13- Nothing Personal

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Grace POV

"How did you get this number?" "Now Ana or is it Grace now? Is that some way of speaking to me? I thought you had more respect than that." "What do you want Luis?" I say with anger lace through my voice. "Well you see, Natalia, you remember her right.?" "Yes, I remember her," I say through my teeth completely annoyed by this call already. "Very good. Anyway, she created such a wonderful Bruch but there is just so much food so I thought I would invite you over." "Did you now?" "Yes, I think it would be good for all of us to see you again." "Us?" "Yes, Natalia, Elijah, and I." "Do they know I'm coming." "No, not really. I thought it would be a nice surprise." "Hmm okay, I will think about it." "Excuse me? You will think about it? No! You will see us for brunch. It's at 1130 sharp. Don't be late." "Mhhm okay Bye, now Mr. Reyes" I don't give him any time to speak as I hung up the phone living him to talk to the dial tone. I slam the phone down in frustration as I get up to go get ready.

I was playing on just leaving without telling anyone again but that plan gets thrown out the window when I see everyone gathered around in the living room getting right to have their break. I try my best to sneak out of the house without getting caught by 12 people. The keyword here is 'try' because right when I thought I did it and passed the living room without getting caught Mason came straight out the kitchen with popcorn and bumps into me. Popcorn flew out of the blow as we collided with each other. Instead of cleaning up the popcorn that fell on the floor we just have a staring contest.

"Where are you going?" He questions. "Nowhere." "Then why are you so dressed up?" "Because I can be Mason. Why do you care?" "I care because you have yet to train at all with us and keep leaving without telling anyone." I attempt to turn around and evade him but he grabs my arm in a tight grab. I try and remove my arm from his hold but it only makes him tighten it. "What's your fucking problem, Mason?" "My problem? What's your problem? You're barely here, you do whatever the hell you please. Everyone is honestly tired of you and your shit..." I try to walk away from him because now I'm tired of this conversation. "Hey! I'm talking to you. Stop walking away from me damn it. You act like you're a princess and you're far from that." As we continue to yell and scream at each other. We hadn't realized that we had a group of people surrounding us. It was until Mason punched the wall beside me trying to realize the built-up anger. That when someone stepped in. Jackson told Mason to calm down. It wasn't until Charles stepped in to take him out of the room that I was able to step out without anyone paying attention. I get in the car and drive to The Reyes.

When I pull up to The Reyes mansion I get out of the car. As I close the car door I let out a soft sigh as I try to steady my breathing. When I get to the front door I fix my dress and then knock on the door lightly to signal my arrival. I wait a few minutes and no one still hasn't opened the door. I look down at my watch and let out a huff as I see how much time I wasted. 5 minutes pass and I give up and turn around and start walking back to my car thinking about how much time I just wasted.

Right when I get to the last step the doors magically open and Luis walks out. "Ah, Anna dear I'm so sorry about the wait. We were on the backyard patio and simply didn't hear the door." He informs me a grin that I so hopeful wish to slap off of him. "It's Grace," I say as I talk through my teeth completely upset about this already. I bump his shoulder as I walk past him. "We set up the brunch in the back." I stop in my tack and let him lead the way. When he opens the door I step outside and look to see his wife and son are already seated at the table. My heels on the stone made enough noise to make them lift their heads up in confusion. "Oh dear, I didn't know we were having company I would have gotten ready." His wife tells him. "Natalia you already forgot about me," I tell her in a sarcastic sad way. I take off my glasses so they can see who I am. "Anastasia," They both say softly "You know I keep getting the same reaction." They don't leave their confused state as they stare at me like I grew two heads "You know it's kinda like I'm back from the dead." I laugh slightly at my joke. No one else does though. I thought it was funny. Tough crowd. I sit down right across from her as her husband and son sit at the heads of the table. "Well, Natalia the food looks lovely." "ah- Thank...Thank you" She stumbles on her words. well, at least she's talking to me.

Luis starts building his plates and tells us to do the same before the food gets cold. I feel the eyes of Natalia and Elijah staring at me wondering what I'm doing here. I see Luis kick Elijah under the table and point me trying to make him. engage in a conversation. It clearly works as Elijah clears his throat and downs his glass of water and turns to me. I turn my head towards him waiting to see what useless question is going to come out of his mouth.

"How are you Ana" "It's Grace now" I swear if another person says that name one more time I will bite them. "Oh okay then. How are you Grace" He says the name weirdly as if it doesn't roll off his tongue? "You mean how has it been since I came back from the dead." Natalia chokes on her drink. "I've been great." "That's good." "How have you been? Taking after your father I hope." "Yes, I have been." "How does it feel to be a leader in training." "Good, it's a lot of work though." "I would assume so." We sit in silence. All that can be heard is our chewing and the occasionally swallowing of our drinks. "So Grace do you have a job" Luis ask me. Shit, what do I tell him? Oh ya, I run my own mafia group now and we are playing on taking you down. Ya right now while I'm sharing a meal with you my group is practicing how they are going to kill you. Think Ana Think. (Of course, I have a job. I wouldn't just rise from my grave without being prepared." "Oh so what do you do" "A job" "what is it" "I don't have to tell you. You're not my father" "Don't use that attitude." "What are you going to do about it, Luis?" "You're being a Diva" I have what you call a light bulb moment. "Your right I am. Diva is the female version of a hustler." "What do you mean." "Well, thats the job that I have. I work at a strip club. I got to get cash somewhere that doesn't ask too many questions. You know we can't mess with the wrong people." I say staring straight at Luis. Brunch continues the same way. Luis and Elijah ask me pointless questions and I give them pointless answers. The rest we remain in silence. As for Natalia, she stays voiceless the whole time as she just stares at me. When brunch ends I get up and say my goodbyes and hurry to rush back home to tell the group the idea that I have.

As I walk into the house I slam the door I yell out in the living where I see everyone is gathered yet again. I know what we are doing for our next mission. Be prepared for a meeting tomorrow and make sure you're well trained it's going to happen very soon." Everyone nods their heads and then reengages in their conversations. Except for Mason. He slowly makes his way to me. "Hi, Ummm Grace can I talk to you?" "Umm sure Mason?" We sit down on the steps of the stairs. I stare at him as I wait for him to talk. He looks over to me and realizes that he should start talking now. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened in the morning." "Don't worry about it." "Grace why couldn't you tell anyone where you were going." "Because I don't need people questioning me. I don't open up to people so I avoid it. I needed to do this today and I knew that if I told anyone, then they have let me go." He nods his head slowly unsure of what to say. "I'm going to bed. Today has been a long day and I honestly just need to sleep it off. He tells me goodnight and I pat his shoulder as I stand up and walk all the way to my room.

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