9- Fallen Angels

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Grace POV

Next Day

I'm currently sitting in my office dealing with boring-ass paperwork. I called the same people who went with me to the warehouse yesterday. I hear a knock on my door. I tell them to come inside but I keep reading the piece of paper infant of me. I can hear them all gather around my desk and take a seat in the limited seating area in my office. I have yet to lift my head from the sheet of paper. It isn't till I finish the dreadful thing that I look up and give the group my undivided attention.

"You all are here to help come up with the plan for our first mission." "Cool, so when and where Grace," Jackson asks. "In two days. It's going to be at an underground casino that is one of the spots for The Reyes. They technically run it at this point." Moxie pulls up a blueprint of the place. We discuss everything from roles to the time for when everything will happen. Once we get a solid plan down I restate it to make sure everyone is on the same page.

"Okay so Moxie and Jack are going to be in the van with the cameras and the miss to make sure everything goes smoothly and whatever hacking you need to do." They both look at each other and nod their heads. Moxie blushes as she looks away. Aww, I think someone has a little crush. Well, they will be spending lots of time together. Even in small spaces hopefully, it doesn't get too heated and spicy in there ;) OH MY GOD Ana get your head out of your ass and stop reading all those weird books. Charles, Jackson, and Asher are all going to play so we can blend in we don't want to gather other's attention. Not for this mission at least. Asia and Scarlett are going to be alongside one of the boys. Charles smirks at Asia. It makes her uncomfortable. I'm going to keep a close eye on those two to see what's happening. Liam, Carter, Levi, and Samuel will be there as well but they will be checking out the crowd to make sure nothing suspicious is happening when we aren't looking. We are going to need eyes everywhere at all times. We don't need anything going wrong. Mason and I will be in the van waiting for the right time to strike. There will be a signal that everyone will get once we get inside. Asia, Jackson, Charles, and Levi will follow us while the other creates a small but meaningful distraction. Then the real fun happens. We all got that." I get different variations of yes but it doesn't matter as long as we all understand we are good.

I send them out of my office to go tell the others the plan and to start training. They are going to need that more than ever now. I told them I will meet them down there soon. I tell Mason to say behind because I need to speak with him. Once everyone has departed the room and the door is closed I tell Mason to sit down in the seat in front of me.

"I wanted to see you separately because I need your help with something." "Wait, you want my help with something." "Yes, even a superhero needs a sidekick." Mason laughs at my comment. "I'm assuming I'm the sidekick in this situation." "Of course you are." At this point, I start giggling along because of the silly turn our conversation took. I realize what I'm doing and stop the revolting noise. "Back to business. I think we need a new name for these next missions something that defines our union but at the same still shows the separation of the two groups.Mason's laugher dies out as he notices that our conversation has become more serious now. "Oh okay. I like that idea." "Okay then, Do you have any ideas." He thinks for a while then all of a sudden what's looks like a light bulb went off in his head and looks back at me. "What about the name Fallen Angels. It combines both of ours name but it stills keeps the originality to it." "I like it. I actually really like it. Good job." "Thanks" "No problem." I look down at the papers in front of trying to remember what I was doing before everyone came in. A few minutes pass in the quiet room when I feel a piercing glare from the seat in front of me. I lift my head slowly to see who it is. When my head is fully lifted I see that Mason hasn't yet moved from the seat and is staring at me quite intensely. "Do you need anything?" "Nope." "Okay, then you can leave now." "Oh okay," He gets up to leave. When he gets to the door he pushes on it. The door doesn't budge and he walks headfirst into it. "Owww, Shit" "Ya you need to pul-" "Pull," he says now realizing the stupid mistake he made. I start giggling at him because of the stupid injury and because we both said pull at the same time. He starts laughing slightly as he catches on. As he walks out of my office, he gives his million-dollar smile and closes the door. I catch myself blushing at this and look down at my sheets. Wait did I say blushing. ME Blushing. No that was a mistake.

Mason's POV

When I got out of the office I see the group chilling outside waiting for me. We all walk down to the training room. I can't concrete on anything but Grace. She's a mystery that I want to solve so bad, but I know I can't thats not the reason why I'm here. My father would be disappointed in me. I have to remember why I'm here. I'm here to prove to my father that I can be a leader and to take down The Reyes once and for all. But I can't help it she keeps slipping inside my head. Charles comes over to me and starts talking to me. He can tell I'm not paying attention to the conversation and ask me what's wrong with me I see that the rest of the group is several steps ahead of us so they can't hear us. "I don't know man I just can't get her out of my mind." "Who" "Grace," I say just in a mere whisper." "Who?" "Grace' I say louder this time but not too loud for everyone else to hear. I hear a gasp behind us and see that it was Asia that let out the sound. Well Shit, I forgot that she was behind us. Shit well, see you later man. Have fun.. with well..that" And just like that my so-called best friend leaves me and catches up with the rest of the group. Asia is all of a sudden near me. "Mason I have to tell you to be careful." "What do you mean Asia." "Well, Grace isn't someone who lets people in easily forever. She is a lot of work. She might end up breaking you in the end. You have to remember she isn't someone looking for a man she is looking for people to help create her army. She has a big guard up and might kill you in the end. And then there is Jackson." "What is that her boyfriend?" "Noooo, not at all. Grace having a boyfriend. Funny. No, he is more like a protective brother towards her. He is very protective." I look over at him and see he is glaring at us from the opposite side of the training room. "oh okay thanks for telling Asia." "No problem" that I walk to the punching bag and try to punch out all of my feelings and thoughts of Grace out of me.

Grace POV

I get out of my desk chair and stretch. I make my way downstairs to go check and see how everyone is doing. When I get down there I see Charles trying to hit on Asia again. Can't a man catch a hint? SHE DOESN"T LIKE YOU DICK I walk over to Mason who is at the punching bags. As I'm walking over I notice he isn't wearing a shirt. I watch how his back muscles contract as he punches the bag. Ohh what I would do to that back in bed Wait what. Stop Ana this isn't okay. He is an ass. Ya an ass... Ohh would you look at the ass on him? Oh MY GOD ANA STOP IT RIGHT NOW. This is because of all those books you read dear god Ana. Mason notices that I'm near him and stops hitting the bag.

"Hey, Grace do you need something" Ya, I need a piece of you. "No, I just wanted to tell you something about Charles." "Oh okay, what is it." "Can you tell him to leave Asia alone?" "What" Ya. You heard me" "Why" I point towards Charles who is hitting on Asia and trying to get close to her as she's trying to get farther away."Oh, thanks for telling me I will tell him to leave her alone." "Okay, no problem. I would do that now though." "Now why is that." "Well because Jackson might kill him," I say as I point to Jackson who is on the opposite side of the room who looks like he is going to combust in anger. Or going to murder Charles either way something is going to happen and it won't be good. "Oh, Ya okay" No problem it's just he can be kinda-" 'Protective" "Ya how did you know-" "I've been told this already today." Oh" "YA. And let me just he is protective like a brother." "No, try like a boyfriend. "Ohhhh. Oh, then this isn't very good for Charles. "No, Not at all." I giggle a bit. Oh god, what satan-like noise just came out from me. I look up at Mason shook that happen and walk out of the room as he walks towards Charles.

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