27- Band Aids Cover The Bullet Hole

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Grace POV

"Huh?" "What is he talking about?" "Oh, you silly little girl. You've been hiding secrets from your team. How long did you think you could hide this for?" Reyes speaks up cynically. He smiles like he is the fucking Cheshire Cat. "What is he talking about Grace?" Eyes stare me down as they search for an answer. I just stand there staring back at them. At this moment I could only wish for this floor to open up and eat me whole. I open my mouth to spit out the dreadful words that are rising in my throat. I start choking on them making my mouth open and close. My throat swells up and the air stops moving through causing my brain to stop function. "Well, let's just say the apple doesn't fall so far from the apple. Does it Grace" He sneers? I open my mouth to speak and answer the question. The words try to claw their way out but before they get the chance to leave, Reyes opens his mouth again.

"Here is a question for you what's her name. Her real name." He says as he leans closer to Mason and the team. "It's Grace Donovan." "Come on don't lie to me boy." "I'm not lying thats her name, It's Grace-" "They don't know," I state cutting Mason off. Mason's attention moves sharply onto me as well as everyone else in the room. "Tell them." His bold voice demand. "No," I say standing my ground." "No?" "No, they know that my name is Grace Donovan" "Her name is Anastasia Grace-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence," I demand trying to take back the control I'm currently losing. He stares at me and grins at the challenge I just set up for him. " Anastasia Grace Reyes. Thats her name." Reyes informs the room. He keeps his eyes on me the whole time watching as I wither slightly. The truth is out I guess.

A confused Charles speaks up. "Wait, if her last name is Reyes wouldn't that make her-" "My daughter," Reyes answers in a slick way. "Not a very good one!" I snap out at him. "That's not fair. How about all those little play dates we had." Reyes pouts.


It was a cold afternoon when my father took me to the amusement park. Being a 4-year old I was bouncing in excitement. We walked around on a few rides. They were fun but they weren't the ones I was the most excited for. We stopped for Cotten Candy. I got a mix of blue and pink and my father got purple. I laughed as my father's tongue turned grape purple. Mine is as blue as a Smurf. He leads me to the line of the greatest ride ever. The beautiful details capture my attention as I'm drawn to them. The carousel. I grab my father's hand. I pulled him and darted for the ride. He slightly pushed my back as he pants it telling me to go without him. I don't give him the time of day as I sprint off into the line and onto the ride. I pull myself onto the red pony because it is my favorite colour.

The ride started and it slowly moved in a circle as the horse prop went up and down. I waved to my dad with a big smile. He didn't see as he was speaking with his bodyguards. I quickly brought my attention back to the ride as I giggle. This has been the most fun I had in a while. I try to search for my father but I couldn't spot him. After a full circle of the ride, I spotted him beyond some gates and beside some dumpsters close enough to see but not close enough to hear what's happening. I can see him yelling at a man. I can't see who it is because their back is turned to me. It was all fun and games. Until my father pulls out his gun.

Bang. The gun went off. The faceless person's body falls limp onto the cold ground. The leaves from the Fallen season surround the body as my father walks away. His minions take the body away and dispose of it properly.

The ride finishes and he comes and pulls me off the ride. My body turns into a zombie as I slowly walk and bump into strangers. I look back to the carousel with a melancholy face remembering the fun we had just seconds. My father starts yelling at me to focus. I return and start catching up to my father's speed as we make our way to the car. Right when we are seated in the back of the limo the tinted windows are being rolled up. I had realized my father was speaking to me until he slapped me across the face. He sat there yelling at me. He told me how I need to listen and respect him. He said that I can't pull the stunt I did every again.

The UnseenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora