Chapter 15: 10 Years Ago

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"I know this is to be expected but," Fugaku sigh and place down the tea he's been staring at the whole time while thinking the possible things that may occur on the following days. 

"He still doesn't know, I presume?" Mikoto said and Kushina nods.

"He have very little idea about our life. I-" she closes her eyes and Minato reaches for her hands and holds it tight, "I don't wanna put his life into risk again but who have thought it's inevitable up to this point?"

"You did great giving him peace for whole 9 years, Kushina. I believe he will understand." 

Silence filled the room. They are in the private meeting room of the mansion, seated at the circular desk with the only absence of the young Namikaze. The discussion, of course, is about the recent mild abduction and things connected to it. They just got the news about the death of Hayate Gekko, Naruto's personal lookout. Guarding him from afar and relaying information to his parents but his death shows to take place before the abduction. Their enemies really considered every step, though bold and violent, they cannot deny it was well done.

"Whole 9 years..?" Sasuke muttered but enough to be heard by the people inside the room.

His parents sigh, Itachi look at him with concern while Kushina and Minato looks at the two older Uchihas.

"He.. didn't know?" Kushina asked in slight disbelief.

Mikoto shakes her head and sigh again, looking at her youngest. "Sasuke,"

"You.. take him away from me." The young raven whispers, feeling the wetness and hotness starting to formed in his eyes. "Mom? Dad? Nii-san?" He called the three of them in mix disbelief and plead. "Naruto.. he's.."

Sasuke have a hunch. No, he's nearly convince that something happened that year aside from the incident concerning the two of them. The pain of hearing nothing but foreign in the blonde's voice, asking who he is, can be compared to shattered glass for the heart of young Sasuke.

12 years ago, he met a boy with blonde hair, smile can rival the shine of the sun and laughter as the best medicine Sasuke get out of sadness.

10 years ago, he find the very first person to warm his heart and take him out of the shell of loneliness. The very first person to acknowledge the warmth he have despite the stoic expression and cold behavior.

10 years ago, his young heart can determine the deep attraction he felt towards the boy. His first love as he put it.

10 years ago, he fell in love and;

10 years ago, he lost him.

"S-Sorry!" A young raven helplessly watches as another child run away as if his life depends on it, not minding if he'll bump into people or trip to some stone. He continued running away until Sasuke can't see him again.

The raven glances at the ball he's holding that originally belonged to the former child. He sigh and place it down beside the tree on the playground.

After the scene, other children in the place instantly rush away with their parents thus leaving alone the raven with nothing but the gentle sways of leaves.

"It's okay." He whispers as he sat down on the grass, patting his left chest lightly. For a five-year old kid, the feelings are quite incomprehensible but he knows the tug in his chest and it's painful.

Questions flooded his young mind, getting overwhelmed by each of them and getting desperate each moment to have answers. Even the silliest one may do, as long as it will get his mind off of it.

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