23- Devils And Angels

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Grace POV

Finally, our week of freedom before shit starts going down. Currently, we are all gathered around the dining table. Mason and I are grabbing the glasses while the others do whatever they do while we are gone. We walk back and hand out a glass to everyone. Mason pops the bottle of champagne. We all watch the cork jump out of its place and flies halfway across the room. The powerful sparkling liquid flows out of the bottle. "Shit" Mason mutters as the sticky substances run down his arms. He quickly runs to fill up the glasses. We all laugh at him as panic runs through his body and rushes to fill the glasses and clean himself up.

I clear my throat gaining the attention of everyone in the room. They all look up at me and wait for me to talk. "I just wanted to thank everyone in this room. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys. Thanks for putting up with my selfish ways during this." I say sincerely as I look to everyone at the table. "To the Devils and Angels," I chant and lift my glass in the air. "Devils and Angels." They all shout in unison. Everyone brings their glass to meet me and clinking them together.

The rest of the crew is left to spend their last week relaxing. Jackson, Asia, Mason, Charles, and I will be joining them to relax but right now we must head to the warehouse to finally pick up our 'lost' shipment. Oh, how I want to slam their heads together. I visibly shake my body releasing the stress from my mind. As we head to the door to leave Liam and Carter rush to pass us with Twister and board games in their hands. Carter slips and falls as he passes us causing a mess with the board games. We all shake our heads trying to conceal our laugher. Liam rushes over and helps Carter as we walk out the door and start heading to the warehouse for the last time. Hopefully, they didn't fuck up again.

Once having reached the warehouse we walk to the well-acquainted back room. We open the door and come face to face with the 4 idiots. I grin at them as they look like they are about to shit themselves. They are fidgeting and can't keep eye contact with me. Just how I like it. I give them a hand motion to tell them to go get my stuff. They quickly dash out of the room to retrieve our stuff. Charles chuckles as he watches the musketeers run around based on fear.

Once our van is filled up with everything we ordered Mason closes the back door. Everyone was already seated in the van waiting fours to get in. I quickly turn back to the crew that works at the warehouse. I walk up to their 'leader' and whisper in his ear. "You're a fool if you think I will just let this go. If I were you I would sleep with one eye open. I'm not a person you want to make mistakes with. You want to know a secret." I say and pull away for a second to see him nods his head. "My real name is Anastasia- (A.N Ops no slips for you yet) and I'm planning on killing The Reyes. Fun right."

He visibly gulps and nods his head in agreement. I grin and chuckle at him as I make my way back towards the car. Mason looks confused as I walk over to him. I move my head towards the car telling him to get inside. He follows my instruction and jumps in. I follow right behind and we take off leaving this warehouse behind and hopefully, we are never coming back.

A Few Days Later

"What did you say to him. I've tried to call the warehouse so many times. Either they don't answer or they say they're busy when they realize who I am. " Jackson asks as he walks into the kitchen over to Me and Asia "Nothing, "I tell him as I take a sip of my coffee. "Very Convincing," Jackson tells me mockingly. "I'm telling you the truth. OH, but I also said this." I explain. I lean over towards Jackson and whisper what I told the owner. He looks at me with wide eyes and starts to chuckle. We look over to Asia to see she is sitting there arms cross and pouting. I sigh and lean over to tell her. I know that if I don't she will bother me about this later. She sits up happily and leans over. I whisper to her the same thing I told Jackson. She gives me the same expression as Jackson gave me. I start chuckling which makes Asia laugh. The three of us break out into a laugh attack and we can barely control ourselves. We stopped when the rest of our team walks in and The Fallen Devils. They don't know what we are talking about and thats how it will stay for now.

Mason's POV

Right when my group and the rest of Grace's groups walk in the kitchen to see what the laughing is. They all stop and look at us. Grace stands up and walks out of the room giving her group little to no attention saying she will be back and that she has some work to do. Liam, Carter, Scarlett, Moxie, Jack, Levi, and Samuel all leave to go to the living room to play a video game since it is their last week of freedom. I watch Grace walk upstairs and into her office. I debate on whether I should go up and talk to her or not.

"Hey guys why is Grace being so..." I trailed off trying to find the right word to describe right now. "Cold" Asia finishes for me. "Ya," I look back to the group to see Asia already staring at me with a glare like she is trying to figure me out. The same way I stare at Grace.

"Oh no, don't even think about it." Asia randomly says after she stops her glare. "What?" Charles says completely confused about Asia's sudden outbreak. "Don't even think about starting something with Grace." She explains. I give her a weird look trying to figure out how she found that out just by looking at me. "She's cold because she has been here before. She doesn't cry anymore. She doesn't look back." She starts. I stay quiet waiting for her to continue. "She loves control, she wants it her way and there's no way she'll ever stay unless you give it up. All it takes is just one taste and you're going to want to give it up." She walks closer to me and points upstairs towards Grace's office. "She lives for the thrill. You know she lusts for the kill. You can't try to tame the storm. Don't even try to understand it because it will become a tornado before you realize it and will get lost within it. Then it will be too late. You'll be far too in and you're going to want to end everything." She backs away slowly but remains in eye contact with me. "Don't say you haven't been warned. But the way she kills you will make you feel alive." She says and grabs Jackson leaving the room. Charles and Asher stare at each other weirdly trying to figure out what just happened. All I can think about is what Asia just said. What if I'm already too far in and gave her the control she needed?

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