Candy|George Weasley

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WARNING: fluff.

After dinner you weren't happy with your taste buds because you ate too much savory food so you decided to have dessert but Ron ate all of it which leaves you all grumpy and bad mood, when George heard about it he had an idea that'll make you two a win-win.

"Are you serious right now Ron?!" I snapped, looking at the red head boy next to me, munching on all of the dessert.

"Whrt?" Ron asked as his mouth filled with cake.

"You literally took all of it, look at your plate its filled with it!" I replied, punching his arm.

"aaouh that hurts." He whined, swallowed the food in his mouth. I couldn't do anything with it anymore so I just slouched and sulk.

"Seriously Ron, learn to share." Harry said, shaking his head and turned his attention back to Ginny.

Hermione on the other hand, was shooting daggers on Ron. He looked back at the witch with fear.

George on my left heard everything, he turns to Ron and gave him a hard smack on the head, causing him to move forward and his face hitting the pile of food. All of us turned to his direction.

Ron lifted his head up, his face was covered with colorful frosting making us break out in laughter. My stomach hurt so much.

I felt an arm resting on my shoulders as I turned on my left, George was looking at me, smiling sweetly.

"Thanks Georgie." I said, as he pulled me closer to him, my head rested on his shoulder as my hand rests on top of his thigh.

"Anything for you princess." George replied as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

*After dinner*

I wasn't feeling on walking so I cling onto George's arm as we walk back to the common room, the food was always delicious but after a good meal I started feeling sleepy.

I tried my best to stay awake but I would end up stumbling.

"Woah hey there pretty girl, you alright?" George asks as he wraps his arm on my waist, I leaned on him as my head was way up in the clouds.

"Yeah, the dinner was just that good." I replied.

"Do you want a piggyback ride?" my head snaps up and nod, George giggles at my reaction.

He kneels down in front of me, waiting for me to hop on.

"Come on love I know how much you love this." I squealed in happiness as I get on his back, his forearms supporting my thighs and my legs locked around him.

I wrap my arms on his shoulder, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You always know how to make me smile." I said as I decided to tie his hair forming like a small sprout standing up. I giggled at the result.

"Of course, I'm the best boyfriend you've ever dated." George stated then realizes that his hair isn't down, he stops at his tracks and turned to me.

"What did you do to my hair?" he asks as I grab my mirror in my pocket and showed it to George.

"Look I tied it." I replied as he look through the mirror, he chuckled at the sight.

"You know I barely tie it and you're the only one I allow to touch my hair so I'll let this slide." George replied as he continues to walk.

It felt like forever and I'm starting to get bored, I laid my head next to his as we walk past by paintings. I let out a sigh.

"You're too slow Georgie." He didn't say or do anything he just kept waking.

then he suddenly started sprinting, I hold onto George tightly afraid to fall off.

"Still slow for you (N/N)?" George asks as the halls echo with heavy footsteps and laughter.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry please slow down." He went back to walking and tried to catch his breath.

"I can get off if you're tired." I offered but George shook his head no.

"Don't worry I'm a beater remember?" George said as he looks back at me smirking.

"Whatever Weasley."

*In the common room*

As we entered there was no one there, just me and George. I let myself fall on the couch, my body sinking down.

He took off his robe and sat next to me. I let my head lay on the armrest and my legs on top of his.

I felt his fingers tracing shapes on my thighs making me giggle.

He turns to me and grabs my left hand, intertwining them together.

"Do you still want dessert?" George asks calmly as I stare at the fireplace and turn my gaze back to him.

I thought about it for a moment and decided to agree.

"Yeah, that'll be nice actually." I replied, he stared back for a moment before getting up the couch.

"Stay here, I'll be back real quick." He said before running up their dorm.

Soon after, George came back and sat down on the couch patting on his lap.

I got up and straddle him. with one arm he pulls me closer to him by the waist, he tucks few strands of my hair behind my ear. I just admire his beauty.

The freckles across his face down to his cheek, his pink lips slightly parted and his beautiful eyes shining like the night sky.

He held the side of my face, his thumb caressing my cheek before pulling me in for a kiss.

I rest my hands around him, my hand playing with his hair. Our lips move in sync as he bites my lower lip down for access and our tongue meet.

His hand moves at the back of my head deepening the kiss.

Then I felt him slide something in my mouth, I pulled away and looked at George.

I moved my tongue around and tasted something sweet, he passed me a candy.

My eyes shot open in surprise and George snickered, "You said you wanted something sweet, so I give you sweet." George said and winked. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Is that the case or you just made an excuse to kiss me?" I asked as I savor the ball of sugar in my mouth.

"Both." He replied as I pull him by the collar and kissed him again.

"It actually tastes sweeter in your mouth." He said, I raise my brow.

"I might do this more often, you down for it princess?" George asks as he plays with my hands.

"Oh don't tell me you suddenly have a whole stock of candy hiding under your bed." I stated as he smiles mischieviously. Oh no.

"Look at the time, I think its time for us to go to bed." He said as he stood up while I'm on his shoulder.

"George Fabian Weasley you let me down right now." I tried hitting his back but that didn't work.

He started walking up the stairs, instead for heading towards the girl's dorm he went towards the boy's dorm.

"How about no." He replied as he slapped my ass playfully.

Once we made it in he throws me down his bed and locked the door with magic, I got up with my elbows for support.

George goes down his bed reaching for something, he stood back up holding a colorful box.

He opens the lid and poured the content out, candies in clear plastic wrappers landed on my legs. We both looked at each other.

"You are not leaving this room until we finish all of this candy tonight." George said as he pops one in his mouth.

Good thing I have a sweet tooth.

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