Chapter 8: Unreal

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| Uzumaki Naruto

Just what the hell am I doing?

Get a grip, Naruto.

"I-I'm sorry--" I felt a hand on my back, bringing me back from moving away from the hug. I can feel the warmth as his arms wraps around me and I won't be lying if I said that this is the most comfortable place I've ever been.

My hands unconsciously grip on his shirt and closes my eyes, losing any care and stopping any thoughts in my head for a while.

This is just too comfortable to let go.

"This is so unexpected." He whispers on my right ear, sending a shiver down to my spine. His voice is so soft but the impact is too much for me. "Are you okay?"


He must be finding it weird that I'll just suddenly appear in our house, sweating and panting and hug him out of nowhere. I know, it's very out of usual and I don't have any valid reason to do so.

Just because I feel like it.

And you don't hug someone just because you feel like it.

He slowly let go and scans me once again, getting a glass of water and hands it to me.

"You're sweating and panting. You should take a seat first." I accepted the water and sat down on the chair. He just finished washing the dishes. I gulp down the water in one go and place it down gently.

"Have you eat?"

"I ate chips at Chouji's house." He glances at me and nods, opening the fridge and taking some ingredients. Is he going to cook?

"A-Ano, you don't need to--"

"It's not healthy to spend the night without proper dinner. Just stay in there and wait for the food." He cut me off and starts chopping the vegetables.

Good job, Naruto. You come home without valid reason and now make Sasuke cook for you.

I remain silent in there, fidgeting on my seat as I heard the sound of utensils and stove working.

Unconsciously, I just found myself staring at his back and my mind starts to wander again.

He's so fine.

It's almost like he's too unreal to exist in this world. And I know I might be exaggerating now but my mind won't just stop being like one when it comes to him. Sometimes I wonder why.

The sound of plates colliding with the glass table bring me back to reality as he placed down the food in front of me.

"I'm done eating dinner so I'll just accompany you while you eat. Is that okay? Or do you want to eat without someone watching you?" He asked that made me blink and smile awkwardly.

"W-Well, I don't mind you staying here." I answered out of honesty.

He smiles a little and sat down in front of me as I pick up the utensils and starts eating. The first bite and gulp melts me.

I'm addicted to his cooking. If only I can ask him to cook every food that I'll take then I will. Though of course that's not possible. I continued eating and glances at him. He's staring at me normally but enough to make my heart beat a little faster than usual.

"Is there something else that you want?" He asked as I finished the food and drink the glass of water. I shake my head in response.

"Thank you for the food," it's really amazing, as always.

"You're always welcome." He answered, picking up the plates and gesture to wash them when I move immediately, reaching for his arm.

"Let me do the dishes." I said. It's always been him doing stuff for me. Maybe washing the dishes meant nothing but I still wanna do what I can to pay all the kindness he's showing me.

Obsidian LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora