10- A Hero's Gamble

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Grace POV

Today's a big day for The Fallen Devils. Today I get to see how they act in the line of fire and under pressure. Nothing is planned when it comes to these types of missions. We separated groups into two different rooms. One room for the girls and one for the boys. The boys are using Jackson's and Asia's room who is two doors down from mine. The girls are in mine. We use these two rooms because they are the two biggest rooms that we have here.

As the girls were putting their last-minute things on and fixing their hair and makeup. I and Moxie were standing on the wall near the door. "You think The Fallen Devils are ready for something like this." "I hope they are. Or else this is going to be one big shit show and my cover will be blown." She says nothing but just nods her head and turns back to look at Asia and Scarlett. She looks back and starts to lightly laugh. "It's so weird to think that we are all friends." "What do you mean by that." "I mean that they care about how they look and need to make sure that their lipstick is smudge and we could care less. s long as we get to punch someone tonight. we are good." "Who are you going to punching the van?" "You know what I mean. We care about the action. Sometimes I think they love dressing up more than the action." I totally understand her. They grew up playing with barbies. I grew up shooting a gun and fighting. Moxie knew how to use the dark web when she was growing up. "Don't get me wrong they are badass fighters and I love them to death but an hour to do your hair. Thats a different level of crazy. I let out a laugh because what she's saying is completely fair and anyone in our group could see it. We both start to slightly laugh together and turn our heads to the other girls. I remember what I saw earlier between Jack and Moxie and decide to ask her about it. "So Moxie." "Yes, Ana" "Do you have a crush on Jack?" "WHAT?" I hear three voices ask me. Asia and Scarlett look back at us with confusion written all over their faces. Moxie looks nervous at my question. It probably doesn't help that all eyes are on her.

Before she gets the chance to answer the door to my room whips open. A curly-haired boy pokes his head through. All eyes in the room look away from Moxie momentarily to see who slammed open the door. He looks quite frightened as he makes eye contact with everyone in the room. He mutters a quiet sorry. As he realized who he is talking to he clears his throat and straights out his back. He walks in and tells us that the guys are done and it's time to start to head out. Asia and Scarlett practically skip out of the room. I turn to Moxie and we both try to suppress our laugh as I grab my coat and signature glasses and walk out leaving a very nervous Mason in our wake.

Once we get downstairs my coat and glasses are on and everyone is paired with one another. Moxie and Jack since they are in the van together, Asia and Jackson because they are dating, Scarlett and Asher; they are pretending to date but they seem to be hitting it off nicely, and then Me and Mason; the two leaders and will also be together in the dating sense. He better not get any ideas. This leaves Charles, Liam, Carter, Levi, and Samuel looking like bystanders throughout the Casino.

At this point, everyone knows where they need to be and with whom. I look over to Mason and he looks nervous and is sweating a ton. Like who even sweats this much. I am pretty sure Niagara Falls doesn't even create this much water this fast. I pull his hand and signal him to lower his head. Once he has done that I lean close enough to whisper in his ear.

"What the hell is your problem?" "Nothing." "Oh really? Then why are you sweating so much and look like you're about to shit yourself." "I'm just scared." "Why" "This is my first mission with you and your group. I just don't want anything going wrong." "I know me too. But what's going to mess us up is you going in there looking like you just ran a fucking marathon." "he nods his hand and stands back up. You can tell that he is becoming less nervous and the sweat has stopped producing. Thank God. We both look at the group and I tell them to start getting into the van. Everyone walks out of the house into the car but Moxie waits in till Mason's out of hearing range from us and comes closer to me. "So Ana." She says in the same irritating voice I had done just minutes ago to her. "Do you have a little crush on Mason?" "What, no. You know me I don't date. Even if I did he isn't my type." She gives a face thats expresses 'oh come on' "You can't say that. That man is everyone's type." I roll my eyes at her "This isn't up for discussion." "What do you get to joke about my love life but I can't with yours" I can barely hear her talking at this point because I'm already in the back of the van and closed the door. Moxie jumps into the passenger seat and gives me the stink eye through the rearview mirror.

Skip Car Ride

Once we get close to the Casino we let Scarlett and Asher out. A few minutes later Asia and Jackson join them inside. Once we get the okay we send Liam, Carter, Samuel, Levi, and Charles in separately. Now it's just Mason, Moxie, Jack, and I in the van. We all have an earpiece that allows us to talk to each other. We sit near the computer screens trying to find the 4 people we need to locate. At last, I find one out of the four. "There is one. Jackson, Asia he is at the table across from you." Right, when they spot him Asia gives me her signal to tell me she spotted him and they keep track of his every move. Right after Mason spots another one. This one is located right beside Charles at the bar. Once we translate that back to Charles he gives us the signal and starts to stalk him. 2 down 2 more to go. The next two took us a while to find them. But all of a sudden Jack spots both of them together. Would you look at that? We tell the rest of the crew thats inside because the 2 assholes were stuck in the middle of all of them. Scarlett and Asher got to one first and Carter got to the other. They gave us their signal once it was safe to do so and start to follow them. Now it's a waiting game to see how the rest of them get those 4 fuckers in the backroom. Charles starts to talk and have a drink with his, Asia and Jackson play a car game, Scarlett, Asher, and Carter start talking to theirs because they were standing in the middle of the room.

After a while, Asia, Jackson, Charles, Scarlett, Asher, And Carter both get the 4 jackasses into the backroom. They put them right where we needed them. It's like stealing candy from a baby. I start chucking under my breath and slightly shaking my head. I and Mason both look at each other before we nod. We exit the van and walk start inside the Casino ready to start some chaos.

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