Deal|Fred Weasley

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WARNING: none.

so if you get confuse, George is helping Y/N to get Fred ask them on a date, George bet that Fred would ask them early while (Y/N) thinks the opposite.

Fred's POV

I'm sitting in the grand hall having breakfast with George and the rest of the gang, as usual, Ron and Mione are arguing like an old married couple, Harry just sitting beside them not giving a fuck, and George who's sitting next to me telling me his new prank on the first and second years but I wasn't paying attention I just nod my head in response.

I grab my goblet and took a sip of my juice when my eyes wondered on the entrance of the great hall.

My eyes found her walking in with her friends walking to their table immediately making me choke on my drink, I coughed hard then the rest looked at me and laughed.

"Bloody hell Fred what's gotten into you?" Ron asked mouth filled with food, George's eyes landed at the same direction I was looking seconds ago then snickered

"I know why Ron, you see, our dear brother here has been eyeing a certain girl since last year. But unfortunately, he doesn't have the guts to ask her out."

He replied glancing at me with a smug, I wanna punch this fucker so bad.

We both stared at each other as if we're communicating with our minds, then I got his message making me grip on my goblet, he smirked.

"George I know your plan, don't you even fucking dare or I'll kill you." I warned him trying to restrain myself for not pouncing on my twin.

He held his hands up in defense "Its just a thought Fred its not like I'll really do it." He said sipping on his cup.

"Or maybe I will."

he said winking at me. That made me snap. I dropped my cup making the content of it spill all over the table.

I stood up towering my brother, I could feel my nails digging in my palm.

George's POV

Good thing it was saturday so we just might pull this plan perfectly. In the corner of my eye I could see her walking towards here just in time.

I looked back at my pissed twin smiling at him innocently, as he was about to punch me (Y/N) called me making Fred freeze in his place then slowly turns to her direction.

"Morning guys, sorry did I interrupted something?" She asked softly looking at Fred making him stand straight brushing his hair back and fixing his shirt, flashing her a smile.

He can be bipolar sometimes.

"Um hi (Y/N) good morning, and no um actually I was about to ask my brother here if I could go and talk to you." Fred sounded nervous but he didn't let it ruin his chance.

"Sorry Fred but maybe next time? I'm actually here for George. I need to talk to him about something."

She rejected Fred, his smile dropped then cleared his throat "Its alright, how about later before dinner then?" I wanted to laugh so bad, he's never been this embarrassed.

"Sure, meet me after my potions class." (Y/N) smiled at him which he returned back. I stood up and started walking away from the table, I could feel Fred's gaze at me drilling holes on my back.

I tried catching up with (Y/N) but she's too fast then made a hard left, once I made it out of the hall she was nowhere to be seen.

I tried looking about when I heard someone calling me, I turned to my left seeing her at the top of the stairs peeking in the corner.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Trust me (Y/N) it will, didn't you see him earlier? He was ready to kill me there on the spot."

"I just don't want you to get hurt." I smiled in return.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine." I gave her a pat on the head, an idea popped up.

"How about this, if Fred asks you on a date before saturday next week, then you'll buy me butterbeer and if he hasn't yet then I'll take you to Honeydukes." Her eyes widened knowing she has a sweet tooth.

I offered her a hand, she took it with determination. This is gonna be an interesting week.

"Alright bet."

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