
22 0 0

No one's p.o.v

"And I know what you may be thinking-" "guys, get out here! Louisa made the news!!" Leo yells out, so the bros instantly run out. They were confused on what Leo meant, but then they see what's on the tv and their eyes widen. "Muckman said that she went back to her family, but we heard about some buildings being demolished. Luckily everyone made it out okay, though they said they seen a figure making ice with her hands. Here we are now - at what appears to be an ice castle" Joan explains as the camera guy shows the ice castle Louisa made.

The bros share a look of wide eyes before they look back at the tv "we're going to try to sneak in and find out-" a roar interrupted Joan. The camera faced the direction of the roar before they see a few ice monsters running their way. Joan shrieks before both her and the camera guy start running to the news van and start driving off. "As you can see, we know she's in there since she heard us, but Ice Dragon, if you're watching this... we will find out your identity. Here on channel 6!" Joan says as she sits in the back of the van, so the news went off and back to Space Heroes.

Leo, Raph and Mikey look at Donnie to see if he would say anything, Donnie noticed the looks and shrugs his shoulders. "I-I don't know - I followed her outside and to a rooftop, but she said something about don't get too close to her because of her powers." "Ugh, this again - how much ya wanna bet this is all staged at this point?" Raph asks annoyed. Leo glares at him, but Donnie shakes his head saying "there was genuine fear in her eyes, Raph. She flinched away from me when I reached out to her, but when I asked if it's about Baxter she agreed."

"So?" "So right now it could be worse because Baxter said something stupid-" Donnie tried to explain to Leo's question when panting interrupted him. The guys look towards the entrance to see Baxter trudging his way towards the lair while panting. Mikey went over to him and helped him to the couch "Baxter, what happened??" Donnie asks confused. Baxter looks up at Donnie saying "she... she said she's done with us" the guys look at Baxter shocked. "What?!" They all ask Baxter, so he looks down at the floor as he looked back on his interaction with Louisa.

"She... thinks her powers are starting to define her, because we all looked at her differently for just having them. That we look at it like it's a big joke" Baxter says trying to remember the way Louisa worded it. Leo glared at Raph, so Raph crossed his arms and looked away since he just looked at it that way a second ago. "Then what happened?" Leo asks while facing Baxter's way, so Baxter tears up a bit. "Sh-She said she doesn't wanna fight against them anymore, and she crushed her t-phone while it had a pic of us while we were in space."

Mikey gasped saying "the one group picture she got us for, dudes!" Baxter nods saying "that's the one-" "did she hurt you?" Donnie asks while looking at him. Baxter shows his hurt cheek, so Leo gasps as Raph peered over and flinched at the cut. "I'll go get the first-aid kit, you guys fill him in on what was just shown on the news." Donnie walked out towards the lab as Baxter looks at the other three confused and worried. The guys filled him in on what they seen, so Baxter lets his tears fall as he puts his hand over his eyes.

Master Splinter walks out when he heard the guys' explanation, he already heard what Baxter said, so he was going to go out anyways. "This is what we get for looking at a loved one for a flaw, she didn't do the same to us, we should've done the same for her." The guys all look down sadly as Baxter tries to stop crying "now you must go apologize, my sons. You must convince her that she can fight against her powers, that she can overcome them." The turtles in the room look up at Master Splinter and nod once, but that's when Donnie comes out.

He starts getting the kit ready before Master Splinter stopped him "I will patch up Baxter, you just go and help Louisa, Donatello." Donnie's eyes tears up at the sentence, thinking that he could finally lose her this time. Though he nods while holding back his tears and the guys suit up before going out on the search for that ice castle. Louisa on the other hand started to skate through the air while laughing, feeling like she's finally free. Free to do whatever she wants as she uses her powers as much as she wants - especially her ice-giant.

Thing is she made it a lot smaller as she runs around in it, then making an ice-sword for it before slicing at some random objects for fun. She giggled a bit as her hand began to freeze up like it's done before a few times when she began losing herself. Powers noticed this and remembered that she needs to be in control to stop that from getting worse. 'Hey, how about we start building a bigger ice castle?? Or make our own ice city?' Powers suggest. Louisa thought about it "eh, sounds fun!" Louisa says and gets out of her ice-outfit.

She skates around while freezing some parts of the city, but the guys finally noticed Louisa in the distance and run over towards her. Leo is the first to yell out "Louisa, this has to stop!" His voice caught her attention as she looks down at the guys. Donnie couldn't hide the worriedness on his face as he yells out "yeah!" Mikey looks up at Louisa with glossy eyes. "We all care about you, dudette!!" "We don't wanna lose you!" Leo adds onto the reasoning. Louisa tilted her head, wondering why they now decide to show they care for her.

Raph just rolls his eyes saying "this is getting ridiculous-" this got Louisa to lowly growl while baring her teeth a little and glare at Raph. She skates down to the four and stands in front of Raph, which made his eyes widen at this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT (My) Demons [including a new character] {The Musical}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat