7- Jealous Of Myself

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Grace POV

The sunlight pours in through the shades in my room making me forcefully shut my eyes and slowly opening them up. I make no move to leave my bed but look outside the window as I watch the birds peached up on the lines that run across each electricity pole. As the sun maintains its blinding glaze. I start wondering why it's so bright this early in the morning. I turn to face my alarm clock and see the time 12:30 flashing in bright red. I get up and start to remember the dreadful day I had yesterday. I got ready and made my way downstairs. As I walk down the stairs I hear loud chatter coming from the living room. It all stops as my heels clutter against the stirs. Once I reached the last step everyone from both groups gathered around me.

" Hey sleepyhead it's about time-" I stopped Charles before he could continue his stupid remark. I put my hand in front of his face. Instead of saying something to Charles or to anyone in this matter. I just push past everyone. Right, when I got to the door I yell over my shoulder for Moxie, Asia Jackson, Jack, Charles, and Mason to follow me. I walk outside and wait for them to join me. As I hear them walking down the hallway I make my way into the limo. A few seconds later the door opens and I see the 5 of them waiting just outside of it. "What are you guys doing get inside" Once I yelled at them they all started piling into the car. Once the last person gets in and closes the car door, my personal drivers. takes off. The seating arrangement is Jackson who is in front of me and beside the door, Asia is next to him, Moxie is next to Asia, and then Jack. Across from him is Charles. Mason sits in the middle of Charles and me. As I wait to reach our destination I lean against the window. The car is in complete silence. It isn't in till Charles the idiot decides to open his big fat mouth. "How about we get to know each other and ask random questions." That's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm not going to say anything to him. I don't need him getting cockier than he already is.

I get up from my leaning position. We all stare at him waiting for him to start. "So who what's to go first." We look around the group seeing who is willing to go first. "I will since no one else is going to," Asia says. "Okay, Perfect let's see." Charles waits a few seconds as he thinks of a question to ask. His face lights up like he just found the golden ticket to attend Willy Wonka's factory. "Okay, I got one. Asia what is your favorite thing about your job." "Oh, this is so simple. The people that are a part of my team. I love them so much they are like my family." She has so much enthusiasm when she speaks. Her eyes light up like a child on their birthday when they get their presents. It makes me laugh habit how everything to her is like sunshine and rainbows yet she can kick ass at the same time. If you were to see her on the streets you wouldn't have thought that she is a part of a gang. Charles continues to ask Moxie a question. When he went to ask Jackson his question he told him that he passed and looked over at the window and stared at it. Asia then asked Jack and Mason and question each. The car ride started to feel less awkward as everyone was laughing and talking together. Everyone but Jackson and I.

"Okay, Ms. Grace Donovan. I have a question for you. Who are you most jealous of." "Excuse me. Who I'm jealous of?" "Yes, who is better than you and it just drives you crazy." "Mmm okay." I think about this answer. Who am I jealous over. My mind draws blank. There is only one answer that I can say for this question. "Myself" "What?" "You heard me. Thats my answer. I'm only jealous of myself." "You can't be serious?" "Nope. There's nothing better than me. I'm my own love of my life. There is no need to have a rebound. I only get jealous of myself. I don't need nobody else. It isn't a crime to spend all my time by myself." I say cocky as I move back and lean father back into the seat and cross my arms over my chest. I show them the snarkiest grin I can pull off. Charles huffs back into his seat. Everyone goes to lean back in their seat and look out the window that they are closes to. The conversations stop and the silence starts sneaking in its way back in. Everyone minds their own business except Jackson. He leans forward and puts his arm on his knees drawing everyone's attention. "I've got a question." "Umm okay. Ask away." Charles says in confusion.

"Grace, where did you go yesterday?" My smirk drops and I return to a normal seated position. "Excuse me?" "You heard me, where did you go." Everyone's eyes have found their way quickly onto me. I sit there glaring with a fiery look in my eyes at Jackson in silence. He copies me with the same fiery look waiting to see who will break first.

"I went to go pay Mr. Reyes a visit." "YOU DID WHAT" "Mmhmm yep" I lean back in my seat as I cross my arms as I did just minutes before. I give him a sly grin to taut him further. You can tell he is angry. You can see it radiating off of him. If you look close enough you can see smoking coming out of his ears. His face is beat red and he looks as though he is a bomb ready to blow. "An- Grace are you stupid." I stomp on his foot as Asia elbows him right when he started messing up my name. I return to my upright position as I point a demanding finger infant. of his face. "Hey! Look at who you are talking to. Watch yourself, Jackson. I know what I'm doing I don't need yours or anyone else permission to do anything." "No, I think you do. Do you know what you just did? You're costing both gangs lives and now they probably know about our big mission. So thats is gone now." "Oh come down old man they don't suspect anything. I didn't tell him anything about the gangs or the plan." "Then what did you tell him." "That was a private conversation that only Reyes and I need to know." "Grace can you at least tell us why you would do something so reckless?" He starts to calm down a bit as he lowers his head in his hands. I weigh my pros and cons on this. Can I tell him why? Do I know why I did it?

I keep thinking about my options and what I could tell Jackson. "Let's just say I remembered who I was and I changed the game." Jackson returns back to his first position with was the leaning back in his seat and looks out the window. I lean back but instead of looking out the window, I look around at everyone else in the car. You can tell they were all paying close attention to the conversation if you can call it that, that me and Jackson we're having. Asia is trying to comfort Jackson, Moxie and Jack both are trying to look away and keep to themselves. Pussies. Charles doesn't know what to say or do. Thats unusually. We should do shit like this more often. And Mason, well he is staring back at me trying to figure what the fuck just happened. Well buddy I'm trying to figure that out too. I stare at Mason for a second too long and now it's just getting awkward. I direct my attention back outside my window staring at the buildings and trees we are passing by.

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