Do you hear this

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I stood there in shock, the next thing I here a plate drop in the kitchen and foot steps approaching me loudly.

I felt a tight grip around my shoulders. Dylan pulled me to face him, he had the same excretion on his face as me.

"Aubree, do you hear this right now?" He screamed as his voice got high pitched.

"Uhhhhhh.... YESSSSSS!" I replied loudly.

The next 5 minutes were a good screaming, jumping and hugging from Dylan and I. It was like we were 5 years old and just got a new Barbie doll... I guess it happens a lot with him and I.

"Ummmm.... Dylan the food?" Julian echoed from the dining room table sitting with the rest of the family waiting to be served. We both stopped and stared at him.

"Oh yeahhhh let's do this."

We ran to the kitchen and served everyone's food to them.

"Oh my god! Mum this is Emi..." I began to say.

"Aubree we beat you to that while you and Dylan were fan girling over there..." Julian cut in.

"Oh well, now you guys know the rest of the family!" I said loudly over everyone's chewing.

"So Dustin how did you and Jenifer meet?" I blurted out before stuffing food in my mouth.

"Well, let me swallow sorry... Ok so we meet at my work, I work as a lawyer and I'm the one who's in charge of the divorce filement, which is finished successfully now. Since then we have state in touch because we had a great bond." He said stating at Jenifer with loving eyes. I could tell the were both really happy together it was really cute actually.

After everyone had finished eating, we separated to our rooms got into our pajamas and meet in the theater room to watch the movie "Big Daddy." One of my all time favourites along with Lilo & Stitch.

I was the last out as always, thanks to Mia. She had a little vomit accident that got onto her blue onesie, so I changed her into her tie died onesie. As always she looked cute all cleaned up.

She really looked like Julian.... stupid family and being prettier than me.

"Ahhhh finally! They've been telling me stories about us as kids!" Dylan announced as I entered the room.

I say on the floor with Mia who was crawling her way to Julian because he was pulling faces at her.

"Awwww! Fill me in!"

"Ok, so once Dylan got sick so we walked him home, and when we were walking back we lost you because we didn't realise you and Dylan were sharing a pusher. Then when we went to get you, you started crying and some how managed to kick Dylan down the stairs!" Jenifer told me. I felt a little bit bad now.

"THAT'S HOW I GOT THIS SCAR ON MY HEAD!" Dylan yelled as he rubbed his scar.

We all laughed as more stories came out but one thing I noticed was that Dylan has always been there for me, he has literally been my best friend since birth we just skipped a couple years. It really made me realise how much he meant to me. I loved him so much, his the best friend everyone wants, the gay perfect boy best friend! I always wanted some one like him, little did I know I already did....

We ended up skipping the movie because we talked to long and Dustin was snoring on the beanbags.

As we all slummed back to our rooms and said goodnight Mia was already sound asleep in her bed. I used the bathroom and slowly made my way back to bed, Julian cuddling me with our eyes locked together, bodies intwined and foreheads touching.

"You know I really do love you right?" He whispered sweetly to me.

"Yes baby, I really do. Did you know I love you too?" I replied.

"Oh I had a slight hint that you did go some reason...." He joked back. His eyes were perfect, his voice was perfect, he was perfect, we were perfect. I'm glad I wake up next to him every morning.

"Aubree?" Julian's voice faded.

"Yes Jules?" I replied half asleep.

"Kiss me?" He wondered

"You don't need to ask!" We kissed passionately, it felt like time stopped for a minute.

"Goodnight beautiful, see your gorgeous face in the morning..."

Julian's sweet words were the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

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