5- Fight Club

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Grace POV

I was wrong The Fallen Devils have learned anything about discipline and respect throughout this training. It's been 2 days since their first day and nothing has changed. I work them hard till they drop and yet the next day they still show up and nothing has changed. They are trying to rush everything and have zero respect for me or any other female in this field. But today that's all going to change. I have a plan and this will defiantly change their mindset if not there is no hope and I will have to re-think my decision of having The Fallen Devils as a part of this mission.

Yesterday I told Mason to get to the house at 6 am. So when the doorbell rings at exactly 6 I know who it is. I summoned my team to the door and to gather their equipment. I put on my red bottom heels and black sunglasses and grab my coat as Jackson opens the door. I push my way to the front and walk out. My team falls me out as we leave The Fallen Devils and their shocked expression in our wake. As my driver opens my door I hear Mason yell my name and his footsteps getting louder as he approaches me. I turn around to face him and smile at him before I ask Mason what's wrong.

"What is wrong Mason?" "What is happening? Where are you going?" "You mean where are we going." "What that didn't help me." "Get in the car, Mason." "What" "Your team has a car right?" "Yes, but" "okay good tell them to follow us and get in the car." Before he gets the chance to speak I go inside the car with Asia and Jackson right behind me. I hear Mason tell his team to follow us with their car and his footsteps getting louder as they come towards the car. As the door opens he looks at me and then at Jackson and Asia. As his eyes find their way back to mine. He stands there for a beat too long waiting for some invitation to come inside. "Get in," I say in a demanding way. Right, when Mason gets into the car and closes the door I tell the driver that he can go and we start heading to the surprise destination.

"So um where are we going." "Shh" "What are we going to be doing. You didn't tell me what's going on." "Oh my God, can you please shut your mouth for 5 seconds? You keep blathering on and on. You will see. Now shut up and just sit. And try not to bother me anymore while you are at it. Got it." "Yep" After that Mason just looks out the window in silence as we continue our journey.

(Skip the rest of the car ride)

As we reached our destination we all get out of the car and walk towards the building. I grab the key from my pocket and open the door. As soon as the door opens a huge wave of dust comes out and we all start breathing it in. Everyone starts coughing and waving their hands in the air trying to waft out the dust.

"Where are we?" "what are we doing here?" "What is this place?" loads of questions were falling out of The Fallen Devils' mouth. As they all started asking loads of questions I naturally ignore them and go to the light switch to open up all the lights. I make my way back to the two groups. "You said you wanted a fight. Well, here you go." I say as I throw my hands all around gesturing to the empty arena. "Why an abandoned boxing center?" "Well, first off all the room we would need, and secondly no one would come looking here so we're safe from the cops." "Okay so you said we are going to fight, who are we fighting exactly." Charles says with some snarkiness. This question though got everyone to agree. At least we can all finally agreed somehow.

"You're staring at it." "Excuse me" "You heard me. We will set up different fights between someone from The Fallen Devils and Death Angels and we will see who is our win and who needs to truly learn something about fighting." They all started cheering and high-fiving the others from their team showing that they all agree with this idea.

"We've got a problem though," Charles speaks up yet again. "And what would that be." "Last time I checked you have 4 girls on your team and we don't have any." "Is that a problem? Are you too pussy to fight against a girl? Are you too scared?" "No" "Oh okay then we are all good then." "I just don't want to hurt a girl." "Who said you were going to hurt us. Just don't cry like a baby to your mommy when one of us beat your ass today." Charles starting laughing and turn his head around to look back at his group. The Fallen Devils all started laughing along like this was the funniest thing they ever heard. I walked slowly up to Charles and punched him right in the gut. He bents down in pain, clutching himself as he bellows out in pain. I laugh at him now. "Are you okay Charles or does mommy need to come and kiss away your boo boo, "I say mockingly. "I'm fine." "Hmm should have punched you a bit harder then."

"Anyways now that we settled that problem, does anyone else have any problems that should be cleared?" Everyone brought themselves back to their silenced state. "Perfect. Now rules you must only fight no outside sources and weapons and no injuries or killing only weaken them till they get on the floor we don't need anyone hurt before we can start a real fight. Do you understand?" They all nod their heads yes especially Charles who was brought back to his normal state. "Perfect. We are ready to start. Now Jack and Jackson you will start us off today. Is that okay with you Mason?" "Whatever you say, angel." "Don't call me an angel." Mason raises his arms in defence.

Jackson and Jack get up onto the arena and start getting ready. Mason yells 3, 2, 1 and they start fighting. I will say I was impressed with how well it went but unfortunately everything must end. But fortune for me because within a blink of an eye Jack is down on the floor with Jackson on top of him. It continues this same way between Liam and Asher's fight and Carter and Samuel. The only remaining people from both teams that hadn't fought yet would be Scarlett, Asia, Levi, and Charles.

"You know what I just realized." Oh dear god, this kid is talking again. Someone should invest in buying him a muzzle. "What did you just realized Charles that you and The Fallen Devils can't fight like the Death Angels because Hunny we knew that for a long time." "No, that you or Mason have trained with us or fought." "He is right we haven't" Oh god now the other one is talking. "Your right Mason he is right we haven't punch each other like wilded caged animals." "You want to give it a go." "Give a go punching you. You know I'm going to pass on that one." "Why are you scared you're going to lose to Mason." "No Charles I'm not scared cause if I were to fight him I would win." "Oh ya then show us. Why don't you pull up your big girl pants and put your money where your mouth is." "I make my money, and I write the checks. So say my name with a little respect. My whole team is successful right now. You're just our guest." Charles grows silent but his leader on the other hand hasn't learned his lesson. "So what's it going to be an angel. You going to fight me or not." "Boy, don't call me an angel. Do I need to say it again, yeah? You better stop the sweet talk and keep your pretty mouth shut. If this is how you want to find out the truth that you guys are little boys with your toy guns than fine."

I make my way to the arena and get in. Mason is close behind me. As he makes his way into the boxing box I take off my heels, glasses, and jacket and throw them in the corner. "Now to set the record straight I don't want to hurt you and we can stop at any time if you want to." "Shut up" I bark back at him. "Are you ready?" I ask "Ya are you ready Grace ?" I nod my head not knowing what to say. We start walking around trying to find a spot to aim for that will knock the other down quickly and seamlessly. I noticed that I can't find a weak spot on Mason right now so I'm going to try to lower his guard. "Since we are by ourselves up here I have a few things to tell you." "Oh ya what is it." "I have seen the way you undress me with your eyes and how you size up to my body." "What" He lowers his arms. and just like that, I figured out how to catch him off guard. He is just like every man I have ever meet. They all get distracted when a female is coming off too sexual or looks as though they are asking for it. So right now I'm going to use that to my advantage. "I know what they all say. That I fell from Heaven, now I'm living like a devil. I know that you can't get me off your mind. I appreciate the way you want me, I can't lie." I walk closer to him and I can tell that I'm close to the point where Mason will no longer have any guard or defence up. He looks so confused and a bit shocked that I had 'realized'. Once I get close to Mason I drop it low, I back it up right up against him. "I know you wanna think you're mine. Baby, I get it, you can't get me off your mind." I turn around to face him and move my mouth to the side of his face. I make it seem that I'm going to kiss him but I move my head to his ear and whisper. "We in this together, but don't call me an angel" After that, I swing my foot underneath him and his feet get swept up and he lands on his back. I lower down so that I crouch beside him. "See I always win no matter what."

I get up and my team is cheering for me. Jackson helps me down and gathers my stuff. I grab it from him and slip my shoes back on and my jacket. I grabby glasses and put them back on as I walk back to Mason and his team. "So that's enough for today. We will see you, boys, tomorrow and you all better come back with a better chance in attitude and respect because I will kick all your asses if needed." "Wait I didn't get to compete today." "Asia" I point to Charles so that she can go deal with him. In one quick second, he lands right on his butt because of Asia's kick. I high five and give her a smirk that she repays me with a replicate. "Again like I said we will see you all tomorrow bright and early for training. I wouldn't miss it because you all need it." And with that my team and I walk out the door. Leaving a shocked, confused, and tired group in the old and rotting boxing arena.

Hi Guys, I think Grace proved them right. Don't you? How are you guys? How did you like this Chapter? Talk to you guys later.

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