In Charge

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No one's p.o.v

The room got quiet at that, so Powers continues "he's probably somewhere still struggling to live, and he was the strongest out of you dorks. Now that he's not in the picture, I am the strongest, so you either listen to me, or I destroy New York." Leo's eyes widened at this, but the rest of the goons look up at Tigerclaw waiting to hear his answer. Tigerclaw is softly growling while trying to think on Powers' threat, then he scoffs. "Fine! You're in charge, what do you think we should do?" Tigerclaw asks while glaring at Powers.

Powers smirks saying "we wait for the others to come, use this idiot as bait" she begins to lean on Leo "and we can do what Saki always wanted. We capture the turtles, and wait for him to get better for him to deal with Yoshi as we do whatever we want to the human allies." Tigerclaw was a bit shocked at that well-thought out plan, so Powers shrugs her shoulders. "Well, I had a bit of time to think this through, now - get used to the ice because this is where the bait is. They know about the castle by now, and this is the first place they'll look" Powers instructs before skating around.

-with the rest of the gang-

April got Casey and they did as said in Donnie's text, but when they went to Murakami's they see that Murakami is looking at his shop confused. "Mr Murakami!" April says loudly, Murakami heard her voice and says "very great to hear you, April. Care to tell me why I wasn't able to leave my shop until now?" Casey then sighs saying "the place must've been frozen. I don't think there's a way to melt the ice unless she unmelts it" "who is 'she'?" Murakami asks confused. April and Casey share a look before saying "Louisa" Murakami sighs saying "I was afraid this would happen."

This shocked both of the teens before he added "I could tell something was wrong with her, and it was only a matter of time before something drastic happened." April nods saying "yeah, we didn't think this would happen though" Casey looks down sadly. "I don't even remember the last time we seen her, yo" Casey says and facepalms a bit. April thought of it too saying "did we forget about her or something??" "I don't know!" Casey says upset. "Stop fighting, you two, and go help the turtles with Louisa, I will be okay here" Murakami scolds the teens.

They nod saying "right!" With that they ran off in search of any of the guys, but they found the knocked out Donnie first. "I'm calling Baxter, maybe he knows what's happenin" Casey says and walks away a bit. April sits Donnie up saying "Donnie!" Donnie groaned as he started to wake up a bit, then his eyes shot wide open. He remembered what happened and looked around quick "where's Leo?!" "That's what we wanna know." Donnie put his hand to his forehead saying "I-I... I think Powers got to him, she has him right now."

Casey got back saying "then that means she could be at that ice castle many news reporters have been trying to get to." Donnie tried to remember some of the things he and Louisa went through, every good and bad moment. All the memories up to the point of the conversation he just had with her before she took Leo. 'Wait, she willingly took Leo - her eyes didn't turn their ocean blue before she kicked me out. She only talked with me... maybe I'm the one that needs to try and talk her back down again.'

Donnie looks up at the two saying "I have a bit of a plan" April looked relieved at that "thank goodness! What is it?" She asked him. "I have to talk to her alone-" "are you crazy?!" Casey asked Donnie while glaring at him. April nods saying "from what I seen on the news she's being relentless with her powers. She won't hesitate to throw you down, Donnie - this isn't Louisa" "but I talked with her before she took Leo. She trusts me still-" "gee, I wonder why" Casey says with a bit of sarcasm, so April rolls her eyes.

"If you really think it'll work, Donnie.... I'll trust you" "what?!-" "he knew Louisa better than any of us, Casey. He should know how to help her" April interrupts the yelling teen, so he just shakes his head. "I can't believe we're doing this" Casey mumbles before texting Raph that they're heading to the ice castle. With that the entire group starts making their way there, not knowing that they're on their way towards a trap.

-back at the ice castle-

Leo's shivering as he watches the bad guys finally getting a bit used to the ice, Tigerclaw's still having a bit of trouble though. Powers was smirking as she continues to watch the group, but finally chimes in saying "kitty cat, just sit down. You don't need to fight, the other goons should be capable of handling an ambush on their own. If they can't - I'll just come in and finish their own job" Tigerclaw nods once and slowly makes his way towards the throne. Leo looks at Powers saying "what is your deal?" Powers looks over at Leo while raising an eyebrow.

She even tilted her head while one of her dog ears perked up, Leo blushed softly before changing his look to glare at her. Powers chuckles at this and says "man, even after I'm about to ambush your family you find the time to love me." She skates over to the turtle and leans close saying "well, guess what~..." Leo's blush got darker at this. Powers then smirks and says "I lied! I don't like you in that way, I only said that to trick Louisa." Leo's eyes widened at this, but Louisa was more shocked at this than Leo was as she gasped.

'Wait, what?!' 'Yeah, it was all a part of the plan' Powers thought as she looked at the back of her nails and skated away from Leo. The good guys just got to the ice castle, but Kash just got a feeling that he should hang back. He hid real quick as he watched the gang all face the other "okay, here's the plan. Powers most likely has Shredder's goons in there with her, and they might try to ambush us. So we'll be ready for the fight while I try to talk with Louisa, we're going with Plan B" Donnie instructs the group, they all nod once.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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