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Louisa's p.o.v

My eyes widened as I look down at my hands, then I look up at Donnie "D...Donnie?" I ask as my eyes get a bit glossy and I whimper a bit. "Louisa, oh thank goodness!" Donnie says and hugs me, but then shakes his head and puts me at arms length. "We're trying to figure out a way to take down Powers - do you have any ideas?!" Donnie asks me worried. I look down and think on it "whatever I tried, didn't work, whatever I can plan she's three steps ahead. Since... you know, she can hear my thoughts" I say as I start shaking and my tears start falling.

Looking down at my outfit I see it's an icy outfit instead of my usual outfit "seriously, how did this make me look like I changed?" I ask confused. "Louisa, focus! We have to think before Powers takes over again" Donnie says and makes me look at him. I was a bit speechless, but shake my head and remember what I said about this exact situation. 'I won't be speechless, and I won't stumble over this - if there's no way to take her down... all is lost. She might as well get what she wants' I think before questioning that for a second and sit down.

Donnie sits down to not look taller than me while still looking at me saying "well, we have to think of something, she won't be in your head forever. From how you've been treated it's like you can snap at any moment- I'm surprised you listened to me." I look down while feeling my tears wanting to leave even more, but Donnie makes me look back at him. "Hey hey hey, it's okay... but Plan B worked better than Plan A for us, so we're at least halfway there." "What was Plan A?" I ask as I try not to shake, but Donnie nervously laughs at that.

"I-It doesn't matter, just- please, let's get back on the subject - we have to find a way to get rid of Powers" Donnie says while gently holding my hands. I try to think on what to do 'so... wanna chime in?' 'Not to you, I like talking out of a mouth.' 'Come on, you actually think if you'll tell us we'll be able to stop you?' I think a bit smugly. Knowing her just a bit I know she'll get smug and tell me since she thinks we're all goners anyways. 'Hmm.. you got a point, okay I'll humor you two' Powers says smugly, so I smile big at this.

Quickly I wink at Donnie, so he looks at me confused 'did you just wink??' "I didn't wink, I had something in my eye" I say out loud. Though I put a small smile on as I wipe at my eye, Donnie softly smiles too before looking confused again. I stopped wiping at my eye and just hug Donnie as Powers starts to inform me on what to do. 'Well, I remember being told this once, so I could be completely wrong since I've done this for many years after I was told it.' 'Just go on with it already, I'm losing interest' 'geez, okay - something about getting me emotional.'

My eyes widen at that, but Powers then adds 'but it's been a long time since I had actual emotions besides being happy to destroy another world. Sooo- good luck, losers! HAHAHAHA-' I ignored her as she started laughing and facepalm. "Did you trick her into telling you how to stop her??" Donnie asks, so I sigh and say "it's all over." 'Wait, you tricked me?' Powers asks me confused before trying to take control again. Since I'm being emotional over this loss she wasn't able to, so I look up at Donnie.

He's looking at me worried "what? What did she say?!" "We have to make her feel emotions, and she hasn't at all in years. So we're basically doomed, let's just dig our graves, Donnie" I say and lay back, so he pulls me back up. "Quit it, I'm sure we can think of something" Donnie says, so I try to think again, but got nothing. "Well, do you have anything? Because I don't" I answer, so he looks down deep in thought. He didn't say anything either, so I sigh and stand up saying "Donnie, we're getting nowhere."

Donnie then says "we can't just give up on you, you mean too much to us-" "we might just have to say goodbye if we can't stop her. I don't wanna hurt you guys more than I already have-" "hey, you hurt nothing about us." "I'm driving the three oldest apart because of a crush! You've heard of a love-triangle, I made a love-square. I just destroyed a big part of New York and while being upset I joined the Foot Clan-" "wait, that wasn't a lie?" Donnie interrupted confused. I shake my head while looking down, Donnie stands up saying "well, it's never too late to back out, Louisa."

Before a word could leave my mouth someone else lands on the rooftop "Donnie, why didn't you tell any of us that you found her?!" Leo yells out. His tone got on my nerves, so I lowly growl "Louisa, wait-" "oh yeah, and Louisa-" Leo interrupted Donnie. With that I glare back at him as my tail tensed up while yelling "no!" Easily I froze up Leo. Donnie was about to try to talk with me, but I knock him out without thinking before I skate with the frozen Leo with me. He's still able to talk, he's frozen up to his neck, but he's glaring at me "wait... your eyes-" "yeah, they're mine."

"Louisa, why are you so upset with us?!... with me?" Leo asks, so I scoff saying "Leo, I don't have to explain myself to you. What matters is - you messed up, I'm not on your side ANYMORE!" Leo flinched at my yell, but I breathe in and out. Then I just continue pulling Leo with me as I try not to smirk at the sudden differences. There were so many times when he told me I was too weak to go on missions with them... now he's too weak to even beat me.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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