1- It's Only The Beginning

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So much has happened that lead us here to this moment. So let's rewind a bit to catch you up.

Before I get into basically my life story I guess I should introduce myself my name is Grace Donovan. But that isn't my real name. My first name is Anastasia Grace, My last name well that a story for another time. I'm 22. I grew up in New York but as of right now I'm in-between places. I live mostly in Toronto but I have a place in LA that I spend a lot of time in. I have my own Mafia Gang called "Death Angels". I'm Spanish. Both my parents are originally from Spain but moved to New York when they got together.

10 Months Before The Big Mission;

Right now I'm in my office in LA dealing with a few last-minute things before my big meeting with another Mafia Gang called "The Fallen Devils". As I was working away Jackson came in with a glass of champagne and a newspaper.

"What's up Jackson," I say as I continue to work. He throws the newspaper onto my desk. I stop what I was doing and looked up at him. He points at the newspaper. My eyes follow the imaginary line from his finger to the newspaper. I grab it and read the front-page headline.

"February 27, 2020, Today marks the 5th anniversary of the house that burnt to the ground killing a young girl and a grandmother. The gang Skull Crushers is the one to blame. As their source of payment, they are serving a life sentence for their crimes and the death of Maria and Anastasia-" (Can't give away my secrets that easily)

Jackson took a seat across from me and put the two glasses onto my desk and the bottle of champagne. " I think it's time to celebrate" "And what would be celebrating Jackson. A tale of lies or a tale filled halfway with lies." "Well no maybe the fact that your alive-" "At least one of us is" I cut him off. He looked at me with his sad little eyes. "Don't look at me like that." "Did you go and spend time with her today at least." "Where at that pathetic and scary excuse of a shrine for my dead grandmother no, I will go to her grave when we land in Toronto later." He looked at me and nods slowly unsure of what to say now. "We can celebrate that our plan is almost set," Jackson said trying to lighten the mood. "I have a better plan. We can go downstairs and gather the tea. We can make sure we are all ready to leave because it's time to get to the plane and load up. Once we get downstairs we can take a shot of whatever alcohol is down there. We can toast that we got this far and then if all goes well with The Fallen Devils we can pop open the champagne and the whole team can have a glass because with the other group cooperating we just got a lot closer to accomplishing this plan ." " You were always better at coming up with the plans Ana." "Thats why I'm the boss, Jackson. And it's Grace remembers we can't let it slip up. Especially tonight with the meeting." " Sorry I forgot." I give Jackson a slight nod and gather everything up that I was working on and put it into my briefcase. I rise out of my chair and start walking towards the door. I open it up and step to the side. "Grab that bottle and let's go take a shot with the team." Jackson gets up, grabs the bottle, and leaves the room. I close the door and lock it.

Jackson gathers the team and when I get to the kitchen I see them already with a shot glass with whiskey in it. I grab the last one and count down from 3. After the last count, we all took the shot. "Are we ready to get this show on the road?" I get 6 different variations of yes. We all walk out the door into the two cars. We drive to the small airport to get into my private jet. A perk of owning a gang I guess. We board the plane and now we are on our way to our home in Toronto.

While we are on our way to Toronto I think it's time to introduce you to my team. First off we have Liam and Carter they are two brothers and their job is combat. They are prepared for any fight at any time. We have Moxie. She's are hacker, but she knows how to use a gun if she needs to. There is Scarlett who works on our disguise and what we need to wear but she is not afraid of joining a fight when she needs to. There is Asia. She was the first person I met when I moved to Toronto so basically, we are best friends or that's what she likes to refer to us as. She is my right-hand man when it comes to anything with the team. She mostly deals with them because she is the nicer one of us two. Then there is Jackson as we all already know. He is also my right-hand man and my bodyguard not that I need one but don't ask Jackson he will say I do. He deals with the shipment and all of that stuff. Lastly, there is me. Anastasia aka Grace Donovan. There is not much to say except I'm the leader but no one actually knows that. I do all the work but the rest of the world thinks that Jackson is the leader. When really without me there would be no team and he would be running around like a chicken with his head chopped off. I'm also a big part of this new plan but you are also going to wait and see how that works. One of my main jobs that the outside world sees is that I'm the main con artist that goes undercover. Scarlett, Asia, and Moxie are also con artists.

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