Heaven Help Me

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I slammed the door shut, and dived onto my bed. As I curled up into a ball, I heard screaming coming from downstairs, then the door slammed. Was that it? Was it really ending just like that? I picked up the phone and called the two most important people, Rhiannon and Mikayla. These two were my best friends, been there for me since the start of year 7, we haven't been able to be apart since, we knew eachother back to front, pros and cons and flaws and perfection. Mikayla was tall, had the body, you know the curves and the tan! Long wavey hair the colour of Carmel. Then Rhiannon, dark purple with dark brown high lights in the sun, her hair was long and she was short, like short as! Then she was pale, unless we used Mikayla's fake tan, then she had pear shaped curves, like good pear shape curves.

Then there's me, pale like Rhiannon, no curves, but I was skinny, and tall. I had long brown hair with a red dip dye.

"Hello, who's this?" Mikayla answered

"Mikayla it's me, Aubree. You with Rhiannon?" My voice was breaking

"AUBREE WHAT'S HAPPENED! SHE'S NEXT TO ME! TELL US NOW?" I knew she could hear it in my voice, I was hurt, they always new what I was feeling.

I blurted everything out, they gasped,

"It's actually the end this time, I don't want to be in this house anymore! I've grown up with my family together, now they are just ending a 20 year marriage like this!" I broke down in tears again, I don't want my parents to get a divorce!

"Aubree come over to mine now, we will watch movies, eat chocolate, roast marshmallows and call the boys, you will be fine." The phone call ended, I packed my bags and ran down stairs, heading out the door. I was stopped in my tracks, i felt a tight grip around my arm, I turned to face my mum. Her mascara smudged tears rolling down her face, I could never look at her the same way ever again. It was all her fault, I just told her I was going out and pushed her away. I ran to Mikayla's it's a 20 minute walk, I just want to get all this out of my mind. Tonight will be fun, I have my bestfriends, my boyfriend and their boyfriends to comfort me.

I couldn't lift my arms up to knock, so I knocked with my head, After all I'd been running for 20 minutes, my head was the only part not aching. The door swung wide open, before I ynoticed who it was I felt a warm hug wrap around my body. I knew who it was straight away, his hugs were like heaven.

"Julian! I guess you know what..." my sentence was cut in.

"Happened? Yeah I do, don't think about it, I'm here for you, everything will be fine!"

He was that one guy every girl dreamed of, the one who can finish your sentences, know exactly what mood your in by the way you act or what your facials are, the one who you knew would always be there, through thick and thin. He was different to my last boyfriend, way better and living compared to him actually. Julian was my other half, the one I smiled most around and the one that knew me almost as well as Mikayla and Rhiannon. Julian De Vizio was all mine, had 10000000 girls screaming his name, but he chose me. He was perfect! This was real love.

I kept forgetting that Rhiannon and Mikayla moved in together, they had asked me to move in except I wasn't ready to move out of my house, I'd have to leave my 14 year old sister Savannah, me and her are really close, we share a room even though we don't have to! I'd also have to leave my 3 year old brother Jakeb, his so adorable! His really annoying but he is god damn cute! I know I'd still see them a lot if I moved out, it's just really hard. So I walked inside, straight to the bathroom. I didn't think Julian was going to be there before me, I looked like I'd just died and turned into a zombie! Julian barged through the door and ran away with my makeup bag, he's such a child! He ran out the back door, jumped through a window that was open in the spare room! What is this? Does he think his superman...well he was always talking about how he loved superman as a baby. I was laughing, when I caught up he started hiding. I was searching everywhere, then the next thing I knew I was tackled to the ground, we were both pissing ourselves, and then he was on top of me and looked into my eyes,

"Aubree, do you know what?"


"I stole your makeup because your perfect the way you are, all that makeup hides the real you, why don't you get that I feel inlove with the real Aubree, not the one that needs makeup to feel good" He was so dreamy, I swear no one gets how perfect he is!

"Nawwwwww Julian! I love you to the moon and back, I can really be myself around you, your just perfect!" All we heard was,

"Oh la la!" Julian rolled off the top of me and had a cheeky grin on his face, he ran over to give them a hug,

"Hey Aubree!"

"Hey Tyler, Hey Jayden!" Tyler was Mikayla's boyfriend, he was so nice, really respected her. They were high school sweethearts, even though the weren't together... they were still high school sweethearts. Then Jayden, he was apart of The Collective with Julian, they were really close, like brothers. He was also Rhiannon's boyfriend, they were perfect together! Both adorable, act like babies and were both really short! They made eachother happy.

Somehow with in two split seconds Jayden was out of the room! He did run pretty fast though so I knew it was coming. Then I heard really loud screaming, it was coming from Rhiannon's room, I thought she had hurt her self so I sprinted up to her room, only to find her and Jayden were rolling around on the ground being all cute!

"Guys what are you doing, I thought you died Rhiannon!" Rhiannon just started pissing her self laughing! She laughs at absolutely everything, usually for no reason!

"It's all good Aubree, I'd never hurt her! I'm just happy to see her..."

"Jayden it's been like a day!" He blushed, it was cute how much he loved her,

"Well, um, uh, sh-she just means a lot to me ok!" Rhiannon grabbed his neck and they kissed, I just slammed the door shut so they had a little but of privacy!

Next thing I knew my mouth was covered and I was dragged into a dark room, I was kicking and trying to scream but all of a sudden I was thrown to the ground, not to hard though. Fairy lights turned on with a small dinner table set up with roses, my favourite dinner, Vietnamese, I looked up to find Julian.


"Yeah that was kind of my plan, but look its perfect, your favourite dinner with your favourite person!"

"WOOO WAIT WHERE'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!" I was just teasing him but thank god he caught on and laughed along with me,

"Well I know we both wish he was here today but unfortunately I don't have that kind of money" Man we got along perfectly!

Over dinner we flirted, laughed so hard we knocked our drinks over and had tears running down our face. Then his face went all serious, I was kind of scared

"Julian? What's wrong?"

"Well, we have been together for 2 years now and I know we are only 17 and young, but we have really learnt how to be around eachother. I remember we're we first meet, at a music festival, we bothed travelled to Sydney to see it. Then our first date, along Bondi Beach, we walked along the sand, hand in hand. Then we went to the closest fish and chip place and watched the sun go down. Since then we have barely been apart, we have been through everything together, that's why I want to know if you will take this ring, this ring will stand for a promise I want to make. I want us to promise eachother that we will maybe, uh..."

"Oh my god!" I covered my mouth with a tear rolling down my cheek,

"Promise t-to, marry eachother?"

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