Mistake pt.2|Fred Weasley

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George manages to get out from the way they got in, he pushes the painting with his remaining strength and fell on the cold ground panting, with tears staining his flustered cheeks. He couldn't think straight at the moment while the image of Fred begging for his help replays.

He could feel his heart aches and blames himself. "I should've listened to you." He whispered and closed his eyes trying not to cry. "I'm a fucking idiot."

He heard footsteps echoing the hallway but he could care less of his current state. He was too occupied by his brother's disappearance.

"George?" He looks up to see the owner of the voice.
"Ron! W-what are you doing here?" George immediately stood up, feeling slight lightheaded but ignored it.
"Shouldn't I be asking that? Why are you lying on the floor?... and why are you all dirty?" Ron's face scrunches while scanning his brother.
"I uh- I was- *clears throat* I was resting because I was hiding." George mentally facepalms himself.
"Hiding from who, exactly?" Ron asks suspiciously.
"F-from Fred, yeah, we're playing hide n' seek."
"What, in there?" Ron points at the staircase, he walks towards it but George stops him.

"Yeah! I was running away from Fred. We decided to play hide n' seek in the passageways to make it more interesting." George replies, hiding the fear of Ron finding out the truth with his jolly voice.
"How long have you two been playing? Certainly not just minutes, by your looks of it."
George was running out of excuses, he needed to quickly think of an escape.

Before George could speak up, someone was calling out for Ron. "Ronald Weasley, I swear if I ever find you!"
"Oh fuck, its Hermione! Help me please!" The fear in Ron's eyes.
"What did you do this time?" George asks.
"I left her in the Quidditch field with McLaggen because she kept pushing that me and Lavender Brown are a thing." Ron quickly explained. "I told her that if she doesn't stop I would let McLaggen bother her, and I did."
"Ron, is that you?" The heavy footsteps gets louder. "Ron!"
Ron clings on his older brother. "Please help me hide, I'll do anything!" He pleaded.

George thought this would be a good idea for Ron would stop asking him questions. "If I help you hide from Hermione, you won't tell anyone about this?" He points at himself.
"I promise! I promise!" Ron nods in agreement.

"Hide here." He pulls Ron at the entrance of the staircase. "You stay here while I try to distract her, alright?" George closes the entrance and stood next to it.
"Have you seen him?" A furious Hermione asked.
"Seen who?" George says blankly.
"I know you saw him. You better tell me where he is or else-"
"I haven't seen Ron since this morning, alright?" George stood tall. "As you can see, I've been busy doing something." He emphasizes on himself.
Hermione scans George. "What did you do?"
"Getting nosey now, are we, Granger?" George teases. "Interested in my whereabouts?"
"No, I'm just simply asking why are your clothes dirty." Hermione snares.

"Just some big boys stuff. You wouldn't understand." George tilts his head and smirks.
Hermione huffs and looks away. "Whatever. If you see Ron, tell him I'm looking for him." She then walks away.

George peaks through the entrance and saw Ron sitting on the stairs arms crossed. "You can come out now." Ron looks up to him and stood up.
"Bloody hell its cold down there. How can you and Fred walk around in there?" Ron rubs his hands together for warmth. "Might as well jump in the Black lake at night if you want to go kill yourself."
George ignored his question. "I'm gonna go back to the dorm and change, don't tell anyone about this or I'm telling Hermione where you are." George warns Ron.
"Oh really? How are you gonna do that? There are many places in this castle I can hide into." Ron argues.
"Remember this?" George pulls the Marauders map from his back pocket, waving it in front of Ron.
"Fuck... alright, alright. I'll shut up." Ron sighs in defeat, slapping the map away. George smirks. "See ya' around." He ruffles Ron's hair and walked away.

Fred woke up from the sudden whispers of voices, pain radiating throughout his body, scratches and bruises on his arms and face from the fall, and covered in mud and dirt. His teeth chattering from the coldness, he slowly sits up as he looks around. "Accio wand." He extends his hand in front and catches his wand. "Lumos." He whispered.

Fred stood up hoping he could find a way to exit the horrid place, as he stands he winces from the pain jolted on his left foot. "Fuck." He goes a near wall and slides down, Fred pulls his pants up and revealed his swollen ankle. "Just great." He sighs. Fred slowly stood back up again while leaning on the wall for support and started moving forward.

As wondered into the unknown path, voices started whispering to him even though he was alone. Fred tried to brush it off but it got louder and louder. "Leave me alone!" He screamed, he covered his ears and repeatedly begged them to leave. After minutes of pure torture it finally stopped. Without knowing, Fred arrived at a cave.

Large head of snake statues submerged in dirty and dark water on the sides, and a head of a man in the middle of the cave as light shines from above. "What is this?" Fred kept walking forward until he found a black notebook on the floor. Fred picks up the unknown object and opened it without hesitation. The agonizing voices came back and corrupted Fred's mind. "Get out of me!... leave me alone!" Fred fell on his knees while holding on his head.

Hours and hours have passed George has been searching for his twin brother nonstop at the depths of the cold tunnels of the castle, every corners and turns he looked and marked to make sure he won't get lost. His new clean clothes now drench in sweat and dirty water, his chest rapidly rising up and down from breathing hard, as he makes another turn he sees a light leaking through a crack on the wall hoping to see Fred alive and breathing.

As George pushes the door he ends up in another hallway, sadly. He looks around before coming out and closing the exit carefuly, as George rests his forehead on the wooden framed painting he curses himself.

"You're a fucking faliure, George." As he breaths out heavily. "I'm not giving up on you, Fred, I promise."

"Hey George, where have you been? We were just thinking of looking for you." Hermione says. George sits besides Harry while looking down at his plate blankly. "You okay?" Harry asks worriedly, he places his hand on his back gently giving George a pat. "Yeah... I'm just - um - tired yeah, tired from playing with Fred and... making new inventions." Georges' lips slightly raised as he turns to Harry.

"Is there anything else bothering you? Maybe we can he-" Harry was cut off when something caught his eye. Everyone turns to the direction and saw Fred walking towards them. Georges' eyes couldn't believe before him. "My eyes must be fooling me... this can't be... fred." He thought.

Surprise... I always come back.

- A

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