Chapter 16: Words Always Meant To Say

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No one noticed how much time already passed as they continue to discuss what just happened and their future plan especially in the security of their children. 

"Are you sure it's a good idea to make it public already?" Mikoto asked her husband.

"Since it has come to this, we might as well let the public know. They will know eventually. Our connection will help in keeping them safe." Fugaku answered.

"The Quarter Jade knew since we went back from Korea. That was 8 years ago." Kushina said. 

Minato nods. "It was them who helps us to keep Naruto away from public's eyes without isolating him. Their children keep him company since then." 

"I see. So we're doing it in the form of their engagement party." Mikoto concludes and the others nods. That's when Fugaku noticed his youngest who haven't spoke anything else after the matter about Naruto earlier.

"Sasuke," Fugaku called him carefully. The raven had his head low with elbows resting on the table and hands clasp together tightly. He's been quiet for some moment and his family knows the possible thoughts running in his mind right now. 

"Why," he mutters. No one gives a verbal response. "Why." he repeated. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" 

His voice cracked which made his parents gasp a little. Itachi is no longer in the place, leaving only some minute after arriving saying he have some important matters to take care of.

"I waited for him!" He burst out. He's not the type to let his frustration out verbally, much in front of his parents and future in-laws but he can't take it. "I thought all this time he left me. He disregarded whatever we have. I finally found someone who understands me, who doesn't care about being an Uchiha and instead take me for who I am and one day he's gone." he covers his eyes with his hands and tiny sobs can be heard from him.

"I did my best to make him stay, to show him I am also deserving to be with him." he bites his lower lip to stop his voice from shaking. "You took him away from me and I was all alone again."

The elders in the room can feel how deep the pain the younger is feeling right now yet they can do nothing but sigh deeply. 

Sasuke bite his lower lip to stop it from trembling. He doesn't want to show this side of him to anyone, especially not to his parents and future in-laws but the pain is just too much. Even as a child, his parents knew he will understand, if they just explain the situation to him. He will try to at least understand.

"Can you accept it then if we were to tell you that time?" His mother asked. "If we were to tell you that you might not see him ever again?" 

He doesn't answer.

"You are stubborn." His father then speak. "You refused to leave the wooden house, stayed kneeling outside despite the snow. You were only seven, Sasuke. We can't bring ourselves to tell you what exactly 'gone' means."

"You can at least tell me that he left for safety. Is that hard?" he asked bitterly.

"And then what? Endanger yourself from hunting those people down?" Again, the raven doesn't answer.

He know. His parents can be right. The fact that he's itching to start tracking each of those people down and end them - he know, he might lose before having the chance to exterminate half of them. 

"That time," It was Kushina who speak to break the forming tension between the Uchihas. "Things were messed up badly. The two of you were gone and almost all the lookout set were murdered." 

"It was our fault for being too at ease. It was our negligence that put you in that situation." Minato added.

"We saved you both in exchange of numerous lives. They refused to give you back in peaceful means. They want to strip us down from the power we hold in Japan and surrender the companies." Kushina continued. "If they don't have ill intention then why not? We rather hand the companies to them and live peacefully with our children but that's not the case."

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