Ice Castle

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Louisa's p.o.v

My tail wraps around my waist tight as I growl softly, my legs getting a bit wobbly as I try to get rid of this feeling. "Donnie said you were getting- Louisa!" Baxter says and runs towards me, then he has his arm around my shoulders. He's trying to help me stay on my feet, but my eyes shot wide open as I felt my blood boiling. 'He has the decency to yell at me for trying to help, then when I'm in trouble he's all worried?!' I think angered. I didn't even have to make my powers flow through me to feel powered up and I get out of his hold.

"Don't touch me!!" My voice combines with Powers a bit before a shiver went down my spine and I got back in control. Baxter took a step back saying "your powers... Louisa, what's happening??" I look to the side. "It doesn't matter-" "it does if she's talking out of your mouth! Now just tell me what's wrong." "She's grown stronger, Baxter.... I don't think I can hold her back for much longer" I finally admit. 'Really? You're saying this to him?!' 'YES!! Because either way I-I need help...' I think before questioning that myself.

Baxter looks at me saying "oh, Louisa - why didn't you-" "because everyone is mad at me for one thing or another, and it doesn't seem like they'd help. Not to mention when it comes to my powers they just scoff and think it's all some kind of big JOKE. They're starting to define me at this point when the guys look at me..." "Weeza, your powers do not define you. You've fought against them for-" "well, maybe I don't want to fight against them anymore - alright?!" I yell out angered. I start lowly growling as I bare my teeth a bit and my dog ears press flat against my head instantly.

This got him to flinch back scared, so I realize what's happening before sighing and letting my dog ears go back up while relaxing my face. I let my tail wrap around my waist again 'fine... I'm done with this, I'll listen to you-' 'YES!-' 'doesn't mean you're taking over.' 'Dang it... eh, it's progress' I roll my eyes softly at her way of thinking, but start skating. "Hey, are you even listening?!" Baxter says as he tries to keep up with me, but I shake my head. I stop and glare him in the eyes feeling my anger seeping into my mind as I stand here.

Something's changing in me, I can tell, but Baxter finally flinched at my stare- 'because your eyes are glowing sky blue.' 'I thought I could only get like that when-' 'eh, I'm letting you just to scare him, it's funny.' I make an unbreakable ice shard as I say "you'll go back to that team and tell them I'm done." Baxter was about to convince me, but I cut his face which made him yelp before scooting back. "And just in case you think I'm bluffing" I finish off as I grab out my t-phone and show a pic of the gang when we were in space.

Instantly I break the t-phone with one punch, so I look back at him "now go" Baxter scrambled to run away, so I breathe in and out. Looking around I make an ice-sword again before skating off while finally having fun with my powers. Not to mention making a little bit of snow people to mess around with before I made them little training buddies. Easily I took them down 'okay, I let ya have fun - now start making a little ice castle. You'll need somewhere for yourself to think' 'you mean like in Frozen?' 'Exactly' I skate up into the air.

Looking around I try to find the most secluded spot of the town I finally found it as I skate down and literally break down this warehouse. When it's down I start building the base of it before skating up and making a second floor on it. 'You know, this is looking a bit too big for this little area alone... maybe you need to break a building just for the stairs.' 'Eh, why not? What did this place ever do for me anyway besides provide heartbreak?' I think to myself. Then I make big snow monsters and watch as I made them go towards the buildings to wreck them down.

The sight got me smiling a bit before I let them melt and start making the stairs for this castle, then I easily build up. After a bit I notice how pretty this is starting to look, so I skate in and smile at the sight. Since this entire thing is made out of ice I don't even need to make ice with my feet, I can just skate on the floor. I smile as my tail sways side to side a bit happily before I laugh while skating around in my castle. Though after a bit I can hear news people outside, so I make ice monsters and they go out.

The news people scream as they run, so I snicker saying "ah, never gets old" then I skate up and towards the second floor of my castle. 'You're gonna regret that the news idiots were here' 'yeah, but I'll deal with that when it comes.'

No one's p.o.v

Louisa was still having fun as she finally started using her powers more than the guys let her, so as she's doing that Leo was watching Space Heroes. "Captain Ryan, don't do it!" He yells out which made Raph burst out laughing, so Leo blushed softly before ignoring it. Though during the show it went to a surprise news came on, so Leo screamed as he tried to change the show back. "Joan Grody here to deliver some news, we believe we can finally find out Ice Dragon's true identity." That got Leo's attention as he stopped pushing random buttons on the tv and his eyes widen at Joan's words.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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