2- The Meeting

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As soon as I get up to the floor where the meeting is going to be held, I am met with my assistant who lets me know that everyone has arrived and that the meeting can begin now. I thank her and she opens the door for me to walk in. Right when she opened the door, the room fell into a silence and all eyes are now on me as I walk over to the head of the table. Once I get there I sit down and look up and finally acknowledge the people seated in front of me. The way this room is set up is that my team is in a line behind me and Jackson is on my right-hand side just in case something unexpected happens. The Fallen Devils are all sitting down on the opposite side of me with both of their leaders Manuel and Mason Clark sitting in the middle in direct eye line with me. I take off my glasses and sit them down beside me all with maintaining eye contact with the youngest leader. I break the eye contact and turn my head to Manuel the leader.

"Are we ready to start?" I say. Just when Manuel nods his head his son speaks up. "wait a minute is this a joke?" I turn my head towards him. "What do you mean" "I mean where is your leader" "Your staring at the leader." As I said this he looks up towards Jackson stating that he believes he is the leader." "My eyes are over here." "So you're saying you're the leader" " I'm not saying that I'm the leader. I AM the leader if you have a problem with that then you can leave. " "No there is no problem." "Good, then can we start, or are you going to question anyone else's position?" "No, we can start. So why did you call us here Princess" "Don't call me Princess, I'm the mother fucking Queen. Anyways I called you here because I have a job for you. But I might need to rethink my decision because I don't think this gang is cut out for something this big. You might be able to handle this but only if you can take your head out of your ass long enough." I hear snickers of laugher coming for everyone except Mason. He has a deadly stare set on me. I replicated the stare and never loose eye contact with Mason, not in till Manuel starts speaking. "Okay, let's all calm down now. We can handle anything. So now let's get to the point of this meeting." I nod my head and search in my bag for the case file once I get it I throw it towards the two leaders. "Thats why you're here," I say as I point to the file. The younger leader grabs it and continues to look at it. While he goes through each piece of information in that file he looks up at me with a confused face. "What is this?" "What does it look like" "It looks like you are plotting something against The Reyes." "That's exactly what this is" "What do you have against The Reyes that made you out to get them." "That's for me to know and me to know only" "Okay then, don't get your panties in a twist."

After the group looks over everything I ask them the question that made this meeting happen. "So what do you say. Do we have a deal?" The two look up from the file and stare at each other. They give a light nod at each other and turn back to look at me. "You've got a deal," The older one says. He reaches his hand towards me so that I can shake it. Instead, I shake my head no. He looks at me confused. "We aren't going to shake on this one. We are going to sign a legal document so you don't get any smart ideas and try and backstab me." "Okay then let's sign the document." With that, I snap my fingers towards the door. My lawyer walks through with the papers in his hands. He places a copy in front of me and one in front of Manuel. As we are about to sign the forms Mason starts to speak. " Wait what are you signing. Can you explain what this is?" "The document your father has is my reassurance." "Why would you need reassurance." "Because Mason I need to make sure that you don't try and steal my plan and try to throw me under the bus. What he is signing is stating that we are combining together for this task and that both separate groups will work together to complete this mission. But if you try and go against orders or do something stupid that is against the contract, the contract will no longer be vailed and you are no longer on this mission. It also states that if you go behind my back and try to accomplish this mission on your own your group will have a death threat which I surely will not hold back on and call one of your enemies to do the dirty work. It wouldn't be that hard for me to figure out who and where your whereabouts are so I advise you not to go behind my back." "Duly noted." "Perfect now that this is cleared up do you have any more questions or can we finish this and be on our way." The younger one looks at his father and his father stares back at him. He turns around and looks back at me.

"One more thing. What do we have to do about this? Why us?" "Finally a good question. Well, Mason, you and your gang are needed because I need another group to help with my plan. I needed someone with the amount of power and status that you have. You get all the fame and fortune of The Reyes being gone. The whole idea is that everyone thinks that it's only The Fallen Devils is out to get The Reyes. No one has a clue that the Death Angels are a part of this, but we are the leaders of this mission. You do what we say and when we tell you to, all you need to worry about is doing it. We have all the information we need for this to be successful the only thing we need is a group that everyone knows and is scared of." "So what are you the mastermind in disguise." He laughs off like it was a joke and his gang joins in with laughter. "Preciously" With that, the room is brought back into the silence eliminating the laugher from the pathetic men sitting in front of me. "Okay, I like this idea. The whole thing only benefits us." Manuel states "Only if it doesn't kill us." Mason mumbles "Mason that's enough. I'm signing this deal. Think about how our life will be once The Reyes is gone." Mason goes silent and stares straight at me. I smirk at him and turn back my attention to his father who is signing the agreement form in front of him. Once he is finished and places the pen down he looks back up at me.

One of my office bodyguards that was standing to the right of him leaned over and took the form and pen away. With the snap of my finger, the bodyguard on their left dropped the case file. "What is this," A confused Mason says. "Oh this" I point to the case file. Mason nods his head and stays silent waiting to see what I have to say. "That would be the case on The Reyes and everything that you truly need to know." "But we have one already why do we need another," Mason says and then he picks up the other file that was given to him in the beginning. " Are you that stupid? Read those papers again." He looks at me and back to the file. He opens it up and starts to read the papers again. His face grows in confusion as he reads the files. I start laughing out loud as he comes to realize that everything in that file is complete and utter bullshit. " What, what is this." "It's all bullshit. I can't believe you didn't notice. Actually, wait I can believe that because men like you never realize what it is in front of them. So they make stupid mistakes and miss things." Manny snatches the papers from Mason's hand and reads them. "What is this shit" "That is a paper based on the fact that unicorns are real and eat rainbow-filled ice cream." "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING GAMES. ARE YOU STUPID?" Mason screams out loud trying to get some sort of a reaction from me but I grin at him as I let him have his little meltdown. "Calm down don't get your panties in a twist," I say sarcastically as I copy what he said to me just minutes ago. He makes an irritated face and looks like he is about to blow "And besides this case file has everything that you need to know. I swear on my life." As I say the last part of that sentence I put my left hand on my heart and my right hand in the air like I'm pleading my case at court. "why would you do something so reckless." "Excuse me it was not reckless it was smart. I needed to make sure that you didn't try and steal all my information just for you to say no and take all of the fame and fortune." "I thought that was the whole point on why you needed us. So we can do the dirty work and get the fame and glory and to deal with the aftermath."

Before I get to say anything Manuel stops me and tells us to stop bickering and that what's done is done and that there will be no more hiding things and doing tricky stunts like the one I just pulled. I agreed and said it wouldn't happen again and that it only happened now because I need to have some reassurance so that I can trust them because trust isn't easy to come by in this profession. He understood this because what I was saying was true and that he had done this once or twice before. Mason on the other hand look like this was still bothering him and that he looked uncomfortable sitting here and he looks like he wants to leave so he can blow off some steam. As Mason was about to say something I cut him off. "Now you guys have the right file and I have my reassurances this meeting is now done and I will see you all in two days for your first day of training. Don't be late or do something stupid before then or I will have to kill you."

Hey Guys, This is the second official chapter. YAY. I thought I let you know because I forgot to tell you guys before but this is also a Shawn Mendes Fan Fiction. So there might be a mistake or two since I have to transfer/change names and such. If you like Shawn and want to read this but in a Shawn Fan Fictions you can check that out on my Wattpad. Its called the exact same thing with the same cover. hahaha.

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