Through Jules Eyes

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My alarm sounded, I walked into the bathroom, gave myself a peep talk, did my vocal exercises & run to the gym. I was meeting Will and Trent there, they had got back from holidays in Queensland so it was time for a gym workout. I'd told them what they have missed out, and of course what's been happening with me and Aubree.

"WOWWW A PROMISE RING!?!?" Yelled Will,

"Yeahh! It was supposed to be a purposal but I flunked out, so I changed last minute to a promise ring." I replied with a huge grin. My phone calendar sound went off


"And today it's our 3 year anniversary! WOWWW!" I irrelevantly stated, Trent and Will looked eachother in the eye's, turned to me with huge grins...

"Let's go back to our place!" Since they lived with me and Jayden we all went back to the house, Zach asleep on the couch... brings back memories,

"ZACHARIAH KEEDA IS AT THE DOOR!!!" We slammed the door shut and Trent ran over to him and kissed his cheek,

"HEEY BABE! I MISSEF YOU ASLEEP ON THE COUCH!" He said in the girlies voice ever! Then he tapped Zach's nose! Will stood at Zach's feet,

"TIMBERRRRRRR" He slammed onto Zach's body,

"OI I LIKE FALLING OVER TOO!" Jayden yelled from the door,

"JAYDOOOO!" We all said and ran over to him to group hug, it didn't feel right, Zach wasn't there! We all jumped onto him,

"ohhh good morning cornflakes! Haven't seen you crunchy things for awhile!" Zach screamed! We all pissed ourselves! We loved Zach's morning messages, we all got into shorts and singlets. Will was sitting on his computer,

"YESSS GOT IT!" He slammed the lid shut,

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Just got you and Aubree a reservation at the finest restaurant in Sydney and a house boat for a couple of days!" He said smiling,

"WHATTT! THANKS MAN!" I jumped with joy then Trent walked over,

"I'd got this, Will can help you with romantic stuff, I'll help you with you flirting cause you suck..."

"HEEEY!" I turned facing him,

"SHUT UP I HAVEN'T FINISHED! And Zach can dress you!" He said looking all sorted out.

"What about me?" Jayden asked,

"Jayden you can learn how to flirt too!" Trent joked

"OHHH SWEEEET!" I guess Jaydo and I did suck with flirting... Aubree and Rhiannon don't seem to mind... I think.

Will went on about how he was gonna go put fairy lights on the boat to be romantic and put some candles out. Trent said he would leave rose petals on the bed and around the boat with a bottle of champagne. Zach grabbed Red Supras (shoes), Black jeans, a plan white V-neck and my favourite a Red blazer! It was about 6:30 so I'd thought I'd leave,

"Oi since I did nothing, I got you a sweet limo to cruise around in and a hat so you can drive." Said Jayden

"Haha thanks man!" I replied, I said by to everyone and was off to get Aubree.

I parked out the front and run inside, I was stopped in my tracks by a beautiful girl or looked somewhat familiar... just joking it was Aubree, looking so damn swaggling (in the words of Will!)

"YOU LOOK...PERFECT!!!!" I said feeling lost for words and butterflies swarming in my stomach,

"And you in that red blazer, whit top and black jeans..." She stated but i had to cut her off,

"Look amazing? haha!"

"I was gonna say ugly but sure close enough..." She said sarcastically, we both laughed and I grasped her hand and walked her out the door, and watched her face brighten up, I put Jaydo's hat on my head,

"I shall be your driver today Mrs. De Vizio!" I said in a snobby voice,

"Julian, were not..."

"Sshhhhh we promised! So we kind of are..." I cut her off. She went a little red in her cheeks, awww what a babe!

We arrived at one of the fanciest restaurants I've ever seen, if course Will knew this existed... I couldn't even pronounce the stupid name!

"JULIAN!" She screamed

"AUBREE!!!! I swear to god just shhhh your mouth! heheheh." I said trying to hide it was half Will's idea.

Dinner was taking forever, I was hoping we didn't miss the house boat, Jayden said if it wasn't gone by 9:00 the owner was taking it.

"Babe, you ok?" She asked while rubbing my hand softly ,

"Yeah we have to go!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat and quickly paid for the dinner, I then blind folded her.

"Babe! What the hell are you doing?" She asked,

"Watch your step!" I helped her into the car, something was up? The car trip was short and silent, I don't think she had a clue where we were headed! I unblinded her and we saw a gorgeous house boat, with a decking and fairy lights, thank you boys!

"Nawwww babe!" She said sweetly,

"Do you like it?" I asked anxiously,

"No! I love it!" I helped her on board and I pronounced,

"I'm the captain of this ship and you are my mistress!" I honestly thought I sounded like a bit of an idiot... I pressed the play button on and They don't know about us- One Direction started playing, I grabbed a bottle of champaigne and popped the cork out,

"A drink madam?" I poured her a glass and we clinked them together, I then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to my body...

"I'm sorry about the fans being a bit jealous of us, but all I want is you, it's gotta be you!" I rested my forehead against hers, even though I'm a lot taller than her, even if she had heels on.

I then swept her off the ground into a bridal hold and brought her under the decks to the bedroom, there were candles and roses spread around the room. It was perfect for what I have been planning in my head.

"What are you doing?" She laughed as I gave her a sexual tension smirk, then pulled our bodies tightly together "just wait and see" I told her. I layed her down on the bed softly and started to kiss her neck. She flipped me onto my back kissing me and softly biting my lip. I picked her up and smashed her into the wall, by this point she had no pants on and I had no T-shirt on. "Are you sure about this? Or are you uncomfortable?" I stopped to make sure,

"Julian I've wanted this longer than you have... I want it!" She said as she puffed and gave me a small kiss on my neck, she was bluffing. I gave in and put her back onto the bed, we were getting really into it now. It was one of the most beautiful times we've had with eachother. It was really something to remember. Then I remembered, I forgot about protection...

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