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No one's p.o.v

Louisa watched as this happened and growled before taking over again saying "no!" She dropped to her knees. Kash stopped shooting fire at this as he does the same out of exhaustion, but Louisa looks back up. She noticed how tired Kash is getting, so she says "Kash, I believe in you - don't listen to Powers. You're the strongest fire-elemental I know!!" Then she struggled with Powers trying to take over. "You're the strongest person I know, Louisa! Mentally or physically without Powers. You've done so much!"

Louisa tears up a bit happily at this saying "aw-" then Powers took over chuckling saying "ya know what? You guys just can't take the hint. Looks like I'll have to show you all over again" Powers stood up while cracking her neck. Then she made her tail wrap around her waist so it wouldn't get in the way of fighting.

"Here we are again
Just me and you, Comedian- right?" Powers sang while having her own voice back since Louisa is actually putting up a good fight and is able to have her own voice.
"With your powers, and your flashing eyes
You better be prepared because soon...
Your last hour strikes-" Powers sang as Louisa's left eye shines bright, but Louisa took over and took a step back before Powers hurt Kash.
"I didn't know what I got into..
Somehow I can't go back, even if I really wanted to
So what more can I do?" Louisa sings while looking up at Kash sadly, her left hand starting to freeze up all over again.
"Here in the end it's just me and you" Louisa finished while pointing at herself and Kash, but Powers took over again and barely waved off the ice.
"And this is not my first fight
Your ancestors and I had settled this plight" Powers sang while pointing at Master Splinter, so she looks back at Kash with a smirk.
"And just in case you were still curious...
I was the one victorious" Powers says while pointing her thumb at herself and smugly laughs, thinking she'll still win this. Though Louisa took over again and both of her hands froze up making her fall to her knees. "Louisa!" Kash says worried and was about to run to her "stop!" Louisa yells and looks up at Kash worried.
"Go ahead and just hit me since you're able
We know my determination is unstable
I'm not even mad because I'm crying" Louisa sang as pain settled in quick and tears started flowing out quickly as the ice went to her shoulders again.
"But I don't even know why I'm trying!-" Louisa got cut off as Powers took over and still barely broke free from the ice. Donnie was trying not to break down from seeing Louisa looking so defeated from this.
"Why not let me win? You can't dodge forever!" Powers sang and made a quick ice-kunai while throwing it at Kash's face. It actually made a good scratch, so he hissed in pain and put his hand over the cut that's now bleeding.
"Even if the pain is more fun together" Powers sang, feeling the same pain Louisa was in from the ice freezing her. Her arms looking limp, but she still somehow used them to make more ice come out.
"You know I will just reset and come back newer!
And with every encounter I am getting even faster than you are" Powers sang and punched Kash in the face, so he stumbled back. Louisa quickly took over and jumped back, her foot getting frozen instantly and made her fall on her butt. Though Powers tried to take over again, but Louisa wouldn't let her take over fully, which is how they're both able to talk.
"I am made-" "I know you're made-"

"O-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove~
L-o-o-o-ove~ (x3)" Powers and Louisa sang together before Powers took over again while floating up in the air. Her toes slowly starting to freeze up as she smiles evilly down at Kash, feeling determined to win.
"This is what I am...
This is why I was made
All humans and monsters are doomed.. to make the same mistakes" Powers sang and shot down giant things of hail go down at Kash. He barely dodged, but one nicked him on his forehead, so he grunts as he falls on his back. "Powers, I can see you're feeling emotions - just end this before it's too late!" Kash yells out. Powers was ignoring the ice since it wasn't stopping her from winning the fight so far.
"But even if I hear you, I won't give up my attack!" Powers sang before sending more ice shards Kash's way. He got scratched by every one of them, so Powers chuckles before floating down onto the roof.
"Can you just not see the truth? Can you not see what this all meant?!" Powers sang angered as Louisa's left eye started to shine ocean blue. Louisa shook her head as she barely took over again, healing Kash up and then jumps back again. She looks up at the gang and then back at the turtles before feeling herself tear up and her foot to her knee freezes up.
"And yet I'd kill a brother, without giving him a chance
Everytime you throw me down.. I hope I'll get injured once again-" Louisa got interrupted as Powers took over feeling angry. She hit at her ankle and the ice broke up and her foot was free, so she limped her way over to Kash. She picked him up by the collar of his shirt while coldly glaring at him, wanting this to just end already.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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