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No one's p.o.v

"We are intertwined-
Your soul will be mine
It's just a matter of time~" Powers sang while lifting up her other hand that isn't holding him and makes shots of ice shoot up sound like a clock ticking. Louisa thought that was creepy, so she took over and stepped back from Kash, her legs already frozen after that. She gasps and her arms freeze too, she looks up at Kash, so he runs over and tries to melt her free. It didn't work, so she looks down sadly and chuckles softly as a few tears leave her eyes.
"I am made-
O-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove
But I'll give up for you" Louisa sang softly and her abdomen freezes with her legs, she felt pain as she screams from this. Powers and Louisa were both in control right now as Powers is now worried that she'll lose this one.
"O-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove" "I am made o-of fe-e-e-e-ear" they sang that twice before Powers took over and very weakly broke through the ice. She's starting to look crazy as she glares at Kash and points at him while growling loudly.
"You should be scared of me-
La la la la, la la la-" [I don't know how many times that's said, I don't wanna accurately count 😭] Louisa took over after Powers was sounding too crazy. She smiles sadly at her family, looking each and every one of them in the eyes before sighing.
"But I'll give up for you" Louisa sang and melted the cages, all of them, even the ones that were in the warehouse that got destroyed. She let herself get frozen up to her face before letting Powers take over again last second. Powers screamed in pain before glaring at the family and friends Louisa made throughout this time.
"I am made of fe-e-e-e-ear
Fe-e-e-e-ear..." Powers sang as she was too scared to break through and she got frozen into the ice figure she was always determined wouldn't happen. The family and friends ran up to Louisa's frozen body with tears "Louisa!!" They all yelled with tears. Though a different light shines above Louisa, so the group shield their eyes to not go blind. There, as the light died down, is a angel looking creature, so she stretches while groaning a bit. She sounded like she just woke up from a nap, so she looks around "wow, this place looks terrible." Then she looks back at the group, they're all looking at the angel-creature confused though.

"What?? Is there something on my wings?" She asks and tries to look, but ended up going in circles, but Leo shakes his head as he wipes at some tears. "No, we just don't know who-" "or what" Haven and Raph interrupted while raising an eyebrow/ridge. "You are" Leo finished while glaring at his brother and other elemental friend, so the creature chuckles. "Well, I'm the opposite of that demon girl that's been terrorizing this planet for millennia. What did she go by again?" She asks while flying down to the roof next to the frozen Louisa.

"Powers??" Casey asks confused while pointing at Louisa, so the creature nods with an amused laugh "that's right! I never remembered fully. I just always remembered it sounded silly!" Baxter stands forward saying "sorry for interrupting. But why are you here?" "Oh, I was assigned to fix whatever Powers destroys when she was defeated. And it looks like it's less than last time" the creature explains and moves her hands around. Everything got fixed and looked as if nothing happened to begin with from once Powers got in control.

The group was astonished at this, but Master Splinter looks up at the creature sadly "I know you have helped a lot, but we have one request." The creature nods saying "anything!" Donnie sniffles while pointing at Louisa's frozen body. "Can't you do anything to fix her?? She was the vessel Powers was using" Donnie asks sadly. The creature hums in thought "hm... I don't know, I never had to do anything like this before. I can sure try though!" Then she stands next to Louisa's frozen body and sets her hand on her shoulder.

Louisa started to slowly unmelt, but another bright light shone, so the group had to look away again until the light died down. There standing was the creature holding a knocked out Louisa, back in her outfit she was in before. Though it has rips and her hair changed too, the top is purple while the bottom is blue. Mikey smiles big as he runs up to the two and picks Louisa up yelling "YES!! Louisa's back, babay!" The group all yelled happily. Then they hugged Mikey close since he was the one holding Louisa, the creature smiles at this.

"Aw, if only I could stay longer - but since everything is fixed, I have to go" she says and disappears within a second. Haven then says "let's get back to the lair, once we'll see this doofus is okay, me and Kash will go tell the elementals everything's okay." The group went down to the lair and Donnie instantly tried to work on Louisa, seeing if everything's good. "Well, it still seems as if she has powers" Donnie says after a bit of testing, and Baxter looks over his old notes. "Not to mention her blood-flow is still going faster than a normal human beings" Baxter adds.

Raph crossed his arms "does that mean she's okay?" Casey then adds "or does that mean she's in a coma??" Donnie and Baxter both say "no. She's perfectly fine, but her powers shining in her blood seem weaker" Donnie then adds "like, back when we first realized she has powers." Baxter then says "it's like Powers was the one who helped Louisa get strong faster to take over quicker." Haven then says "okay, so the Chosen One business is all settled, she protected the elementals, I want sleep." Kash rolls his eyes playfully saying "that's her way of saying she's glad Louisa's okay, we'll see you guys soon."

The two left, so April smiles saying "I'm glad she's okay too, and I'll try to be her friend again instead of forgetting about her. But for right now I should get going, I have to meet up with dad and tell him that I'm okay." Casey nods saying "same with me and my dad" so those two left as Mikey says "dudes, this deserves some celebratory pizza." Leo, Donnie, Baxter and Master Splinter agreed as they talk about this all being a close call. Though Raph felt guilty for all of this still as he looks down at Louisa, he pulled up a chair and sat down.. waiting for her to wake up.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!

P.s. this is the end of the story, hope you liked it! We all know I do wake up, but we don't really need to see that.


2012 TMNT (My) Demons [including a new character] {The Musical}Where stories live. Discover now