Chapter 14: Daring To Touch

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| Uzumaki Naruto

"Orientation will be on friday. See you by then. Class dismissed."

I heave a sigh and slump on my sit.


Fixing my things and organizing it on my bag, I stand and starts walking out of the room. We got two more class after that dreadful lunch and we can go now since it's not yet an official classes. Looking at my watch, it's past 3 pm already.

Another sigh.

"What do you want?" I asked, stopping on my track. We're out of the architecture building now and this ass keeps walking behind me.

"Nothing." He answered, tilting his head a little on the side. "Can't I walk out of the building?"

"Where's your common sense?" And I finally turn around to face him. He wears his usual stoic expression but the difference is it's all directed to me right now. "You're annoying "

"And so are you."


Heavens, give me more patience before I do something stupid like punching this asshole right here in the field of KIU.

"You know what- forget it. I'll do the honor to stay away from your nonsense." I continue walking, faster this time because I can't bear to spend another minute with him on the same space.

I'm not the type to hold annoyance to people but he's really great at pissing me off. Imagine?! He's the one being sarcastic and then telling me I'm annoying as well? Oh, no. He's ridiculous.

From a distance, I can see Sasuke, Shikamaru and Shino walking. No one's talking as usual though the atmosphere between them somewhat become lighter than this morning.

I raise my left hand to wave and call them when I felt a cold palm on my right waist making me shudder.

"What if you can't stay away from me?" A shiver run down my spine upon feeling his breath near my left ear.

What the fuck is he doing? I tried my best not to look sideways and gritted my teeth. Before I can even spit out multiple curses at him, someone beat me into it.

"I let you off the hook once, there's no second one." Another cold voice renders the air to be heavy. This time, I glances at the scene and saw Sasuke gripping on Sai's wrist which is suspended in the air.

"Who the fuck are you to touch what's mine?"

They share a suffocating silence and cold glares with each other.

I- was I supposed to break them off? We're getting attention from other students, luckily it's not that many. I don't want a gossip about Sasuke right at the first day of class.


"Let's go." I felt a hand on my wrist and pulls me away from the scene.

"Shikamaru? Hey! What are you doing?" I glance back to Sasuke and Sai while trying to take my hand back but Shino just did the same on my other hand. "Guys, what the hell?"

"Let him deal with it. He knows what he is doing." Shino said so I just helplessly follow them.

"I have a bad feeling about that man." he added when we reach the parking lot.

"Who?" I asked but neither of them answered me.

After a minute or two, Sasuke arrived and opened the car door for me. I was staring at his face the whole time, searching for any hint of what happened when we left but his face is blank. I saw the two gestures a wave before going in their own cars. Once seated at the back seat, the car immediately drive off.

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