17- Bumping Into The Past

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Grace POV

I wake up and look around the room confused about where I am. I see that I'm in my room. How did I get here? As I sit up in my bed I get struck with a major headache. "Owww" I walk all the way downstairs and head straight to the kitchen to get coffee and an Advil. When I get there I see Mason sitting there drinking coffee. I pour myself a cup of coffee and get an Advil. As I try to get an Advil out of the container. They all shake around making the most obnoxious sound ever which in return makes my head pound even faster. I wince and grab my head. During this, I hadn't realized that Mason had walked over and opened the bottle for me. He passes me the Advil which I swallow with my coffee. "killer hangover?" "Ya" I start to walk away but I turn back around to Mason. "Mason, do you remember what happen yesterday night with me?" "You don't remember?" "No, I guess too much to drink." His face drops. He staggers a bit in his steps. He looks up to my face and doesn't say anything except push past me. He hits my shoulder and mutters to me that we have a meeting.

I quickly drink my coffee and make my way to my office. As I open the door, I stumble upon 6 empty bottles of whiskey on the floor. Well, you must have had some fun last night. Right, as I was trying to clean up the bottles the door pushes open again revealing Jackson, Asia, Charles, and Mason laughing. They quickly scan over the room to see me with six bottles of whiskey in my hands. I look up to them like a deer caught in headlines. I scurry to my desk to dispose of all of the bottles in the trash can. I quickly whip my hands clean and take my seat at the desk. "Well, someone must have had some fun last night" Charles mutters lightly as he starts to walk in. Mason nudges him and shakes his head no. I clear my throat as I watch the group enter the office and takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk.

"Why are you guys here?" "We need to talk about yesterday's mission" Jackson informs me. Everyone nods and agrees with him. I sit up straighter in my seat. "So what's wrong?" I question. "Why did you go AWOL on us and change the plan?" "In the morning I went to go and have brunch at Mr. Reyes's house. We talked and I was asked where I worked. I didn't know what to say until I remember the manager from the club and how he owed me one. I ended up saying I was a stripper there. That's when the plan fell into place. Once you guys had left the office that day, we talked about the plan. We both created a plan and decided to run with that since we found out Travis RSVP for the night. Thats why the plan changed. I thought that the group was smart enough to realize what happened and would act accordingly. Sometimes plans don't go a certain way and we have to work fast. We need to work a little harder in that area but I think it went okay. Could have been better, but it's done now. There is nothing for us to do about it now." I tell them. I see fury rise in Mason and everyone else is either confused, angry, or both. Jackson nods his head and gets up to leave since there is nothing else to talk about. The group gets up and follows his lead. Thats until I stop them. "Oh, guys I forgot to tell you. We need to leave to go to a market. They are selling a few things that we are going to need for our upcoming missions." They nod their heads and leave to go and get ready.

We all meet downstairs once we are all ready to go. Jack and Moxie decide to join us while Liam, Carter, Scarlett, Asher, Levi, and Samuel stay behind to train. We all filed into the car. We then left for the market. Right when we get their everyone groups up. Asia with Jackson duh, Moxie, Jack and Charles, and lastly Mason and I. I give each team a paper with 3 things on them. They have half an hour to find each thing and then we must meet back here because that's where the car will meet us so we can leave here. Mason and I wander around and find everything fairly easy except for one thing. The last thing we need is a new knife sharpener. Like how hard is it to find one? Very hard. We keep walking until Mason sees them up ahead. But thats, not the thing that catches my eyes. I see a familiar man catch my attention. The man notices me and starts walking towards me. I quickly panic and tell Mason to go get the sharpener and I'm going to go to the bathroom. He doesn't question me and goes to find the right one we need. A man gets close enough I grab his arm and pull him behind one of the stands.

"Dad?" "Ana?... It's nice to see you again." "I wish I could say the same. What are you doing here." I ask him. While he answers I start looking around to see where the rest of the crew is. I can't let them find out about him nor can he know about the group. "Mhmm, dad that sounds great. I have to go through, See you around." I tell him as I see Mason approaching us. "Oh okay. Talk to you soon Anastasia." He tells me and walks away.

Once Mason reaches me he gives me a confused face. "Who was that?" Who was what?" I try to play off "The guy you were talking to." He says as he tries to ask calmly but you can hear the anger rising in his voice. " Ohhh him? He was just trying to sell me something." I tell him. He nods his head slowly and tells me it's time to meet the group back at the car now. I nod my head and we start to leave. I make sure he is a few steps in front of me as I let out a sigh thinking that he didn't question me anymore about the 'random' man. We walk to the car and see that everyone is already inside. We get in and the car starts taking us back home. I look out the window ad mentally pat myself on the back. That could have ended horribly.

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