Lost the Game|George Weasley

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WARNING: HEAVY SMUT! Aggresive George.

George and his team lost a Quidditch game 3 times and had been scolded by their team captain after the game. So poured out all of his anger onto you.

"Keep your head in the game, Weasley! And stop staring at your girl like she's going anywhere." Oliver scolded George for the fourth time today.

He darts his eyes on his captain and rolls them.

Today they're playing against Slytherin and we all know it doesn't always end well. With Pucey's remarks and Malfoy's insults to George and his team the tension is getting higher and higher.

Everyone could tell that the Gryffindors are starting to loose their cool, especially Oliver.

This is their last chance to beat Slytherin otherwise, they'll be eliminated this year and won't be able to play until next year's season.

"Come on George, you can do this! Focus!" I scream my lungs out as I try to boost his confidence.

"Let's go Fred! Go Gryffindor!" I wave their small house flag as they swoop past us.

"Last chance for the Gryffindors to beat Slytherin and keep their place in the finals. If they loose well, there goes my bet." Lee's side comment made everyone laugh.

Professor McGonagall turns to Lee and smacks the back of his head.

Oliver was able to catch the quaffle and passed it to Ginny. When she was near the hoops the bludger almost hit her and she made a sharp right turn, making her loose her grip on the quaffle.

Harry and Draco are chasing after the snitch disappearing under the field suddenly the two seeker rose up and still chasing the snitch.

Draco reaches forward while Harry tries to kick his broom and did it successfully. Draco falls forward as well as Harry and both crashed down at the muddy field.

The whole stand went silent and watched carefully. Both teams flew down and approached their seekers and formed a circle, blocking our view.

Lee looks down then suddenly screams through the mic.

"Malfoy has caught the snitch! SLYTHERIN WINS!"

The Slytheirns cheered happily in their stand and ran down to the field, crowding the winning team.

"Malfoy! Malfoy! Malfoy!" Oliver picked up his broom and called his team.

The Gryffindors went down from the stands, quiet and sad. As the team went in the changing room I waited patiently outside.

I could hear Oliver's faint scream from the inside, clearly scolding his team their voices are getting louder and louder.

"You can't just walk out and leave the team, Weasley. May I remind you that you're not the only one who screwed up earlier in the game!" Oliver gets closer to Fred's face.

Fred laughed mockingly and rolled up his sleeves. He was ready to fight Oliver.

"Well I'm sorry Mr. Perfect for not meeting your expectations. And who the fuck cares? Its just a fucking game."

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