I'm The Bad Guy

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No one's p.o.v

-with the turtles-

Donnie looks at his t-phone as him and his family are jumping rooftops "they aren't that far, we should be able to find them easily." After ten more minutes of jumping they're in front of the warehouse the Mutanimals are in. They stood there as Donnie double checks "yeah, that's the place" Master Splinter nods once. "We'll be cautious, it could be a trap" Master Splinter says to his sons, who agreed and the five silently go in. Powers snickers quietly in the shadows before letting some lights go on and she smirks at the gang.

"Hello, mutant family!" Powers says amused, slowly sounding more and more like Louisa as she talks, this got the family on edge. They stand in fighting stances as Powers crossed her arms "calm down, I'm just here to talk. Though if we have to fight, I'll gladly hand your shells to ya" her eyes shone bright through the darkness inside. "Get her down! Then we'll try to get through to Louisa!!" Master Splinter instructs, so everyone but Donnie agreed. "Guys, wait!-" Donnie was cut off as it was already too late, the rest of the family jumped towards Powers.

She snickers saying "this'll be too easy" she begun to fight the guys, Louisa only being able to watch as she whimpers sadly. This was all just too amusing to Powers, so she laughs loudly as she easily deflected each hit. She easily dodged their hits, or even got good hits in, Donnie groans and goes to fight too. He couldn't just watch his family get beat down in front of him when he could try and fight too. Though he didn't help much either as Powers easily fought them all, but they started losing their energy as they hunched over.

Master Splinter just narrows his eyes as he leans against the wall though, also out of breath, so Powers smirks at the sight of this. "Man, I didn't think it'd be this easy - you guys are losing your edge" Powers taunts as she crossed her arms. Master Splinter and Leo both glare at Powers, getting fed up with her smug attitude towards them.

"Just tell the truth! Why have you been doing this for years?!" Master Splinter yells out angered.
"Powers, just stop this!" Leo yells out angered trying to convince Powers.

Donnie stands up while looking at Powers "you're just misunderstood... I get that, just let us help you, whether it be all of us, or one of us at a time-" Powers just chuckles. "Let me say this in a way that all of you will understand" Powers says with her own voice to show that it's her. Then she sways her hips a bit with her back turned from the group as she walks towards stairs. The family share a confused look at this, but they look back at Powers in case she tries anything. "What's happening?" Mikey horribly whispers, Raph just shrugs his shoulders to answer Mikey's question.

"I'm not the damsel in distress!" Powers sang before turning around and got to Leo with a bit of a playful smirk.
"I'm not your girlfriend" Powers says while looking Leo in the eye before looking towards Donnie with a fake scared look.
"Or the fright-tened princess!" With that being said she easily walked towards Master Splinter, she's smirking all over again.
"I'm not a little bird who needs your help to fly~" Powers sang before poking Master Splinter's chin which angered him. He went for a pressure point on Powers, but she deflected his hand saying "nope!.. I'm the bad guy." Then she made bright snowflakes start falling down, the guys were shocked she deflected Master Splinter's hit. Powers motions to the cages which got the everyone's eyes to widen at the sight of the bad guys even being caged.
"All these former villains that you see~
Each of them with shaking knees has knelt be-fore me"
 Powers says as she noticed the Mutanimals even kneeling now. She glares at Mikey's direction before going towards him, her glare not changing at all.
"So I'm not your teammate" she sang before looking back at Bebop and Rocksteady's cage and skates towards them instantly.
"Or your partner in crime!~" Powers sang while looking them in the eye "what am I boys?" She asks before taking Bebop's glasses and throwing Louisa's away.
"She's the bad guy" the bad guys all chime in, so Powers put on Bebop's glasses before twirling around happily. Donnie was getting angry at this, if she took over Shredder's goons she wouldn't cage them up. Louisa would try to change their ways, so he unsheathes his bo-staff and runs towards Powers. Powers then throws the glasses away before swaying her hips again-
"Oh it'll be magic~
To see this planet
Shrivel up and die!~"
 Powers easily seen Donnie coming, so she kicks him on his chin and makes the floor under his feet icy. Donnie fell from the sudden slipperiness and slid a bit away as Powers walks towards Leo.
"Oh it's thrillin...
To be a villain"
 Powers sang before lifting Leo's chin up and giving him a loving look while leaning close.
"I'll destroy their homes.. and watch them cry!" Powers sang slowly before body slamming Leo onto the floor, he grunted in pain from that.
"Cause I'm the bad guy!" Powers sang with a smirk as she walks away from Leo, but thought over what she was saying. "Actually-"
"I'm not the bad guy!" Powers sang out before looking at her nails, Master Splinter was mad at her from seeing her body slam Leo. So was Raph, which is why they both ran towards Powers to try and take her down together.
"I'm just a bit surprising" Powers sang while rolling her shoulder a bit and skating around to show off that this is too easy for her.
"It's not worth losing sleep
It's not worth an-a-lyzing-
There was a time not so long ago at all!"
 Powers sang while changing her skating style a bit to an old-fashioned ballerina type of skating.
"I was just like you - can you hear my call?" Powers sang while stopping and putting her hand to her ear, she heard the two coming. Then she easily stepped to the side which shocked Master Splinter and she knocked him out cold. For Raph though she just booty bumped him before giggling at how easy it was to get him away.
"Oh, it'll be fantastic!
To see something and blast it!!"
 Powers says before shooting ice shards at a wall and letting it crumble down a bit to prove her point.
"Let me tell you why..." Powers sang as she looks at the fallen wall like a crazy person who's getting what they want with satisfaction. Mikey sees Donnie's defeated look before huffing and standing straight, getting his kusarigama chains ready. Powers heard Mikey coming instantly, so she smirks and dodged the chains before grabbing one. Then she made ice near where Mikey would be coming when she pulled on the chain. Mikey had no choice but to go towards Powers as she wraps him up in the chains and looks him in the eyes with an evil smirk.

"I've always had a weakness
For barrenness and bleakness"
 Powers sang while pulling Mikey close by his plastron, so Mikey got scared instantly. "DoNnIe!" Mikey called out in fear for his older brother to help, so Donnie sees Mikey's fear and clenched his fists. He steadied his breathing before yelling "let go of him!" Then he starts running towards the two.
"I'll crush all your hopes
And then I'll watch you cry"
 Powers sang before pulling on the end of the chain and made Mikey twirl towards Donnie as he got unwrapped from the chain. Then she chuckles as they both fall-
"See, I find this business rather fun!" Powers says amused as she throws up her arms and looking at all of the turtles as they're all sitting or laying in pain.
"I don't want your assistance
Or you adu-la-tion
I'll vaporize this galaxy
And bid you bye-bye~"
 Powers says before waving softly, then she goes back to evilly smirking "why??" She asks waiting for an answer. No one chimed in, so she threw water balloons she snuck off of Mikey angered. "Come on, guess!" She yells, so the turtles answer a bit annoyed "cause you're the bad guy??" Powers then shrugs her shoulders. "Well, girl" then she evilly chuckles before skating out and leaving the turtles in pain. Master Splinter finally woke up as he looks around, scared for his sons' safety, but sees they're all alive in front of him and sighs softly.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT (My) Demons [including a new character] {The Musical}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora