21- Crumbling Under Pressure

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Grace POV

I wake up disoriented as the sunlight blinds me. I blink my eyes open and close until they get used to the light in this room. I glance around the room with my eyes trying to figure out where I am. As I turn my body to the opposite side I feel a heavy pressure pushing down on me stopping me from moving. I gently turn my head to see the cause of the pressure. I see an arm draped over me. As I glance up I see Mason lying there next to me. Memories flood back into my brain reminding me what happened last night. As I reminisce about last night's actives I drag my fingers over my red swollen lips. I giggle faintly as the images pop up in my head. I remember how aggressive Mason was but at the same time caring and loving. I shift in the bed a bit as I turn around to face him.

I let my fingers trace his jawline and the curve of his swollen lips too. He moves and shifts vaguely. I swiftly move my hand away hoping he doesn't wake up. Mason turns around so his back is now facing me. I wait a while to make sure that Mason is still asleep. I lightly bring my hand up and onto his back. I trace his back muscles. I lazily trace Mason's tattoos and the scratch marks that line his back. I'm assuming I made those last night. I bite my lip as I think about last night's actions. I must have been so lost in thought because I hadn't realized that I woke Mason up until I hear him let out a deep laugh. "Having fun there?" He asks me in his deep morning voice. UGH, his morning voice is so hot. He turns his head to look at me. He gives me a smirk as he too remembers what happened last night. No words come out of my mouth as I lie here speechless and just stare at his face. Mason tries to get me to talk but I just stay frozen in place. A few minutes passed by and actual thoughts start to process through my brain. I register what's happening when Mason clears his voice to bring me back to the land of the living. I look straight into his eyes and panic rushes over my face. In a split second, I'm up and out of the bed slipping on my clothes. Before Mason gets the chance to ask me 'what's wrong I'm out the door and leaving the hotel. What the fuck is wrong with me. Once I get home I run my the stairs into my room, throwing myself onto the bed.

I guess I ended up falling asleep because when I open my eyes I'm still in the same clothes from yesterday. I look over to the clock and see thats it's a little past noon. Well, shit we are now late to pick up our stuff from the warehouse. It's okay, those guys deserve it they are complete asses. I slowly get out of my bed and go get dress. I make my way downstairs and call out for Jackson and Asia. They hurry towards me. I tell them 'let's go' and start walking towards the door. I stop when I realize that they aren't following me. This time when I turn to look at them I see two people I wish weren't there. "Would you look at who decided to join us? Did the little slut decide it was time to wake up now?" Charles says out loud "Excuse me," I say at the same time that Mason hits him on the back of his head. " Oww." He exclaims as he rubs the back of his head. I give him a stern look waiting to explain why he called me a slut. "You are a slut because of last night. You know when you danced and had a very detailed conversation with two men back to back. It's not just me who thinks that." He stops for a second and looks around the room. The other 3 or telling him not to continue and to stop talking. "No Charles I would like you to continue and explain why others think I'm a slut." "Well, you put on quite a show especially on with the dress. No one could keep their eyes off of you. It also didn't help when Mason broke that guy's nose on the dance floor. Everyone witnessed it. You're pretty much what everyone is talking about now." He explains. I'm having trouble contains the rage that is surging through me. Before I yell at the innocent people here. I mean I could yell at Charles because he deserves it. Even if he kept his mouth closed I would still yell at him. But that's beside the point. I bark at the 4 of them to hurry up because we need to leave. I walk to the door and slam it close. I wait for them in the car trying to control my breathing and anger. Once they get inside we start heading to the warehouse.

We get inside and walk to the backroom. When we get there we see the little fuckers just chilling on fold-out chairs as they play a card game on a fold-out table. When we walk into the room, the 3 dumbasses jump out of their chairs. They look surprised when they see the 4 of us standing here. "What are you guys doing here?" One of them asks us. "What do you mean why are we here? We are here to pick up or shipment." Jackson tells them in a semi confused tone. "Of course thats why you're here. But you already did." "WHAT" "What did you just say." Mason and I say at the same time. We both turn to look at each other. I move my head quickly and gulp as he clears his throat. "Ya. Someone came to pick it up this morning. They said you sent them to pick it up." "And you just gave it to them? without any confirmation. Are you fucked in the head" "Listen here, lady? I don't tell you how to do your job, so don't tell me how to do mine. And yes they did show us confirmation." "And what was it? because clearly, I didn't give anything to anyone." I tell them in a sarcastic way laced with anger. " So first they show us pictures of you with them and then showed us your phone number which is the same one we have." " Are you kidding me? How stupid can you be? Do you know how many pictures of me are out there with people and how many have my number? That doesn't give you the right to give them our shipment" I'm practically shouting now. Their faces show that they know they are completely messed up now. All 5 of us are outraged and irritate at the 3 asshats sitting in front of us like idiots. I start pacing the room because I know if I don't then I might punch or flip something.

"I don't know if this helps you guys but they did leave a note." I go over and take it out of Charles's hands and read it "If you are going to declare war on a group do your research, you won't beat us. We are coming for you. - The Reyes" I groan and flip the table. "You better have my shipment tomorrow or I will kill you and that's not a threat" I sneer at them. The three of them nod their heads quickly and rush of the room to start making their calls. I start calming down. I look towards the group and start to smirk. I walk closer to the door as I say "It may seem like we are in deep shit but this plan will still work." "How? They stole our shit." "Because it's not funny killing people without a fight." Jackson and Asia slowly nod their head agreeing with me while Mason looks like he is fuming and is tugging on his hair. I bite my lip slightly as I watch him. I remember tugging on that hair. Oh God Ana focus.

I look at the group and see that they are still freaking out about everything. "Everyone just calms down. They are coming for us. We just need to outrun them. The war song has been summoned. So there is no more time to screw around." I turn to look at Mason "Do you feel your heart race?" I ask him. All he does is look at me and nod. I look around at Charles, Jackson, and Asia. "Nothing's going to take us now. We have fire in our blood. Nothing will stop us or get in our way. You guys got that." They all agree and say yes.

"We're not going down, "I say as I walk out of the room leaving them there. Once we are all seated in the car I say one final thing to them. "I hope this is a lesson to everyone. This is the exact reason why we keep calm even when others frustrate and irritate us." Everyone looks start at Mason. He just groans and looks out the window. This is properly one of the most awkward and quietest car rides I have ever had with Charles. I like it.

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