12- Lost In The Past

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Grace POV

After The Fallen Devils leave I make my way into the shower. Once I get out of the shower I slip in my satin 2 set pajamas. I sit on the edge of my bed and rub my lotion over all of my body. I sigh as I make my way into my comfy king bed. I think back to tonight and what happened. I let out yet another loud sigh as I sink further into my bed. I feel a melancholy feeling wash over me. I'm not sad at what happened tonight with Xavier or Jayden. To be honest I'm beaming with joy over that. I have low spirits because my grandmother keeps coming to my mind which makes me miss her more. I curl up into my bed and close my eyes wishing for sleep to come to me.

I look around and see nothing but a blinding shade of white all around me. As I walk around trying to figure out where I am. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me. I thought that I was the only one here whatever here is. But apparently, I was wrong. I swiftly turn my body around to see the person I least expected. I can't keep my mouth close as I stare at this mysterious person. I go from happy to sad back to happy as they walk closer to me.

"Abuela?" "Hi, sweetie" "What are you doing here. Where am I?" "Darling we are in your dreams. Your imagination created this. So it's wherever you want us to be. I close my eyes and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. When I open my eyes I see the familiar home I grew up with my Abuela. I look around waiting for my eyes to land on that sweet little old lady. Once they do I rush towards her open arms. I crash it them and give her the biggest hug I can. As I hug her I remember how they use to feel. Tears cloud my vision as I remember what life was like before everything went down. This is the first time I have cried in 5 years. As I hold her tightly I get hit in the face by the sweet smell of homemade cookies and vanilla wafting off of her. I don't let go of her as I sob in the crease of her neck. I'm too scared to let go of her because I don't want her to leave me again. All too quickly she moves my arms that were clung around her so that she can stare at my face. She puts my face into her face as her thumbs rub up and down my cheeks creating a soothing feeling.

"I'm so sorry Abuela." "Why are you sorry sweetheart" "I'm causing so much violence. I know how you feel about that." "Oh, honey don't worry about that it's okay." "It is?" "Yes." "I just feel like I'm not living up to your standards and I'm going against how you raised me. That you're not proud of me anymore." "Oh, angel you could never disappoint me. I understand that you are looking for your own purpose. You're learning who you are by yourself now. You were in the wildness all alone. The people who were supposed to take care of you and love you left you and hurt you more than any human can." I look down not knowing what to say. "You know what I see nieta (granddaughter) I see that you have finally become a butterfly." I look up at her confused. "You have finally spread your wings and are being to fly. You are taking matters into your own hands and becoming the strong brave person I have raised. There is nothing wrong with being you. Those people can throw sticks and stones, but words can never break your bones. They can't take your soul or desire for freedom. All I ask of you is don't get caught with lies and deceit " "I won't Abuela I never do anything bad if they haven't done something to wrong another." "I know and thats one of the reasons why I love you." She lightly kisses my forehead. She pulls back and stares at my face again with her bright and big smile.

"Now tell me. Have you been taking care of yourself" "Of course Abuela" "Have you spoken to anyone about your feelings" I look down not knowing what to say?"You know it's never good to close yourself off honey." " I know" "Do you have a boyfriend." "Abuela!" "What. I may be dead but I still love a good romance story." "Well, I don't have any romance stories to tell you. I'm single as single can be." "How about that handsome tall stud. You know the one with the curly hair." "You mean Mason. No, he is far from boyfriend." "Really? Well, I think he would be a fine gentleman for you." "Okay Abuela, we are done with this conversation. You know that I have no time for a boyfriend. They are just extra work that I don't need." She gives me a disapproving look but knows to not speak about it anymore.

My love, the world needs a hero, when it all goes down. Someone to come save us now." "I know. I won't recreate what I break. I will make the world as good as I humanly can. It all starts with getting the Reyes out. All they do is spread hatred. They slaughter more than they love." "Thats right my love. Now don't forget I love you and will never be ashamed of you." "I love you too. I miss you so much Abuela." "I miss you too darling. You must go, the battle cry is calling now."

I gasp as I wake up and search around my room hoping that she was still here with me. That was the last thing I hear her tell me. She understands why I have to do this. I cry myself to sleep as I remember the sweet times I use to have with her. Before my eyes close I tell my Abeula who is hopeful listening that I'm ready to do what's right no matter what.


I wake up with red blotch eyes. It's okay nothing a little concealer can't fix. When I was little I was always told to not show my pain. That pain is weakness and we should surrender to it. I fix myself up and make myself look presentable before I make my way downstairs. As I approach the training room I hear a room full of laughter. I push open the door a bit too harshly that results in the door slamming into the wall. All eyes quickly turn to see what's happening they all stop laughing and get started training. Do I scare people that much Hmm it doesn't matter anyway since they are actually being productive now anyway? I walk to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. I hear footsteps follow me all the way there but I know all too well who it is "Hello Mason what can I do for you?" I ask him as my back is still turned towards him. I hear him throw something on the counter. I turn around to see what he threw.

I look down to see today's new paper there. I carefully pick it up slowly while remaining in eye contact with them. "Look who made the front cover. I thought I would share the good news with you." I look down at the newspaper as I eagerly read the whole thing. I'm left with a very positive attitude to see that my plan is working accordingly. "I do have a question though." Okay asks away." I listen to his question as I stir my coffee. "Why do they think The Reyes did it?" "Because we framed them. " "How did we do that. Wait, I thought we wanted people to know It was us." "We do want people to know just not yet. As for the framing, you remember when I put the knife in the crest. Well, it shows to the outside world was The Reyes were there because they always leave the crest and something along with it. But to The Reyes, a knife through their crest means another group is declaring war against them. Also, the lighter was one of their own." "How did you score that and why do you know so much about The Reyes." I quickly look up at him and straighten up my back. "Let just say I have some strong connections" Wanting to end the conversation like that.

I turn around to leave the kitchen with my coffee and the newspaper. I hadn't realized Mason was following me until he opened the door to the room I was going to go into. He walked in and looks around the room in awe. " What is this place." "It's kinda like the Death Angels trophy room we keep things in here from other missions," I say as I hang up the newspaper on the wall. Something catches his eye and walks towards it. I hadn't realized what it was until he asked me what it was. I turned to him looking at the plaque thats hung on the wall. "Thats our motto here at the Death Angels. Did Asia not tell you it?" he shakes his head no. "Oh, well the motto is 'Magna Victoria est ad hos resurgemus.'" He looks at me like I have grown two heads. "It's Latin. It means 'The victory is for us to rise." I reassure him. He nods finally understanding. "Do you have any more questions now?" "No... Actually, I do have one" "Okay, ask away." "I get the feeling that this mission isn't just about taking down The Reyes because they the most powerful gang in the world. why is that." I look at him with anger sitting behind my eyes. I don't know what to say without saying something wrong. I let out a quick no. Maybe too quick? He looks at me like he knows I'm hiding something. But I don't give him the chance to question me as I quickly storm out of that room and into my office where I lock the door and sink into my seat trying to hide from the world and Mason.

Ringing flows through my office. I let out an exhausted sigh as I pick up the phone. "Hello, this is Grace Donovan. who am I speaking with." When the unknown caller identifies themselves my heart momentarily stops and my legs start to bounces.

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