4- Training Days

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Grace POV

I make my way towards the kitchen to get some more coffee. I got to the coffee pot and lifted it up and filled it with water and the coffee grounds and waited for it to be done. As the coffee is finished brewing I grabbed my cup and pour it in. Once the cup reached my mouth before I can take the first sip of my coffee the doorbell rings.

"Ugh, why? All I want to do is drink my coffee in peace and cry." I make my way towards the door so I can open it to see who is so important that they are interrupting my coffee time. I swing the door forcefully and am met with that sweet honey-like- I mean those dull and cowardly eyes. I look at him and then behind them and see his team is standing awkwardly behind them. I glance down at my watch which tells me the time is 8 on the dot. I lift my head up back to Mason's face and he gives me his million-dollar smile. In return I give Mason a sarcastic grin and move to the side of the door, opening it widely and gesturing them all to come in with a sweep of my arm. They all walk in one by one. Once everyone is inside I move to walk in front of them and start walking towards the kitchen to get back to my cup of coffee.

I talk to the group over my shoulder as I continue my stride back to my coffee. "So my team so be in the workout room. If they aren't there then check the fighting deck. It's right next door. Surely you all know where it is because of the tour yesterday." They all nod their head and turn to leave and start heading in the right direction to the gym. Everyone except Mason. I take a sip of my coffee all while keeping eye contact with Mason. "I perceive that you're not going to tell me why you are still here till I ask you, am I right?" Mason simply just nods his head. "Very well then what do you need Mason." "Oh, I don't need anything just wanted to know if you were going to join us." " I may come to check it out and toes how your team is adapting to the new changes-" "New changes? What new changes? This isn't some cult is it?" "Cult? No, but fighting changes. Your team is going to need to know how we fight for this mission to go correctly." "I'm pretty sure my team knows how to fight." "I'm not saying they don't know how to fight I'm just saying that they don't know how to fight like how we do it here at the Death Angels." "I think The Fallen Devils and I can keep up with the Death Angels no worry on the part." "Really! Okay then let's go and check to see if you're correct." I scoff and place my coffee back on the counter and push past Mason hitting his shoulder while doing so. I make my way towards the gym while Mason is hot on my heels.

I thrust open the door to the gym forceful that makes sure to get both group's attention. Once they all looked over to me and the door to see what the disturbance was they all stop talking and gave me their attention. "Okay so before you guys get used to our equipment I was told to inform The Fallen Devils that the goal you are working towards is to fight like a Death Angel. Now it was brought to my attention by your incompetent leader that you guys are good fighters and that you don't need to up your skills so that you are at the same level as my team and I" As I say this my team goes into an uproar of laugher like its the funniest thing they ever heard. But Mason and his team don't look so pleased, they all have confused facial expressions and scowls covering their faces. "What's so funny?" Mason's voice booms over my team's laugher. And just like that, the laugher stops and we all turn our attention to him. "

Maybe the fact that you guys don't need to work up to our levels. " Jackson takes his turn to tell The Fallen Devils the truth that they don't seem to be taking. "Thats because we don't. We can kick some good ass. Weapons or not." "I don't think you understand how good we are because of Grace. She trained us how to fight. Weapons or not." I smile at Jackson because of the known fact that he told Mason and his team about me. "Enough bickering we will all find out the truth after today." "Oh ya how?" Mason questions me while crossing his arms and leans and bounce on the tips of his toes. "I will simply state what the basic training is and both teams will do it and we will see if The Fallen Devils can outlast the Death Angels or will they simply crack under pressure." After I said that I give both teams including Mason a grin once I meet Mason's face he copes with my grin sarcastically. "Is that a fair deal in seeing who is right?" "I assume so" "Okay then we will do a normal and simple training routine because I don't to the Fallen Devils to lose horribly." "They aren't going to lose at all." "oh are you so sure. Well, then you can all follow Jackson's lead. Jackson do the first training I made you all do when we first started working as a team." "Ohh okay." He says with a sly smile. Everyone else on my team all chuckled along as they realized what training workout they are going to be doing. I looked to Mason and point to the matt so we can both sit down. Both teams got warmed-ups so that their bodies can get ready for the training that's ahead of them. And let's be honest they are going to need it.

(Skip training because lets be honest I have no clue what to do for that.)

Towards the end of the training, The Fallen Devils start to give up and are getting really tired and lazy. While the Death Angels were going strong. All of a sudden Mason's team started dropping like flies. One after another started to collapse because of the overdrive their bodies were n and exhaustion. Once the final one dropped down to the ground my team stopped and started laughing. I joined in with a chuckle as I look at Mason.

"See they are good but not like my team." "What was that. What kind of training did you do that almost killed my team." "Oh come on leave the dramatics for little kids they are fine. Their bodies just aren't uses to it but once my team and I are done with The Fallen Devils they will be able to do that in their sleep. And for that routine, I came up with it when I had started building my team and needed to find some trust and respect in them. They all thought they were some hot shots like you and The Fallen Devils but when I finished that training that your team did just now they grew respect towards me and treated me like the leader I am." "Oh, so this was a test" "Yes it was a test in many different ways. You and your team will be tested a lot through this mission. Do you understand that? Are you up for that challenge?" "Yes" "perfect now I suggest that you get your team back home and get rested up. Training isn't over it had just begun. Now make sure you all are here every day at 8 sharp unless we tell you otherwise." "Got it" "Great see you all tomorrow." With that, I got up and left the room. The next time I see The Fallen Devils I hope they learned their place and respect for me and this team.

Seems to me that Grace/ Ana has some cocky boys on her team now. How will she ever get the respect she deserves. Haha Anyways how are you guys. Tell me what you guys think :)

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