Fire Vs Ice

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Louisa's p.o.v

I look Donnie in the eye before looking at his hand and feeling happy all over again, the ice quickly melted off of me, so I grab his hand. Smiling softly I say "Donnisa against the world, right?" Donnie smiles saying "Donnisa against the world." With that I help him stand up, but Powers growls in the back of my head 'oh, you are a troublesome vessel. Aren't you?!?' 'Powers, just stop this!' I grab the sides of my head as I try to do what she did to me. Though I don't really know how she got me caged up so easily, so I don't even know if I can do the same to her.

"Louisa, are you-" "call for backup, Donnie! We'll need it!!" I say as I try to fight back Powers inside my head. Donnie then says "right!" "you can't win! You're not s-supposed to!-" "no! The good guys always win. Haven't you heard of a tv show?! A movie?! The bad guys never get what they want, Powers. And we'll show you that if we really have to" I interrupt her as I fall onto my knees, barely fighting back. "Louisa!" Leo yells out, I look up at him and still feel a bit of anger at him, so Powers was able to take over.

"Her left eye is sky blue again, dudes!" Mikey yells out, so Kash says "that means she's barely holding Powers back" I nod before my body straightened. "Step back!" Master Splinter says and stands in front of me 'Powers, you will listen to me. You've grown use to messing with us whether you like it or not, you have a hate-love relationship here. You've gone soft' Powers growls saying "yeah right! I wouldn't ever go soft!" Realization hit. 'Oh my gosh, I was kidding- you actually have gone soft!' I think happily as I take over quickly.

I look at the group saying "guys, it's me- I don't know how long I can fight back- for! She has gotten attached, she barely sees you as family." "What?!" April and Baxter ask confused, but Haven has her eyes glowing as she lifts up big pieces of the ground. My eyes widen at this, but Powers takes over easily and froze Haven into place, everything but her head at least.

No one's p.o.v

Powers chuckles as she looks at the group saying "like you'd be able to stop me! I'm able to shove you away just like anyone else. Just like everyone I have done to in the past!" Then she forced everyone back and into a cage. Leo hits at the cage saying "no!" "Weeza, fight 'er!!" Raph yells out, so Louisa tries to, but couldn't. Kash got angry though as his eyes slowly start to glow red, then he melted his cage and walks towards Powers. "Oh? Looks like little Kashton has learned to stand up to someone more powerful than him."

Kash narrows his eyes at Powers saying "bring it on, you demon wannabe" Powers chuckles at this but Louisa takes over last second. She holds up her hands saying "Kash, wait! I don't want to hurt you!! Just free the others and run. I can deal with Powers alone, I can fix this - this is all my fault anyways" Kash's eyes widen as the red leaves. Louisa was staying in control though, so Kash shakes his head "no! I'm not leaving you. And I know these guys wouldn't either, right?!" Casey is the first to yell out "yeah! You're here when we need ya, so we're here for you."

Louisa tears up happily at this, but looks back to the side at this before sighing and looking down at the rooftop.

"When you feel freezing, look into my eyes" Louisa sang before looking up at Kash, who understood that this was her warning him.
"It's where my demon hides, it's where my demon hides
Don't get too close; it's dark inside
It's where my demon hides, it's where my demon hides!" Louisa finished before screaming in pain and Powers took over again forcefully. Kash gasps before getting in a fighting stance and his eyes start to glow red all over again. Powers looks at Kash and starts laughing at this and slowly walks towards him, tail wagging fast. "You're gonna be a fun one to fight as you're angry" Powers coos before shooting ice shards at him. Kash then shoots fire towards Powers, knowing it wouldn't hurt Louisa, but Master Splinter foreseen what could happen.

"No!!" Master Splinter yells worried as he extends his arm in-between the space in the bars, so Powers let Louisa be in control last second while smirking. Louisa was confused, but barely dodged the fire while yelping, so Kash had realization hit. "Oh, you wanna play dirty-" Kash says as Powers takes control again while chuckling. "Dirty is the only way I play, sweetie~" Powers says while laughing evilly and made an ice-sword. Powers jumps towards Kash, so Raph yells out "Kash!" Kash barely dodged the blade and looks back at Raph.

Raph threw his sais, so Kash caught them and made the blades catch on fire before starting to fight Powers in combat. Weapons clashed, but when Kash was least expecting it Powers kicked him back and made a bit of a snow tornado. Kash stayed on-guard as he waited to hear any movement from Powers, the snow on the rooftop gave her away. She tried to silently run up to him from behind, so he turned around and shot fire her way. Powers dodged and made the snow disappear saying "well done, you know how to use your head."

Then she says "let's see how great you are in a stand-off!!" She threw the sword away and starts shooting ice towards Kash. He knew what was gonna happen as he drops the sais and lifts his hands up while shooting fire. The two were evenly matched, so Powers smirks and starts shooting more ice. Kash took a step closer while trying to shoot more fire, but from using his powers too much he's getting weak. Powers laughs saying "pathetic! You can't even last in your angered state for more than five minutes."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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