24- Karma's Got A Kiss For You

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Grace POV

Currently, the two groups are piled in the van heading towards The Reyes. The whole car ride everyone sat in complete silence looking back at everything they went through in such a short period. I look over to the seat beside me and realize that Mason was keeping that seat occupied. Mason senses my staring and looks over towards me. After an intense staredown, he starts to cough trying to exit this awkward tension we have created. I have yet to talk to him about what happened a few nights ago. What can I say Oh we had sex and it was great how do you feel. Was it good for you too? Eww no, I shake away the thoughts and go back to looking out the window. Mason has other plans though. I can feel him lean over towards me and his breath on my neck. I can feel his plump lips graze over my ear as he starts to whisper to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He sweetly asks me. He pulls back slightly to look at me. I notice how his eyes run over my body trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I turn my head and whisper into his ear. "Hi, I'm okay. The question is, Are you okay?" I observe how his hands start to shake and sweat starts to form on his forehead. How he starts to rub his hands up and down my thigh sending a tingling feeling up my leg and straight to my stomach where the butterflies run wildly. I quickly turn and look away trying to hide the fact that he has this kind of control over me. When I move my head my eyes land on Jackson. Jackson just stares at us confused and a bit upset I shake my head at him and mouth to him that I will explain later. He briskly nods his head and lets out a barely audible sigh. He looks back to Asia who was trying to have a conversation with him.

The van suddenly comes to a halting stop making everyone launch forward in their seat. We look around at each other to make sure that we are alright. We take off our seatbelts and get out of the car. We gather up and attach all our equipment to ourselves. Moxie and Jack make themselves ready in the van as we finish gathering our shit. I turn to face them as the rest of the team gathers around from the back.

"We are sneaking in through the back. We are going to kick the back door down. Then Jack will cut the breaks giving us enough time to knock them unconscious and to tie them up." Everyone agrees with this plan by nodding their head swiftly and start walking away from the van. Mason and I close the doors and look at each other.

"Ready?" He asks me "Born ready." I say confidently "Um now that we are alone do you want to talk about-" "No," I tell him in a snappy voice. I quickly stride away from him and rejoin the group. He quickly stops and gains back his thoughts. We both manage to catch up with the rest of the team. The team turns around to meet our eyes. Everyone looks fine and doesn't show any emotion towards Mason and me. Everyone but Jackson. He looks pissed at us. He quickly moves over to me and pulls my arm making my ear meet his lips. "I don't care what's going on between you two right now. But don't let this mess up the mission." He growls lightly. I pull my arm away from him. "Calm the fuck down before YOU ruin this mission. Don't tell what to and not to do." I growl back at him. The team awkwardly stands there until I tell them to keep moving. I secretly shake off the stress and anger that Jackson just gave me and continue with the group.

We make our way towards the back of Reyes's house. I start to walk away from them but remember a thought. I walk closer and whisper to them. "Be a little humble and cautious. We can't go back once we start. This is our moment. Tonight is our night and we'll fight till it is over if we have to." They briskly nod their heads in agreement and smirk at me. I replicate the smirk back and turn towards Mason nodding my head. With that, we start our last mission. Mason hacks into the door and opens it. We quietly storm inside The Reyes shelter. We try not to get caught or make noise as we being our journey hopefully going the right way. "Hello, can you hear me?" I hear Jack say in my ears. "Ya, we can hear you," Mason reassures him. "Okay, perfect. You guys are going to go straight. They are in the next room over." Moxie informs us. "Okay got it," I tell her.

We cautious walk straight further into the house with no escape. I spot Reyes and his team in a room talking. It's more like Reyes yelling at them and slamming his hands against the wooden table. He is yelling at them about the warehouse we set on fire. This makes me chuckle under my breath as I see the fire burning inside him. The same fire that burnt down the warehouse, casino, and club. We wait on the wall farthest from The Reyes team. We wait until Jack gives us the signal. All of a sudden the light in the house is cut off making darkness devour the room.

I walk slowly into the room letting my nails scrape against the wall as I make my way towards Luis Reyes. Right before I whack him in the back of his head. I silently whisper in a psychotic lullaby tone "Ashes, Ashes we all fall." With that, he is out like a light along with the rest of his remaining team. They get swept up and tied to a chair. Let the games begin.

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