28- Battle Fields

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Grace POV

"No, I can put up one good fight. I can't say the same for my little brother." I say reassuring my father. "Really? You're saying your brother; almost a mafia leader will lose to you. A girl" Reyes glowered. "Man you're such a fool," I say shaking my head not understanding the man sitting in front of me. "Let me tell you something. Elijah never won a single challenge when we were younger. And now I'm a leader. I have more talent in my fucking finger compared to him." I spat at Reyes as I lean in closer to his face. I retreat to my original spot when Reyes opens his mouth again. " Sweetie don't sit on your high horse." Don't call me cocky" "Then you are up for a good old game. Aren't you?" "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." I scold as I walk out of the room.

The guys drag The Reyes team with their chairs as they follow me to the room I know all too well. They sit them down again. My eyes wander the room as the memories start flowing in my mind. I suppress them enough to turn back to face my 'family'. I signal to Jackson and Mason to untie Elijah.

"What!" "Are you stupid?" They both snap at me. I swiftly turn my head and glare at them. I don't answer them but continue to stare back and forth between them and Elijah. They sigh and walk over and untie our prisoner. Elijah carefully stands up and rubs his wrist trying to ease the burning pain that was left from the ropes. Mason pats him down to make sure he has no weapons on him. Jackson pulls Elijah's arms behind his back as he leads him towards me.

"Are you psycho Ana?" Elijah hiss in my ear. I turn my head to look at his face. "You think I'm psycho." I quietly ask him mockingly. "Come on. Don't be like this you're acting crazy." "Why don't you go tell daddy that I'm crazy." I tease. "And so what if I'm crazy? All the best people are." With that, I make my way to the boxing arena, Elijah hot on my heels.

We both get on the mat waiting for this to begin. I quickly sweep the room and see that my team plus Mason's looking confused not understanding what's about to happen. Reyes on the other hand is smirking away. I look back to my brother who looks like he is about to shit himself. But no one can see that. He is hiding behind the mask that we were trained to wear.

"You okay" I whisper to him trying to make sure no one can hear us. He looks startled and his head springs up to stare at me. He tilts his head trying to say You care about me I nod my head trying to tell him he could tell me anything. He raises his head signaling he is fine. His body trembles slightly as he trembles in fear. "Don't be nervous, we both have been here since we were seventeen," I tell him trying to calm his nerves. It seems to be doing the opposite but he shakes them off. He cracks his head to the sides trying to prepare himself. I do a little stretch too, trying to warm up my body.

"Okay ready whenever you guys are." Reyes's voice booms in the poorly lightroom. Our heads snap to him shocked at the sound that broke the quiet. Elijah quickly nods his head and gulps as he stares at me. "Heaven is hiding little brother." I grin at Elijah watching the last bit of fear run through him. "Here we go," Reyes says and right away we get into our fighter stance. Elijah tries to take punch me to the right but I take this as an opportunity to punch him in the gut. He stumbles back a bit. He tries to swing at me but I duck down making him miss. I try to hit Elijah again but he moves out of the way and dodges it. We continue this little trend for about 5 more minutes.

"Enough of this silly little game. Elijah doesn't be a pussy. Hit her." Reyes barks out tired of this act we are pulling. I take this as my chance and kick Elijah's foot right from under him. "You'll surrender to the heat," I argued. He quickly scrambles up to his feet and goes back to the fighting stance. "Don't be cautious, don't be kind" I stated to him. He doesn't answer me, not even a nod as he lungs out for me again. I moved to the side and grabbed his arm. I throw him to the other side of the box. He shakes it off and moves back to the center of the arena.

"Wait till the world is mine. I'm gonna run this town." I taunt him. "No, you're not going to. You think dad would let you." "Who said I need dear old daddy's approval." "Ana? What is this to you? A show? You not going to win this. You should give up now and move back into the house." I faltered in my step allowing him to get a hit in. He punches me right in the face making my head snap to the other side. I touch my lip as I can already feel the blood beginning to flow out. "Don't worry, I can put on a good show." I tease as I give him a sinister grin. "You remember our first fistfight. It was in a limousine." He recalls. "That's what started this madness." I sneer.


"Ana, Elijah get in." We quickly walk away making the blood on the walls disappear from our view. We swiftly get into the back of the limousine."You two fight." My father declares as soon as the car starts moving. "What?′ We both suddenly question. "Come on we don't have all day." I look towards my brother who gulps down and shakes his head. We swiftly stand up and get ready in our fighting positions. We take turns dogging and hitting each other. "Don't be a pussy, Elijah hit her!" My father's voice booms making a shiver run along my back making me shake internally. We shake off our fear and turn back ready to continue our fight. I'm able to get in a few hits making Elijah walk backward. He hits the car door and puts his hands up in a way to say mercy. I stop fighting him and walk back to my seat. As soon as I turned my back, Elijah kicks me at the back of my knees forcing me down to the ground. As I fall my head slams into the seat causing my vision to go blurry. I quickly sit up and strap myself into the car. "Never take your eyes off the fight till your component is dead and bloody. You are not worthy of being my daughter." My father's cold voice cuts through the silences. I keep my head down till we got home.

The car comes to a stop and Elijah quickly jumps out of the car and races inside. Each step I take behind my father makes my blood and anger rise higher. It starts to bubble until there is nothing left and I explode. "I'm tired of this. I'm sick of all the games we have to play." I bellowed out. "Watch your tone" My father yells out. "Why should I have to? All we are good at is committing crimes. What you're doing is wrong father." "What? Do you think you could do better Ana?" "Yes. You just wait till I run this town." "Ana I think you have it all wrong. You're never going to take control." "So you're going to be calling the shots 6 feet under the ground?" I sneer. "No, but your brother will." "What?" "He will be the new leader, take the family name." "You can't do that. I'm the oldest. This family business is mine." "Now Anastasia doesn't throw a tantrum." This comment aggravates me all they see me as is a little child. "Stop wearing your ass as a hat father, it's not pretty. I can run this business better than anyone, especially you." I snarled. My father stood there appalled. It felt like the world had stopped momentarily. But the world came back all too soon as a hand meets my face with vengeance. I gasp and grip my face. I bit my lip trying to conceal the tears trying to escape. I quickly walk away avoiding the glowing demon's eyes. I make my way to the room where my brother is hiding in.

I swiftly close the door and lock it, making sure the devil couldn't come in here. "I think I got myself in trouble," I say quietly as I turn myself around to face my brother. "God I wish that sometimes you would be quiet Ana. Come here let me clean your mouth." He says scolding me."Bite my tongue, bite my tongue" I mock. My brother sits there and rolls his eyes at me. He moves closer and starts to wipe the blood away from my face. "One day Ana you are going to realize it's better to sit there in your pretty dress and keep quiet."

End of Flashback

I grab Elijah's arm and pull in behind him. I push him to the ground making him kneel. I quickly whisper in his ear "Watch your back when you can't watch mine." After I finish I push him to the grounds get off the boxing arena and straight to my group. Jackson and Mason walk push me as they pick up and carry Elijah back to his chair. I strut my way to Reyes who doesn't look too pleased. "I am done playing your games father!" I spit into Reyes's face as I leave the old dirty fighting box.

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