Prideful Chaser, Stupid Beater|George Weasley

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WARNING: fluff, mentions of injuries, bruises.

When it comes to quidditch you and George are rivalries. When the game day came, both you and George got a little carried away with the "Rivalry" acting and ended up sending each other to the hospital wing.

please keep in mind that I don't know much about Quidditch so if there are mistakes I apologize in advance. Anyways enjoy! xx

Quidditch is one of my passion specially playing against Gryffindor. I've always like a challenge with one of Gryffindor's beater, George Weasley. Its one of our bonding that'll never get old.

The slick glances, cocky comments and trying to push each other off of their brooms would always make my day.

(f/n) has the quaffle and started heading towards the opponents hoops, I flew next to them trying to keep them safe, as we're halfway our beater hit the bludger towards Oliver but was quickly hit back by George resulting the iron ball to hurl towards us, "Go up!" I screamed as (f/n) followed and I was hit by the bludger at my left arm.

The impact was too hard, I couldn't control my broom so I crashed down the field. My body hurts so much and I couldn't feel my left arm.

(f/n) luckily got the quaffle through one of the hoops but soon stop when they heard a crash.

I moaned in pain while trying to gain my conscious, "(Y/N) can you hear me?" I tried to look at the person but everything was blurry.

The rest of the players flew down and gathered around us, "What the hell Weasley?" our captain screamed.

I felt my body slowly being lift up, a pair of strong arms around me as I leaned against a firm chest. I looked up and saw a messy ginger hair, "stay with me princess." he said, I could barely hear him so I just nod.

I tried my best staying awake but I was too weak to even open my eyes, darkness slowly consume me.

George's POV

I didn't mean to hit her with the bludger directly, I was aiming for her broom but the ball went higher than I was expecting.

Once the bludger made contact with her I quickly flew towards her, hoping that I would somehow catch her before she hits the ground.

But I was too late, she crashed down pretty hard, I got of my broom and lifted her head and rest it on my lap, "(Y/N) can you hear me?" panic started growing, she just kept groaning from the pain.

Seeing her in this state affected me so much, I know its part of the game but I never intended to hurt her badly.

I slowly lift her and she whines, hearing it makes my stomach drop. The rest of them flew down and looked at us, "What the hell Weasley?" (Y/N)'s captain snapped, I wasn't in the mood to fight back so I just give them a glare before walking towards the hospital wing.

Once madam Pomfrey saw us she immediately opened the door and lead us in, "Oh Merlin, lay her here." she points to a bed.

I lay (y/n) gently her face scrunches up from the movement, madam Pomfrey left and came back with medical supplies.

"Can you tell me what happened to her, dear?" She asks while slowly removing her vest.

I helped her remove all of (y/n) protective gear, leaving her in her Quidditch jersey and revealing her arm.

It was all black and purple-blue, I tensed up from the view, I collected myself and told madam Pomfrey everything.

"She's going to be staying here for 5 days, depending on how strong the potions will help her heal faster. Luckily, there are no broken bones or this would have been much serious, but she'll be wearing a cast to prevent her from moving her arm too much." madam Pomfrey said while rubbing essential oil on her arm.

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