6- Lovely To Meet You

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Mason POV

My group and I make our way into the Death Angels mansion. We all go straight to the kitchen to meet up with Grace and her team. Once we reached their kitchen we see everyone gathered around the middle counter. As soon as they heard all our footsteps stop they stopped what they were doing and looked up and start at us. I gave them an awkward wave to distract them from the awkward silence and staring. Grace straights up from where she was leading and closed her laptop. The device that her whole group was gathered around. She zips up her athletic sweater and walks past my group and me. She hits my shoulder as she continence to walk past us and out the door. Right before she gets outside I quickly jog after her and call out her name. I was hoping it would make her stop and wait for me.

"Hey, where are you going," I say out of breath. "Hi... I'm going out." "oh okay, Do you want me to come?" "No, I can take care of myself. I don't need someone to come and be my 'bodyguard'. I'm very capable of going on a jog by myself. If I were you, I would want back inside and head to the gym. Cause clearly you need it since that 5-second jog left you breathless." She says with some attitude. I put my hands up in defeats. She turns to leave and I turn to go back inside with the group. As I was a mid-turn I notice something on the table. Her signature black sunglasses. Seeing as it was very sunny outside today. I suspect she needs these. I grab them and run back to the front door hoping she has left yet. As I make it outside I see that she only reached the end of the driveway. I run down and call out her name to meet her. "What. What do you need now." "Nothing." "Then why are you running after me again." "You forgot your sunglasses and I thought you would need them." "Oh." "Ya" "well then thank you but I must go now." As Grace turns around to continues her walk her ponytail whips me in the face.

I watch as she leaves and turns the corner. Once she's out of my sight I turn back and walk inside to meet mine and her team. Right, when I get into the kitchen they turn their attention to me and then back to their conversation trying to include me in it. It doesn't work though, I would mutter a silent yes or no. I can't even create a fucking sentence now because of her. She's always on my mind and I can't figure out how to get her out.

Grace POV (Sorry for the switch)

I fix my cap and sunglasses right before I open the door that will change my plan completely. I know I should have told Jackson and Asia where I was going and who I'm meeting but I didn't need them telling me not to go and that this is a bad idea. I know that it is, but I need to do this. To be a good leader you must conquer your fears before you lead your team into a war zone filled with them.

I walk inside and I'm hit with the smell of coffee beans and rich chocolate. I search the inside for a tall muscular man. I almost give up my search in till I spot a man in the far back in a booth that fits my description. He is wearing an all-black suit with a pair of glasses. I walk up to the table and sit down in the seat in front of me. The mystery man just stares at me and I stare right back at him. I give him a small smile. This prompts him to start speaking.

"Sorry Ms but that sit isn't free. I'm waiting for someone." "I know." "Okay then can you move?" He says with attitude. "No, I'm okay right here. Thanks though." He quietly growls at me and leads forward on the table. "Listen here I don't know who you are, but you are messing with the wrong person." It's my turn to lean onto the table. I cross my arms over my chest and rest them on the table. " Calm down old man. Don't go putting your panties in a twist." "Excuse me who do you think you're talking to. You know what I'm done with this conversation." " Always the first one to walk away aren't you Reyes. Or do I call you Luis?" "What did you say." "I should know this by now. You're too self-conceited to continue any conversation that doesn't anything to do with money or power." he puts his hands on the table and leans forward. He whispers " I'm going to ask you one more time. Who are you?" " So Luis can I ask? How is Elijah? Is he ready to set up on the plate? Or is he still too busy picking on the little girls and playing with toy trains?" He looks at me for several seconds. He is reminding things now, looking back at the past because of the clues I gave him.

"Ana," He says softly and quietly as the realization hits him. "In the flesh." "How... What... Why... When..." "Cat got your tongue" "Why are you back" "Simple revenge." "Oh come on now. Is this about your grandmother?" I say silent he knows that's one of the reasons why. I won't give him the satisfaction of me answering. "Ana, why are you going to do about it now. Everyone who did this went to jail for the murder of both your grandmother and you- I mean." "Ya clearly not my death since I'm here and we both know that not everyone that was involved is in jail." "What are you going to do, go to the police station and tell them what happen. Tell them that you aren't dead after all." I sit far back in my seat with my arms cross as I look out the window. "Come on princess I thought you were better than this. I thought you were smarter than this. You can't go around messing with the police and gangs." " Don't call me that."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. I have nothing to say to him and vice versa. He clears his throat and starts a new conversation. "So. Ana. Why did you call me here." "I told you to meet me because I wanted to show you I'm alive and here to stay." "If you're back because you want revenge why haven't you done anything yet. If you came here for my help I won't give you any." I start laughing. I laugh straight in his face. "You think I want your help. That's funny. Also just because I haven't reacted yet it doesn't mean that I have forgotten or don't want to get my revenge. I'm just waiting for the right moment. That should scare the hell out everyone." I gave him no time to speak and got up and walked straight out the door onto the sidewalk. I jogged all the way back home. I hadn't realized how dark it got till I was in the kitchen of the house and saw no one here. I got ready for bed thinking about my long-lasting conversation with Luis Reyes. I'm coming after you, Luis. Watch yourself.

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