerous out in the open!"

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